Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Constitution 101: Fourth Amendment Prevents Government From Asking

With all the recent publicity in the U.S. media with respect to the Pentagon's stances on the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, and domestic differences of opinion in the McCain household which also have recently made the mainstream broadcast media for their spins, it has amazed this Constitutional Conservative American just how far afield this "discussion" and polling has gone, and just whose opinions are being sought - rather than our framers and founders.

It seems pretty clear to me that the Fourth Amendment actually PREVENTS the government from asking, but not the gay community from telling if they so desire. It is there and was given to protect the privacy of Americans in such a matter clearly as their sexual preferences and orientations, and the government has no business knowing such information with the exception of those who may eventually be serving active duty in some foreign engagement where there might be housing concerns.

And I guess if we would get over our addiction to pre-emptive and aggressive wars instead of defensive wars only, this would be a non-issue really to begin with.

But such "news" doesn't make the headlines. Or the schoolrooms, it appears, on absolutely any level whatsoever anymore.

And if there wasn't already adequate proof that our grammar school, high school and college curriculums could use major adjustments in that area, rather than the "science and technology" fields and teaching kids how to use a computer, rather than to think, this issue makes it crystal clear just where our schools have deliberately "dumbed down" our kids, our Pentagon officials, those serving on Capitol Hill, our newscasters and print journalists.

Maybe all the McCains could get behind this one.

Or not.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Global Meterologists Sunning in Cancun While Meeting On Climate Change

It was reported in the mainstream media that while the U.S. is still facing its greatest domestic recession since the Great Depression, the globalists UN members, many flying on their private jets, are meeting in Cancun, Mexico to "study" climate change.

Below is a quotation from the mainstream media article on the meeting verbatim:

"The meeting comes as a new report by the U.N.'s weather agency, the World Meteorological Organization, says greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere have reached their highest levels since pre-industrial times. These gases, which warm the Earth's surface, continued to build up in 2009 -- the latest year studied -- despite the economic slowdown, said the the report last week."

Now we have a World Meterological Organization, in addition to the World Health Organization?

And interesting to note that the quote references that "gas levels in the atmosphere have reached their highest levels since pre-industrial times," while also stating that they "continue to build up...DESPITE the economic slowdown."

Hello? If the first statement has any factual basis (and who knows since such measurements were not even measured in pre-industrial times, so what a hoot!), then the second statement would stand to reason that if there is an "economic slowdown" in industry, then the levels WOULD rise to levels which were present in the pre-industrial era.

What a conundrum, and what spin!

I wonder how many golfing games, and windsurfing events are on the agenda for these globalists while "meeting" in Cancun?

Climate change? Isn't change in climate the norm? And is there nothing as unpredictable as the weather? And just how accurate are meterologists in general on the daily changes in weather, much less in being able to predict what MIGHT occur hundreds or even thousands of years from now?

I wonder are these some of the same meterologists that were unable to predict the correct path of Hurricane Gustav before it hit landfall back in 2008?

I wonder if in truth they are meeting to plan the next "natural" disaster to then build up the control of the global economy instead through the World Bank? I mean, if you can seed clouds for agricultural purposes at this point in history to protect the food sources, could you not also "overseed" those clouds in order to facilitate a hurricane, say, in order to justify your existence, and feed the global bankers once again?

What politics. What spin. What utter baloney.

Maybe they are meeting with the drug cartel members, perhaps, instead?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Prince William To Wed, Bristol Palin Gets BBC Props

Although a rare watcher of the television since it went cable (pay per view), which means I'm now forced to pay for the propaganda spewed on most of the major networks and cable programs just to get the local news and weather, unless you live in a cave today's top stories were hard to avoid.

First, Prince William is to marry finally the woman he has been stringing along for over eight years.

And proposed with the ring his mother, the late Princess Diana (or former Princess Charles of Wales, to be politically correct) received upon her ill-fated betrothal back in 1986.

A marriage that did not end very happily, nor whose life's end has not had its share of detractors also with respect to the "official" stories on that crash in Paris all those years ago.

Of course, the Queen and PM were reported "delighted," as they were with Prince Charles' selection of a bride. And this one, from all appearances, even has a more sense of herself from the outset than Princes Di.

One can only cross fingers, but it is clear the Brits rule once again the U.S. media on the extensive coverage given this really non-event considering, as Glenn Beck (that other Brit worshiper in drag due to his FOX/Rupert Murdoch connections, who wears his polo shirts with "Britain" emblazoned on them during his recent book tours) so aptly put it on one of his recent rants during an entire program devoted to George Soros and his political influence in this country, our media has "bigger fish to fry," than another royal wedding on the domestic front.

I mean, who really cares who Prince William marries unless it was one of Camilla's offspring? Perish the thought.

The second news bit seems to coincide with the first.

And that is that the finalists on that BBC Worldwide produced show for the high rated "Dancing with the Stars" import from the British Isle is to include Bristol Palin, who's mother also now has a cable news "reality" program on their life in Alaska (a state which has bucket loads of oil that those Brits also wish to control).

Brandy, a far better dancer (and I do have some expertise in that field also, since I did spend many, many hours in dance studios as the mother of daughters, and also trained myself in my younger years) and who was a leader from the outset from all reports was booted in favor of Ms. Palin's progeny.

Bruno was oh, so politically correct after the announcement and shock, and admonished the viewers that their "votes count." As was Brandy's partner, a Russian immigrant who extolled the virtues of this country and its "voting" process.

Right. Although left out just who was doing the counting.

I just wonder, since Brandy did score a repeat performance next week after this travesty, just what other perks she might have received for publicly showing that "stiff upper lip" those Brits are famous for?

I'm sure that isn't a question Jimmy Kimmel will ask tonight during his post-mortem.

The other day I was really shocked when turning on the television. Not only do we now have those Spanish language programs throughout the country which you cannot "unsubscribe" for unless you also buy another device or have a degree in programming, but there was a "new" Asian station in either Japanese or Korean included in the "package" sold by a local cable company in the Western United States.

And remember, America, you ARE paying for this.

In one way or another.

Monday, November 8, 2010

America Subdivided: Washington Politicos Selling Off America?

While Barack Obama spends this last week after the disastrous election last Tuesday in India posing in front of some of India's architectural wonders, a country who has gained immeasurably by the generosity of both Republicans and Democrats in jobs and industries sold off bit by bit to foreign interests in order to "balance" the global economy at the cost of America's own, perhaps it is time to reflect on just what other industries, and America's own natural resources have been sold off to foreigners or foreign countries also progressively:

1. Our banks and currency regulation - Great Britain (London) through the Federal Reserve
2. Our oil reserves - Great Britain
3. Our gold mines - South Africa, Canada and Great Britain
4. Our independently owned or franchised hotels - India
5. Our auto industry - Mexico, Canada and China
6. Our state and national forests - now "controlled" or "wildfire" burned, in order to then honor those free trade agreements and import more Canadian lumber and timber domestically.
7. Our nuclear reactors - now foreign owned through various globally traded holding companies
8. Our clothing, apparel and durable goods (including those sovenirs) - China
9. Our cattle ranches - Korea, Japan
10. The Port of New Orleans - Great Britain
11. The Garden District and French Quarter real estate post Katrina - primarily BP execs, Britain
12. Our construction industry workforce - Mexico
13. Our agricultural workforce - Mexico
14. Our tech workforce - India
15. Our medical doctors and surgical staffs - more and more, India and South America
16. Our airlines - all globally traded, thus foreign owned
17. Our private hospitals - many "networks" globally traded, thus foreign owned

Does it really take an economist to calculate just why the American economy is continuing to spiral ever downward? Are there any American economists employed by this administration or the last several, or are they all "foreign" experts also more concerned with the world's economy than this country's, and has that industry also been "outsourced" as has been much of our television and print media?

This also does not factor in the contribution that other political branch and benefactor, the judiciary, have in their increased wealth as globalism believers in all the "corporate friendly" laws and statutes which have given "privileges and immunities" to not simply U.S. domestic global corporations, but even those foreign owned banks, insurance companies and financial institutions, PROGRESSIVELY under both Republican and Democratic administrations.

Protectionism does work for America, and always has in providing both jobs, and new industry, and in removing the personal income tax per those founder's intent on domestic production and labor in order to protect this country's economy, and placing it back on foreign production and labor, it can work again.

If an American citizen or American corporation wants to hire foreign workers or buy foreign goods, so be it, and those prices will be higher as a result, but if an American citizen or domestic corporation wants to outsource they SHOULD have to pay more for those goods and services, and would also result in domestic products and services being on par or at least more competitive in the process.

THAT would actually BE a global market based economy domestically, rather than one that we have now run by the foreign Global Governors in that G-20 who are for the most part Europeans and driving this country into the ground in the process, and bankrupting the American citizenry for their ultimate dominion and gain due to their also primarily regulating and controlling through those globally also traded U.S. banks our currency rates.

And in the mortgage banking and educational loans, imposing even their own currency (the British LIBOR) on those sums through the U.S. banks, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac even.

The Chinese definitely are not the only problem, America.

These are allies?

Euro-scavengers is more like it.

Subdividing America during those Global Governor's meetings.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Global Governor Obama Visits India

Global Governor Barack Obama's trip to India has received wide press reporting this past week, a trip which was undertaken within 24 hours of Tuesday's election and apparently another scheduled vacation week after spending most of the last few months on the campaign trail for various Democratic candidates.

I'm just wondering, have the American taxpayers been paying for all the political junkets, and these vacations to foreign countries this past two years?

I mean, it does appear that the jobs of the foreign ambassadors at this point are nothing more than "cake" jobs at the expense of the taxpayers, since during this entire Administration both Mr. Obama and Ms. Clinton have been out of the country more than they have been in it.

While the United States is still mired in one of its deepest recessions ever (absent the propaganda in the mainstream media pointing to the recession "officially" ending in June 2009, since they clearly must be referring to the global economy and not that of the United States in any coherent manner whatsoever).

The latest reports on the added new jobs since October pointed to the retail sector, restaurants and bars, and medicine primary. Of course with the holidays coming up, these "seasonal" jobs for the most part will be gone by January.

Mr. Obama has been also attempting to put a spin on the number of U.S. jobs that have been outsourced to India during this week long vacation. And just what a few billion dollar trade deals with the U.S. will eventually provide in the way of jobs for Americans.

I wonder what jobs the East Indians can provide for Americans? I mean, their entire tech industry has been one huge massive gain for that country's economy after all the monies both this and the last Administration has poured into Silicon Valley only to have those taxpayer sums then used to hire the East Indian workforce for the most part.

I mean, even the food stamp program in many states is "administered" by companies that are hiring workers from the call centers in New Delhi.

Heads up, Mr. Obama: Global governance is what is killing this country.

And the East Indian workforce needs far less a stimulus than that of the U.S. workforce. I mean, I'm sure all those cell phone companies are making a bundle off the East Indian workforce and the U.S. citizens both that could be then used to reduce the U.S. citizens tax burdens by imposing once again those "import" taxes on foreign goods and labor and reducing the personal income taxes of all but the top 10% earners, since those earners are the ones also gaining their profits at the public's general expense in these free trade deals, and also those taxpayer grants and gimmes.

I mean, it takes Americans twice as long on their cells now to clear up some of those billing errors in those calls to New Delhi. So the U.S. citizens are being hit with treble damages on those cell phone bills as it is.

First for the jobs lost, second for the added call time on their bills, and third for those "income" and added assundry taxes even on those bills passed off to the public that the Indian workforce are not required to pay but they are.

Maybe it's time to phone home for a reality check.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Posturing Republicans To Reverse Obamacare?

On the "high" tide of the Republican victory re-establishing themselves as the voice of the House (and, by inference, then the people although clearly those corporate special interests rather that financed that Citizens United case), it was declared that the first order of business would be to reverse that monumental Constitutional faux pas of the Democratic controlled Congress, Obamacare.


And bite the hand that actually feeds them?

Although only two Senators "officially" voted for Obamacare in order to get it through and made into "law," clearly that political move was seen by most Independents, and the non-corporate affiliated Tea Party members even for what it was.

Pure politics.

After all, Nixon was sitting in the Oval Office when the disastrous HMO concept was hatched in order to purportedly save the American people a bundle on both their insurance costs, and their out of pocket health care costs.

That, of course, didn't happen.

Instead, there is now a chain of command and numerous individuals who get a part of those insurance proceeds before you even get a diagnosis, in many cases, or treated for the malady that ails you in most of those "clinics."

With the staff of those clinics now also billing according to the amount of time each doctor spends with you, and also for filling out all those lengthy and numerous now insurance forms.

Instead of one, they now get to bill for three or four for your average physical.

Obamacare simply has increased the "corporate" control over patient care, and also the eventual costs to the public when those that are now homeless and jobless cannot pay for those even "cut rate" co-op plans that were put forth as bait in order to simply quell the outraged public and masses.

Those global and national "chains" of hospitals and health care providers have been given carte blanche over the American people's future health, especially the upcoming boomer generation, again without even a minimum of oversight or regulation other than a few "foreign" lackeys in Washington and "yes men," for their administrative decisions depending on their occupancy, budgets, and shareholders needed profit margins.

There definitely was a reason that "privatized" hospitals also were not the intent of those founders, but state and county hospitals and faith based primarily donor supported facilities.

Lower costs overall, since no shareholder profits or "advertising" expenses were needed in those budgets. And those expenses add plenty to that final bill.

And not to be a doom and gloom pessimist, but having recently experienced a three year ordeal in just how progressive and major illnesses are now treated under Medicare, can only wonder just what "cut rate" health care for the boomers will be like.

I mean, we have stepped up these death row executions within the past few years in most states throughout the nation, testing all those new lethal injection drugs on those prisoners as was recently done in Arizona using a British made drug that has been in use in this country since the 1920's (sodium pentathol), but somehow during that highly publicized event, we were "out?"

Those DNR forms also are getting attached to most admissions forms upon emergency treatment when Americans reach a certain age, so I wonder just what will happen if some of those mega-health care providers need that bed instead for a lucrative, elective plastic surgery?

And most of the boomer generation have paid far longer, and much more than the previous generations for the building of those hospitals and clinics, in both the state and federal grant monies extended to them for their building, operating and research costs through both their "income" taxes, and also their state property taxes in most states throughout the nation.

It was interesting to note a recent article that even some of the faith based hospitals are excited about ObamaCare, since it makes the value of those hospitals, built with public donations mind you, so much more valuable for them to sell to the highest "global" bidder.

Doctors are now performing for many procedures, assembly line operations for heart disease and other common degenerative diseases due to age, six and seven before even lunch.

Between ObamaCare, that carbon tax, and the foreclosure mess the Republicans certainly won't have to concern themselves much with their platform positions on the "death tax."

The boomers won't have anything left at all, when they face those DNR forms.

And this particular generation may have the shortest life span of all, for those "global" profits.

And AARP its lowest membership in their decades long history also progressively.

No wonder they start sending out those enrollment forms at 50.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Citizens United Rebound: Elections Run Amok

Tuesday was election day throughout the nation, and appears it was another occasion where "backing up" our election campaign finance laws is long overdue.

At both the state and federal levels.

"Citizens United" was by far one of THE MOST egregious unconstitutional decisions heretofore ever made by the U.S. Supreme Court in its over 200 year history, along of course with that "corporate person-hood" redefinition and blurring in the differences between the free speech rights of the people, and elected officials and those running for political office through various "commercial" special interest and PAC organizations funded with many times matching federal grant monies due to their "educational" focuses, or "non-profit" status.

Prior to that one, it was the Kelo decision, also giving corporate interests, in bed with the muncipal and state governments, more power, and has resulted in the American public's land and homes being "taken" more and more for tax revenue in then legalized "theft" by the "sovereign" on behalf on one of their "favored subjects" ala Great Britain.

All in the name of the political benefit and the added revenue "the state" can receive from such takings, and so contrary to the intention of those founders for protection of their land and homes which was also a fundamental gripe of those patriots in the land seizures in Britain at their expense, it is equally astounding in its magnitude.

That Citizens United cases has contributed to our election process becoming nothing more than political blindsiding, with a license to then libel, or spin and spin some more propaganda with the end result being the one who could dodge the bullets faster, or the mud, or has the largest campaign coffer to repeat those message ad infinitum in those prime time spots, wins.

And that was apparent this last "off" election year cycle.

There were so many ads run on the local and cable television networks by various PAC organizations and partisan political groups, it seems almost a constant barrage of election overload began from the onset and in midsummer at that.

With the Constitution itself used in many for their positions, with so many spins that my head was spinning after almost all of those one minute spots the "misrepresentations" were coming so furious and fast.

In one highly produced commercial aimed at one of the candidates from an opposing party by the PAC organization for the "Democrats," slams were taken at a candidate due to his opposition to the 17th Amendment and position that it should be somewhat "rewound" to its original Constitutional intent for state representation.

According to the "man on the street" type blurbs that accompanied the spins, the actors the actors stated he was way "too extreme" a candidate to be given any consideration.

Of course, the 17th Amendment as it is now written erased the election of senators by the various state legislatures, and put those elections also into the hands of the public unconstitutionally - thus eliminated the "representation" of the states by the state legislatures as their "representatives," with the House intended, of course, to be the balance and true voice of the people strictly living in their own legislative districts.

It was in effect done due to the difficulties at segregated times for the state legislatures to get together in order to elect a member when one of the senators either died in office, or was removed or could no longer perform the functions of office due to varying circumstances.

And also, along with the passage of the 16th and creation of the Federal Reserve, to centralize more and more power in Washington by the states, so very contrary to the intended Republican type of government those founders actually created of a "general" and "special" governments and the balance of power, and accountability to the people at primarily the more local level.

Now, local elections are primarily funded and also those ads produced by "out of district" commercial political organizations, many of which themselves owned by "foreign" corporate interests, with their "home" offices in other districts, and other states.

Thus, your local election can be "won" by a New York or Los Angeles "special interest" or media group and thus stimulating their local economies for commercial purposes using your election in Hometown, U.S.A.

And also due to those "matching sums" unconstitutionally also received by the two mainstream political parties "corporate" organizations, who have in essence completely hijacked our election process at the state level in most of the larger states and even the process itself, so much so that at this point we have an unrepresentative government on every level, and campaign election laws that continue to get more "PAC" and special "corporate" interest friendly, and less "legal" along the intent of those founders for a representative government of the states, and their respective district citizenry.

At this point, even "foreign" out of country PAC organizations are gaining more and more a foothold in our election process, through their "national" domiciled offices or those "bundlers" also accepting out of state donations to local election campaigns in order to influence or fix the outcomes.

Note to the voters: Casting your vote has never become more important, but less relevant in just how that election eventually turns out.

And more so by the year.

The next presidential election cycle should be starting anytime now.

I mean, Christmas decorations went up about two weeks ago throughout the country before Halloween, so look for April or May and get out the Dramamine before Super Tuesday high tide washes you away.

It has become abundantly clear to many, our personal "legal" and relevant vote is nothing more than a test of patience, and our election contribution just another donation primarily to the state and federal revenue coffers once again in those gasoline taxes for the fuel it takes to get to those polling places.

And in this "high tech" voting age, I'm wondering really how many of those early mail in written ballots will be counted, or simply tossed in File 13.