Saturday, August 29, 2009

Commercial Stakeholders Wrote ObamaCare, Remember?

To Any And All Constitutional Conservative Americans:

This week while all the mass media attention has been now focused on the death of the liberal Ted Kennedy and his "contributions" to American politics, much is being used also with respect to his fight for "health care reform" printed by the mainstream media.

What? And Why?

Massachusetts is one state that already has a socialized "comprehensive" health care program which was enacted under Mitt Romney, another liberal, so at a loss why now there is all this focus on Kennedy's fight for health care reform when, as a federal legislator, his true constituency and concerns had already been addressed at the state level in providing such care for those who are unable to get insurance, or for catastrophic needs.

As has every single state in the union now such health care plans, funded by state taxation at varying levels and accountable then much more at a local level as intended by the founders for such legislation as this.

This legislation does appear nothing more at this point than a "Health Care Actuary Tax" and another move to centralize more power in Washington, than at the state level per Constitutional intent. Congress's main duties in domestic matters are limited, after all, to regulation of commercial interests at the public's expense, not consulting with the commercial interests ("stakeholders" in the now politically correct redefinition) for their benefit and welfare at the public's expense.

The new buzzword now being used for political correctness in more and more legislation for the commercial special interests lobbying for more and more share of the public's purse in government welfare appears to be "stakeholders."

Stakeholders are being consulted on the border issue now also by Ms. Napolitano's office. And just who are these "stakeholders" that are being consulted? Certainly not the victims or their families who have been robbed of their lives and property progressively during the past twenty years since the first Reagan amnesty passed also without addressing the open borders situation or criminal "hoppers", but the big businesses and commercial interests actually profiting off of the open borders.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce members, and gadget industries of Silicon Valley most of all. And, of course, the illegal immigrant focused special interest groups like LaRaza.

Whose only real apparent interest stepped up when some of those state level employer sanctions laws were being placed on ballots in the Southwest due to the American citizen initiatives initiated by many of the literally thousands of victims of illegal immigrant crimes over the past two decades, which concerned them greatly as a threat to many also Latino businesses which also hire them or could be penalized. Or apparently some of that motivation I'm sure can be traced to simply wishing to get some of their relatives off the couch and into homes of their own.

Since without those borders being secured, those illegals would be dumb to take Uncle Sam up on such an offer.

To do so most likely would result in losing those "jobs Americans don't want in construction, manufacturing, agriculture and technology now to next month's new crop of illegals or even a number of those bulk foreigner work visa imports, and that new cheap housing they were able to qualify for in the process due to the depression in the market which has been manipulated this past four years in order for them to qualify, relieving them then of their savings for those junk fees and heavy front end costs for the "creative" loans which are still being sold since the true cause of what occurred has not been addressed in the slighest by either this or the last Administration.

Simply American taxpayer money and more debt incurred for the Fed bankers and to pump up those banks stocks on Wall Street and in order to use those banks as the government's agents to "buy down" those foreign investor debts at the American people's and those homeowners expense and flip those properties to potentially you new non-English speaking patsies.

Nothing more than a massive governmental Ponzie scheme, as it were.

So when you hear the term "stakeholder" used by the federal government with respect to upcoming legislation, substitute the words "taxpayer welfare recipient" and "government joint venture co-conspirator and state actor" instead.

In order to be truly "politically correct."

Friday, August 28, 2009

State Politicos Capitalizing On Mortgage Crisis for Careers

I read recently that Terry Goddard, Arizona's current attorney general, has joined a Task Force supposedly to address the scam artists operating in Arizona after Obama's claimed "rescue" was announced.

Below is a copy of a letter I sent to the Arizona legislature as a former 45 year resident and victim of state and federal governmental negligence to do their primary jobs and functions with respect to both regulation of commercial interests operating within the state, and also the border security issue which has progressively also victimized so many thousands of border state residents.

Dear Legislators:

I read with interest the interviews Mr. Goddard has been conducting on his now appointment and selection in the 10 state "Mortgage Foreclosure" Task Force. About four years too late, isn't he? Actually, about fifteen if you count the ones now being lost by homeowners to those "state actor" HOA foreclosures also facilitated by the Arizona legislature's progressive unconstitutional legislation with federal collusion, of course, for the benefit of U.S. developers and the municipal governments at private property owners expense selling what are no more than "use rights" as "ownership" rights.

My response to one such recent article is below, in which he attempted to shift blame for this "white collar criminal fraud" on simply the now ex-real estate agent taxpayer paid "advisors" when it is and was clear that Obama's focus was to protect the foreign investors through those banks and simply paint it for the public as a "rescue" and help for those scammed homeowners by those lenders and agents pushing those loans for higher commissions. In fact it is nothing more than a means to facilitate more profit for the banks and flip those properties while continuing to collect those fees and added usurous costs in those "contracts" before eventual foreclosure, with the future plan quite apparent being setting up the "new legalized" Americans as the next patsies in what appears to be at this point a governmentally facilitated Ponzie scheme.

Which now has been recyled twice, last time under during the Keating fiasco in the 80's under Reagan.

Along, of course, with a new group of retiree baby boomers from the East and Midwest drawn by all those ads the realtors are running in the East Coast and Midwestern newspapers on the cheap housing now available, after stealing them from the Regan era group now in their 70's and 80's.

And the fleeing liberal Californians also from the havoc they have wrecked in their own state due to their also progressive liberalism on both sides of the aisle - Republican big business corporate welfare liberalism and Democrat big business corporate welfare liberalsm, with just a shift in "corporate" group of beneficiary at the individual citizen's expense.:

"Most of those unlawful mortgages were written out of California, Mr. Goddard, and Arizona by Countrywide, IndyMac, Bank of America (now a front for Merrill Lynch after the bank "bailout" of the Federal Reserve bank branches by the Federal Reserve and thus the entire "bailout" a fraud on the public to begin with, and which as an investment broker bundled and resold a great many of those mortgages to those foreign investors on the secondary markets to begin with).

And not mentioned is the contribution in these foreclosures of the scam HOAs that Arizona instituted as nothing more than "use rights" sold as "ownership" and "socialized housing" which are also responsible for most of them in their unregulated practices, overly restrictive maintenance standards and costs and that "extra" uncredited taxation which is what is leading to many losing their homes, especially the retirees and others on fixed incomes - incomes which did not "adjust" at all during the boom while property taxes skyrocketed.

As one who lost their home (and home state) after 45 years during this mortgage meltdown due to those unlawful statutes and "state" actors and actions, and also three illegal immigrant thefts during the past 10 - this "task force" is so he can promote himself in the race for Governor for 2010 and nothing more.

For years, when homeowners were being ripped off right and left by the state created HOAs (because they can even move faster than the mortgage companies, or act in collusion with them through the "industry" foreclosure lawyers associated within the Bar itself), Mr. Goddard simply posted notices to "Beware of foreclosure scams," that was the extent of his involvement on behalf ot the Arizonans who were paying his salaries and is supposed to address such criminal matters through his offices and high taxpayer paid staff members.

And he and all the lawyers he employs in that office must be playing Guitar Hero on their new stimulus provided computers from that taxpayer paid billion dollar grant to Silicon Valley (the largest recipient also on the Middle East wars, and domestic spying program now)...because his idea of prosecuting felons in that state that are involved in the white collar criminal activity going on in the real estate market there is posting notices on his website - or telling homeowners to go "file a lawsuit" (foreclosed on property owners don't usually have five figure retainers, and he knows it) when that is HIS JOB - to represent Arizonans in capital criminal matters.

And stealing homes and equity without trials in many of these ongoing foreclosures due to the extenuating circumstances in lack of regulation in any manner whatsoever in Arizona of the real estate industry, banks and predatory lawyers engaged in this continuing practice is capital fraud, not civil fraud.

And they are setting up the illegals that they intend to legalize as the next victims, who won't be able to read those 50 page loan docs in English since most Americans could not understand that speak fluent English. Or even those that have legal training and experience they are so full of legalese and double speak, and protective covenants for the lenders most of all not simply on repayment of the loans, but also care and upkeep of the properties themselves even with the heavy front end costs, down payments and junk fees that were charged also for most of those loans.

It appears now that the MO is that in another 20 years, another new generaton of retirees those brokers and agents then lure to Arizona with these "cheap" properties with their ads in the Chicago and East Coast newspapers on the great "deals" in Arizona real estate and homes once again can be fleeced then of theirs when their health starts to decline, and upkeep and maintenance then starts to also be affected due to physical or economic limitations.

Live there long enough, you see the practice in real estate flipping is contrived since there are more realtors and brokers, and lawyers in Arizona combined than the rest of the population, and is an "industry" in and of itself, recycled now ever 15-20 years on those 30 and 40 year notes. And no wonder such a high crime and transient state, with also the border issue factored in and the high costs of insurance as a result of that also negligence on the part of the federal and state government.

Without, of course disclosure to all those Midwestern and Easterners that are lured through the advertising done there as a place for "retirement." What should be stated is that now it is clear that the intent is merely for those seniors to be retired of their wealth and eventually their retirement home, is more like it.

This time, however, even many long term Arizonans have been affected due to their equity investments and lower wages paid than those in other states historically.

So watch out, because as you age or have any unexpected expenses such as an illegal immigrant theft or two from those cross borders auto or identity theft rings, YOU might be next, especially when you get elderly, ill or have a lot of equity built up, or Washington, the bankers, lawyers and real estate vipers decide they need another stimulus creating another one of these manipulated housing crisis there for the next generation of victims.

The intent of the financial sector and real estate "industry" leeches is that they want you to never own your home and keep control of it for as longer as possible until they relieve you of it on some trumped up "economic" meltdown, uncredited, nonconsensual property tax hikes using the state created HOAs and their "advisors", the foreclosure industry lawyers and management concerns that profit from property seizures, or some trumped up "use right" violation (even a property enhancing improvement is subject to now state actor "approval" or legal proceedings if "unapproved", to flip it then for their own portfolios or profit.

Obviously, the only motivation for his now involvement is purely a selfish one at the Arizonans expense - he now chooses to get involved about four years after the fact as a prelude to his run for Governorship in 2010.

Crime and criminal property theft is now a "job stimulus" creating "new jobs" for the foreclosure lawyers and real estate industries (members of two the largest lobbying groups in Washington), and political careers of the state and federal legislators most of all.

While the AGs office just got a boost and bonues from some of that stimulus money to upgrade their computers so that all those taxpayer paid lawyers who sat on their hands while that white collar crime was going on can have the latest high tech gadgetry for their video games, added to that now apparently the State of Arizona had the audacity to plead bankruptcy after not only receiving all those stimulus monies at even the foreclosed on homeowners expense, but has been collecting all those overpaid property taxes for at least 15 years while not having to provide many of those public services that have been unlawfully transferred to homeowners living in those HOAs.

Not to mention also collecting added bonuses in sales tax revenue due to the also unlawful privatization of the utility companies there which occurred after Palo Verde was built and paid for by the Arizona ratepayers (as, of course, a state governmental function and Arizona taxpayer "publicly" owned utility). Of course, that "privatization" was also facilitated by Washington, who now inflicts their own added taxation through the Nuclear Regulatory Agency fines and penalties that are also passed now down to the rate payers in "emergency rate increases," such as the last one in order to bulk up the Wall Street investors portfolios at the Arizona citizen's expense yet again.

I wonder how many foreign investors are in on that public/private partnership at this point? Selling off and parceling out share of one of our nuclear facilities to foreign interests definitely is not outside Washington and the bankers greed, that's evident.

The excess revenue the state receives at this point is in the hundreds of billions, but appears until all the citizens are actually homeless or bankrupt, it is never enough.

But Goddard's actions at this point in again as with the border issue also by state government officials, is being used for political reasons only and appearing to be doing something but doing really again nothing at all to either perform the jobs in which they have been entrusted, or protect the Arizona residents from criminal activity and abuse such as the open borders and this real estate fraud of which literally thousands of Arizonans at this point have been brutally victimized both personally, and economically.

And this is what is coming out of our law schools and those five figures for higher education?

What a waste of Americans money to send them for post graduate or higher education at all these days, it appears for all the understanding that most now coming out of the "liberal" academic community have about American history, and our intended form of Constitutional government.

P.S. And I also noted that new Governor Jan Brewer (Napolitano's replacement, also negligently responsible for much of what has occurred during her six years of "nonaction" on behalf of Arizonans) also simply has a "beware" message on her website for some of these counselors that were the new "jobs" created by this manipulated crisis apparently Congress and Obama were speaking of.

We are now ripping off people of their homes and property in order to provide "new jobs" and a "stimulus" for the foreclosure industry also at the federal and state level. And now debating the second largest tax in history on top of it after that Cap & Trade scam, the federal Health Care Actuary Tax.

The founders I'm sure are just so very proud of how our leaders have honored their sacrifice so many years ago - and Arizona's too. I'm sure Barry Goldwater and Carl Hayden are spinning in their graves about now. While both had skeletons in their closet as almost any politician today does, what is now occurring "progressively" would outrage and sicken them.

And you might want to inform Ms. Brewer since she does also seem a bit clueless.

She indicated in her article that mortgage companies don't charge fees for information on your mortgage. She is clearly not familiar at how usurous some of those loans actually were, after they were resold (since my original mortage back in 1994 was with a small mortgage company that was then bought out by Countrywide, prior to my having to refinance after the insurer (a globally now based one) increased my home insurance to three times its original amount due to the boom and then also the outrageous fees charged by their vendor for their services after one claim filed in 20 years due to a kitchen fire which, due to the quality of construction, was much more damaging than it should have been, and the horrendous increase in property taxes which also occurred.

Not to mention that fraudulent then action I subsequently was involved with in a small claims action (which was moved out of my own judicial district even) in which two lawyers involved and provided by the insurers on a 12 year overcollection in HOA assessments then went so far as to manufacture evidence in order to "win" his case and a $14,000 legal fee award for a small claims matter they kept going for their profit for over a year and a half. And unbeknownst to me I was paying for my own abuse through those unlawful HOA added property tax assessments for a private insurance policy also that afforded this dual defense on a small claims action with result was nothing more than state facilitated tyranny and added property theft.

The only refinance I could then secure at the time due to the amount of the claim itself was wiith that other unregulated California lender Indy Mac (whose home offices actually were in Michigan, with them also another state with high foreclosures - gee, I wonder why?).

When I had to go through the refinancing, the original lender, Countrywide, then attempted to charge me $35.00 just for the payoff figure for the loan, which "junk fee" wasn't in my original loan and actually seemed odd since this wasn't my first home and does appear that these deemed contracts are being unilaterally revised even after purchase as the new "industry standard," without at least one of the party's express consent in the process.

Since, of course, Congress afforded also these loan shark banks which primarily wrote most of those loans with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to not only rebundle and resell them to foreign investors, but also to actually sell the loans to other mortgage companies and "revise" them during the life of the loan with simply a "disclosure" as the only citizen protection for then those nonconsensual added "clauses" and "riders."

Mere "disclosure" that the terms can be unilaterally change by simply one of the parties to the original financial transaction?

Buying a home today is nothing more than a liability and I'm sure most parents are telling their kids now that the American dream is nothing more than the American nightmare - in both costs of ownership, and risk.

So the Governor also, Ms. Brewer, appears to be giving out somewhat false information also with respect to these loans, whether intentially or simply misinformed.

But maybe if she took the time to actually read hers, or speak with some of the victims rather than posting inadequate and inaccurate notices on her website, she might even be able to also start doing her job and earning her high paid salary.

Many of the loans which are sold were also unlawfully based on not the U.S. prime, but London banking market rates.

So when will our national anthem officially change from the Star Spangled Banner to God Save The Bankers?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

ObamaCare: The Snake In The Grass Rears Its Ugly Head

In listening to Barack Obama's Western "Sell ObamaCare" tour, as a child of the 1950's and 1960's, the only impression that I had listening to a small fraction of his hard sell spiel in the various Western states on this ludicrous legislation in its current form is to that of the old Al Wilson song, "The Snake" ("Take me in, tender woman....take me in for goodness sake").

Since the lyrics are copyrighted but are on the internet for "educational purposes," I'll leave it to the reader to do that research on their own.

The most egregious portion of this legislation actually is one that has not been brought up in any significant manner whatsoever during the public townhalls that Congressional members have been conducting across the nation in order to also propagandize the entire unconstitutional focus of this legislation and Washington power move.

And according to the 9th Amendment, would appear to undertake such an action at all would take a formal amendment of the Constitution, with the "consent of the governed," given voice and vote as not at all within the parameters of Washington's enumerated powers even in light of the abridgements which resulted in both Franklin's New Deal with respect to Social Security, and many other power moves since then in violation of it.

Social Security, after all, was original presented to the public as a "temporary" measure due to World War II, and also was to provide for orphans, widows, children and the affirmed most of all from that war. And ease this country back also from the stock market crash and depression which preceded it after World War I.

And there were at that time lids on eligibility as understanding that those that had profited then from those wars, should help pay the costs in both blood and treasure that were the result as a Godly nation. Of course, those wars too were manipulated for bank profits also most of all and debts from World War I actually also lead to World War II.

Right now there does exist in all 50 states already catastrophic coverage for all citizens who are either unable to afford private health care coverage, or are uninsurable for any reason. So in effect all this is really is another method in order to centralize more and more power in Washington, and less and less local accountability to state citizens in the process and gain more revenue for the states for discretionary purposes - along with the corporate entities that will also profit.

Within the stimulus and tied into this legislation is the establishment of a National Health Care Database using Bill Gate's technology and college grant monies to students in order to input all Americans health records into a "Big Brother" database.

If you think straightening out your credit report is next to impossible when it is inaccurate or there has been any "identity theft," just imagine the potential for error or mistaken identity on a national database of your personal medical information. Or that such a database in the future could be used against you for future unrelated reasons.

You think this is Obama's definition of "scare tactics?"

If history serves and never more so than in recent history, the "rights" of the public and citizens under our Bill of Rights is not at all recognized by either the legislative officials at federal or state levels even, nor the judiciary. Rather, the new buzzwords in order to deny or disparage those rights have been "in the interests of public safety" or "state interests."

In other words, the "corporate" not "individual" rights at all.

Just imagine how those corporate lobbyists will eventually gain access to those records under progressive legislation in order to deny employment to those with chronic (although not work related) health conditions such as AIDs, HIV, asthma, heart murmur, previous cancer treatments, addiction counseling, etc.

Just imagine how lawyers special interest groups, one of the most active group of lobbyists bar none for their welfare, can then also eventually gain access to those records without warrants or subpoenas for civil or criminal actions.

Just where is the supposed largest "civil rights" organization, the ACLU right now? Probably helping the lawyers write this 1,000 for their eventual "corporate" welfare. I wonder how much the taxpayers costs will increase now also in order to handle all these potential civil rights abridgement cases once that behemoth database and its bugs start to rear their ugly head in denied coverages, loss of life, etc.

Those costs are nowhere in the economic projections that I can determine.

What Mr. Obama is clearly asking is the American people to deny history.

What happened when so many Americans were the victims of the abusive practices of the IRS in their out of control pursuit of Americans for past due taxes, even for sums that were not taxes at all but simply agency determined interest or penalties?

Washington merely created another "agency" called the Taxpayer Advocacy Office that is nothing more than another branch of the federal government and also a benefactor of tax collection. It did not provide adequate oversight or regulation of the IRS in any manner whatsoever, even though there is much debate to this day about the 16th Amendment and how it was ratified "without the consent of the governed" for taxation of the people's income and diametrically opposed to the founder's intent for taxation in this nation.

Skirting around in providing that these extra taxes would be technically indirect taxation through corporate employers doesn't erase the inherent Constitutional violation such legislation entails. It is not within the original parameters of the Constitution, and is a seizure of wages (property) for governmental purposes most of all at its most basic level transferring the fruits of their labor back to Washington's "sovereign" governmental contractors and "approved" providers. And violative of the Bill of Rights with respect to even religious provisions for many, not to mention "search and seizure" of personal and private records by federal personnel without any recourse for misuse or access with respect to that federal database.

What did Washington do after all the complaints of citizens on the practices of collection agencies and the credit reporting bureaus in their unregulated practices?

Simply provide legislation that allows citizens to file a two sentence "dispute" of items contained in the report, which are sent to the reporting agency for their "version," which for all intents and purposes was no solution at all. Especially against the agencies which rebundled debts and continued to attempt to collect even on satisfied principal balances attempting to then gain more sums each time those debts were resold for their own profit.

Obama is attempting to actually reassure a younger generation that does not remember that Washington's word with respect to legislation such as ObamaCare and a host of others has been about as trustworthy as The Snake's.

Case in point: the foreclosure "rescue" which already has proved it was more for the banks and lenders, than the defrauded homeowners who are being stalled while collecting all those bogus fees included in those contracts and even more for the services of mortgage advisors and "new" appraisals, prior to carrying out those eventual foreclosures in order for the banks and realtors to get most of those properties on the cheap in order to flip for their profits.

So next time the Snake charmers come to your town, or Mr. Obama makes another of his folksy speeches, our younger generation might remember the addage that was the battle call of their parents generation upon which Mr. Wilson's song actually was based and had political ramifications for many.

The "Don't Trust Anyone Over 35 Mantra" was directly related to politicians and politicos during that era of the first true pre-emptive war. It might be expanded to now include politicians that use scare and terrorism tactics themselves in order to forment their political agendas.

The history in this country which has brought us to where we are now with respect to health care provision, is like the story of The Snake, proves that "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

It has been "progressive" power moves and Constitutional violations that have created this "crisis," after all.

Silly woman.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ObamaCare Goal: Centralizing More Power In Washington

Recently I have received several requests to attend TownHall meetings scheduled by Congressional members in order to "sell" their versions of ObamaCare to the public, and actually appear to be addressing citizens concerns with respect to this issue.

These TownHall meetings have now become the vogue for the Congressional members mostly to get some face and free air time before the public, and usually no more than opportunities to confound with their political agendas and excuses as a preface for their next runs for office with respect to contentious legislation - which ObamaCare is a prime example across the board in a great deal of its provisions with respect to America's Constitutional form of government and the huge potential costs to the public both for such an undertaking, and the administrative costs to boot.

Since, after all, there is catastrophic coverage for all citizens under most state plans which already exist in all 50 states. So this legislation to me and many others seems simply another example of the state and federal government attempting to bypass the citizens, centralize more power in Washington, and have another source of revenue at both levels in order to rape for discretionary expenditures.

I wonder if there will be any reduction in state taxation as a result of this plan, since that also has been left out of much of the discussion, just how high most citizens state taxes are also at this point for the state provided plans already in existence. And the states do use the federal government as a heavy for much of their own Constitutional violations for their agendas in discretionary expenditures for their favored industries and backers.

An unconstitutional taxation of the people, without representation since all consultation with respect to this "reform" has been behind closed doors with the "stakeholders" or industries that are, for the most part, responsible for the high cost of health care in this country today.

Below is my response to one such "invitation" who is a lawyer by profession:

Well, at least one not using the Christian Church as a backdrop for this treasonous legislation.

As previously indicated, the only power Congress has with respect to health care legislation is to do its job, and that is to insure freedom and protect the people from the abusive practices of these mega-conglomerate industries.

Not the "jobs and the economies" of the providers, but their practices and abuses which have lead to this. Corporatization of medicine has lead to 24 hour mastectomies and childbirths which have placed us now below Cuba in the infant survival rate in this country.

And factory line operations where there are more and more medical malpractice claims due to doctors having to do 12 or more operations a day. During my mother's recent heart surgeries, her cardiologist had seven operations scheduled back to back (and he was from South America, not a native born American and one of the "imports" for "science and technology" due to the fact that most medical clinics are also hiring foreign doctors who they can pay less due to the lesser tuition rates they have to pay in their countries for their educations, or further their currency stretches in ours for a U.S. education - such as many from India and South America). Seven heart surgeries back to back!!!

1. Establish a national complaint system as "interstate" commerce on insurers that are incorporated in more than one state in the country, or globally such as Zurich (Farmers) for citizen complaints of denied claims, hike or jack up rates without provocation which aren't based on claims made or ridiculous increases over the cost of living increase, agents who sell a policy but refuse to act as go between with the claims office for those commissions; internet regulation of commercial insurers advertising over the internet (free speech aside, corporations have no such right and consumer fraud is not free speech).

Also this database should be accessible to insurers and citizens for complaints on doctors who abuse the system by double billing or for tests not done acessible to both citizens and insurance companies for consumer fraud prosecution if willful and repeated; procedures and three strike rules for removal of licenses at the state level for doctors found guilty of gross negligence to protect the public, which is the real need, since million dollar awards under those punitive damage awards given since those lids were removed simply means that every five years that doctor is back in business during a 30 year career, or after mulitiple claims within five.

Doctors should also have access if insurers refuse treatments after prior approval, etc. Not inputting the citizens health care records, but protecting the citizenry from the industry abuses which lead to this.

2. Reinstating in codified law the common law on punitive damages that was removed by the TLA due to their greed (and YOUR industry), so more go into obstetrics and public health.

3. The complaint system should also be available for those supplemental carriers such as AARP when they do not pay off, or deny picking up costs which are not covered under any primary or government plan such as Medicare, when it is clearly provided in THEIR policies. They are using technicalities to deny claims after the primary carrier denies them in order to skirt around paying off on those claims.

Every single Congressman and Senator on the Hill is in violation of campaign finance laws at this point, and guilty of treason after the GM bailout, bank bailouts, and stimulus giving privileges and immunities to sovereign subject industries at the public's ultimate expense. You can't have a representative government when representatives are being elected by out of district PAC and commericial organizations, and thus not true representatives of the people at all.

In fact, any such legislation as is being proposed is blatantly unconstitutional in its current form. AND YOU KNOW IT.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Americans: Strangers In A Strange Land

Since we are now approaching the end of the first decade in the new millennium, and officially became what is known as a "senior" reaching my 55th year on this planet, I guess old age is finally rearing its ugly head as it tends to do.

Which involves looking back more often, rather than ahead and what's been lost throughout the years. Not just personally. But also this great country and my birthplace.

I grew up in the Beaver Cleever era, but also lived through Viet Nam, the Civil Rights Movement, and Watergate so have seen, as in the old Judy Collins song, "both sides now." And it isn't hard to see that this country has been on a downhill slide since almost the moment of my birth, if not several decades before.

I am beginning to feel more and more like a stranger in a strange land, and never more so than in the last almost nine years since that awful moment now etched in history. September 11, 2001. Less than a year after George W. Bush's contentious election, and after the first Bush and Clinton, two other "globalist" UN focused presidents whose primary agendas were on global economic and political government. Not our Constitution, or a sovereign America.

We are at a critical time in our history, and the time for political correctness actually is long, long past and is being used now more not to ensure "equality" but to facilitate population control on a massive scale.

This is no more evident than what has occurred with respect to our immigration policies, and now the focus is once again being directed at "legalizing" approximately 12 million foreigners in order to give them legal status in this country.

Which is almost laughable at this point, to the point where it hurts.

This will be the second such attempt since the first Reagan amnesty back in the 80's (which lead to where we are today, without addressing again the border issues, refugee policies, and immigration procedures) since 2006 just prior to our now economic crisis when many natural born Americans for several generations are now jobless and homeless.

Let's look at the pluses and minuses and advantages which would be given to these illegals over those that are now legal Americans.

Right now illegal immigrants in this country have:

1. Paid health care benefits for emergency room visits.

2. Paid legal defense expenses for any court actions through MALDEF, the ACLU and other American(?) civil rights organizations. Not only defensive actions, but recently have even been extended legal fees in bringing actions against U.S. citizens or government officials for so much as defending their own property against trespass or theft as has occurred in the border states. (Think the DOJ prosecuting Ramos and Compean against a known drug trafficker, or a case in Arizona recently against a rancher defending his own land against trespass and sued for "mental anguish" inflicted, although I believe both were political actions to begin with due to the high press exposure simply meant to terrorize or "scare" other Americans, whether brought with or without those involved foreknowledge).

3. Preferential treatment in hiring practices by small and large major corporate businesses affiliated with the state and national Chambers of Commerce.

4. Police protection for their demonstrations and protests in American cities throughout the country.

5. Ease and access to their former home country and extended families for holidays and vacations, with children educated in American schools now encouraging diversity, rather than assimilation into America.

6. Discounted wire transfers for their wages at local retailers for sums sent back to Mexico.

7. Credit cards and loans secured by U.S. banks without having to provide any social security records or proof of identification, with the legal and lawful citizens securing their debts (bank bailouts).

8. Discounted college tuition and free public lower educations for their children if renters.

9. Ballots and signs at retail outlets in order to facilitate use.

10. Federal legislation that protects the rights of foreigners over those of natural born Americans in tax free income and benefits, from whatever source. Crime, after all, is a job and economic stimulus. Even cross borders hard core drug trafficking.

11. Ease of access to state and federal legislators and government officials for complaints and concerns at election time.

The advantages of being an American:

1. Income taxes on wages earned at up to 50% (including Social Security) of gross wages;

2. Joblessness in major industry sectors such as construction, tourism, manufacturing, technology and agriculture that have been given to non-Americans in order to increase corporate profit margins, both insourced and outsourced.

3. Increased home, auto, and professional liability insurance to protect from the drug trade and criminal element, or increased rates based on claims filed, and to protect against all those American citizen funded lawsuits filed by MALDEF, the ACLU and other non-American civil rights organizations for "discriminatory" treatment and violation of foreigners "civil" rights under America's Bill of Rights (We the People.....For Us And Our Posterity" apparently has been judiciary amended in state and federal courts now without the "consent of the governed," with Americans now subsidizing the "legal industy" and courts for those cases, and now backlogs of years in order for a simple civil case to get through the court system as a result).

4. Six hour waits in several states for emergency room treatments if you are American, but there are illegals waiting for treatments for the flu for their federally provided taxpayer paid treatments;

5. Arranging for private transportation for your kids to and from school in order to bypass the drug dealers hanging around the corner from the middle schools and high schools in order to score some of their allowance or part time job monies;

6. Hours assisting your child with his homework and costly school projects in order to help them qualify for higher education scholarships at the state university you have been funding, only to watch those scholarships go to "disadvantaged" non-U.S. citizens children instead;

7. Paying for that college education with either your savings throughout his childhood, mortgage on your home, or supplementing or assisting with obtaining HIS overinflated bank loan for his five digit annual tuition, and then watching him graduate, diploma in hand and then reduced to waiting tables or taking a job that doesn't even pay back half of those loan payments or their interest due within ten months of graduation on a schedule that places him in the poverty level for the first ten years of his post college employment at a entry level position.

8. Waking up at night while helicopter searchlights search the neighborhood washes and desert areas for the drug dealers in most cities and towns within 300 miles of the borders.

9. Sending your beloved child off to war, only to find out that his benefits for his war related injuries are less than those given to illegal immigrants, and the paperwork and waiting at the VA much longer;

10. Sending your child off to war, and then finding out that the refugees from the war torn country have better federally provided benefits and housing accommodations than the average middle class American and diplomatic protection for any crimes they may commit. And duel citizenship.

So when that amnesty bill comes down the pike illegals, take a look around you. It appears from all indications that it is just a matter of time until this Middle Eastern war extends once again, and due to Americans who have now watched this progression and its continuation, fewer new recruits. Part of the amnesty most likely will be directed toward benefits in exchange for military service in the fine print of that next 1,000 page bill for an "economic" war meant to plunge this nation further in debt most of all for economic profit of the moneylenders.

And if it can happen to us many of whom are several generation Americans, it can and will happen to you. Or your near posterity in this global boom and bust manipulated game of human sacrifice for the "global greater good," of the money changers and money lenders.

Remember, a democracy is nothing more than gang rule, rather than our intended Constitutional Republic.

And neither of absolutely any effect whatsoever when the one that prints the money, also prints the ballots.

In at least ten different "global" languages.

P.S. If there appears any immigration related ads on this page along with this article, another backward glance on immigration policies for the U.S. when my immigrant relatives migrated from Great Britain two generations back. They did not need the assistance of a lawyer or immigration attorney, and the fees in order to immigrate were nominal based on security clearances and background checks, sponsorship by a U.S. citizens, and eventual sustainability or political reasons only. Not thousand dollar fees and costs leaving you bankrupt or at the mercy of those that only wish to profit from your circumstances for migration. But politically, due to the ongoing world socialism - you will not find this country in many respects taxation wise any different than the one you are leaving in this global market manipulation game.

And those ads are also meant to gain revenue to entice you for the application fees and costs, only to eventually fleece you if you should be approved. Sort of like your own country, if it is also enmeshed with the global economy at this point.

Because those Immigration Ads that are appearing on this site, are actually taxpayer paid to these corporate welfare recipients running them now in USA, Inc. if they are the from the "official" U.S. Immigration Service, which were the original ads that were appearing on this article as soon as I wrote it for this blog.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bernanke A Psychic? Predicts U.S. Economy Recovering?

In a meeting held in Wyoming recently (not in a major metropolitan city, mind you, for reasons we can only guess), Federal Reserve Bank Chair [person id=48]Ben Bernanke[/person] put quite a creative spin on the U.S. economy and his predictions that the economic markets are stablizing from "the worst recession since the Great Depression" beginning its freefall last September-October coinicidentally just prior to the U.S. presidential elections.

This meeting was attended not simply by U.S. financial industry participants, but also global bankers throughout the world. Which only goes to prove just how much the U.S. economy now is enmeshed with that of other nations of the world, rather than domestically dependent on U.S. production and our own resources and assets.

I certainly would like to know just what crystal ball Mr. Bernanke is using, since last month was reported as the highest month in over a year for those now still losing their homes at over 300,000 more, and also with the highest unemployment rates since that Depression - since although Mr. Obama announced a 1% decrease in jobs lost and those on unemployment - what he failed to mention were the number of new small businesses that have gone under, or those Americans who are jobless still but whose benefits have run out.

And the bank bailout monies it appears are simply being used to satisfy those foreign investors by the branch banks of the Federal Reserve, and not at all as was publicly announced to help those Americans that are still at risk of losing theirs, after watching their property taxes, insurance rates and costs of ownership soar during the past several years of the boom - and with the overly restrictive and junk feed loans that were sold to most of those homeowners during the last ten year cycle in which fixed rate loans or assumables became almost as scarce as affordable gasoline.

In fact, while they are stalling on the processing supposedly of some of these applications, it appears they are merely collecting all those hidden junk fees prior to lowering the boom on those homeowners anyway.

After all, Bank of America issued a statement saying it had only helped about 4% of its loans that were determined "at risk" while continuing to collect those fees. Which is now owned by Merrill Lynch, a New York investment house who acted as agent on the resale of many of those bundled mortgages. Hmmm....sounds more like a pyramid scheme than any actual foreclosure rescue as these facts are coming out more and more.

Nor was any blame or apology set forth by the Fed, since this was a manipulated crisis after all. But much was said about how much the Fed has done in order to prop up the economy, including slashing interest rates to zero.

Big sacrifice, since those zero rate terms do not at all trickle down to the American consumers through their member branch banks at all. Some of those creative loans even sold by Fed branch banks, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were even based on London prime rates - not U.S. prime at all.

And since the Euro has been stronger than the dollar due to Fed manipulation, those interest rates skyrocketed. And those loans haven't changed in the slightest since the entire history and reason for this economic crisis was bypassed for the "quick fix" of inflicting instead more taxpayer debt for the Fed's eventual profit.

This performance sounded like such a spin, my head is still spinning just reading the details.

In fact, bank fees and charges have soared to the highest levels ever on overdrafts, ATM fees and transfers, even transfers within banks from one account to another - all of which are also profits of the Fed which are tacked on to those interest rates in the double digits for most credit card purchases and those usurous fees and charges.

Also reference was made to the outrage of the American people for being placed in the position of rescuing this "global market" that the American people had no voice or say in creating in the first place, and bailing out a global London based insurer, AIG, which to date has only accounted for less than 60 billion of the over 170 billion it received.

And one of whose Chief Executives sits on the Council for Foreign Relations in New York, home of the Fed, and is from Israel. I wonder just how much of those bailout monies were simply earmarked for foreign aid to Israel, since it does appear that of AIG's global offices, it was only the London office that was in poor financial shape due to lack of regulation in that country over its investment and insurance practices.

Mr. Bernanke's economic position may be improving, but did he actually look around Wyoming while he was there and speak to any of the locals after giving his speech?

He also mentioned the outrage of the American people in not allowing those banks and big businesses to simply fail. Really surprising considering that the banks are all subsidiaries of the Federal Reserve itself in one way or another through its branch banks - so since the Fed prints the money, and those banks have been making money hand over fist due to reselling most of those lower rate interest loans on the global market, and their increasing junk fees and costs, just how were they ever bankrupt to begin with? The spins and logic here is incredible.

Just why didn't they go through the formal bankruptcy process provided in the U.S. Constitution? That question also remains to be answered since the entire circumstances surrounding that bailout to most Americans is truly quite astounding in the Constitutional violations which occurred.

And just why were those insurers allowed to reinvest those premium payments in high risk investments over the stock exchange in other areas of the financial sector anyway? Did any of those global bankers pose any of these questions, since the American public are dying really to know the answers still to some of these questions.

Appears this speech was another public relations gesture, without much foundation in either truth, or evidence, at this point.

Maybe Mr. Bernanke was simply speaking of the Federal Reserve as a branch of the federal government as the true U.S. economy which is now rebounding.

And then some.

Friday, August 21, 2009

What's Not Being Disclosed On Obamacare

Interesting in all the debates now on the mainstream media that some rather pertinent facts and observations have also been kept from the public in all the brouhaha surrounding Obama's and Congress's plans for health care reform.

At the present time, there is already a socialized health care program for seniors at the federal level called Medicare. At the state levels there is also now health care plans that are funded for the indigent, those that have been denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions, dependent children of the working poor, and even illegal immigrants for emergency care services (which are used to visit hospital emergency rooms for cases of the flu, and result in six hour waits for lawful Americans in many hospitals now throughout the country).

In effect, we already have health care insurance and provision for all Americans at some level or another. There is also self-insurance for the wealthy, and those that choose to self-insure for regular doctor visits but simply carry catastrophic care.

Right now, all of these programs are funded by the citizens at either the federal or state levels, with the states then required to provide matching sums with respect to some of these programs (except the one for the illegals, which is picked up at the federal level, which is why so many of those local initiatives denying such services to the illegals are really quite ludicrous since those services and costs are federal laws, not local, and the health care industry know that).

It appears what this truly is is simply another way to centralize more and more power in Washington, increase our federal deficit then in the process for the benefit of the European bankers that rape the American people for their services in printing our currency, and Wall Street once again for the health care sector.

And, of course, the politicians for their future careers.

What also has been left unsaid is that the costs for these programs will now come out of every American's paychecks through their corporate employers, and as with social security, leaves the door open then for future legislation then involving "matching sums" from those employers for those benefits.

And the fact is, since the federal government cannot mandate that health care providers accept lower cost insurance or a government plan for any patients that they treat, can result in paying for years into this program and then when needing care not be able to find a health care provider that accepts these plans. Right now due to the low payment levels involved, there are many providers that do not accept new Medicare patients.

And while many of them do accept new patients for childbirth, most OB-GYNs won't accept them for surgical reasons otherwise. Since to do so would mean they have "committed" to that patients future care and then cannot deny them treatment when the costs of their treatment or specific needs outweighs the amounts the state or local plans are willing to pay.

Ethically, once a doctor accepts you as a patient, he cannot deny then future treatment. Thus, why so many doctors have now posted signs indicating that they will not accept future Medicare patients.

So you may be paying for this "universal" plan in taxation, yet then be unable to use it for your elder care needs when you may truly need it if there are not enough doctors in your local community that are willing to take on new patients.

And since the next generation of Americans is far fewer than the previous baby boomer generation was, this scenario has more basis in fact, than fiction.

So continue to believe the spins, America, but what the government wants in this legislation is merely to centralize more of the power in Washington, and more access to the fruits of your labor through their corporate "state actor" entities, since special interests wrote this legislation, after all, and that is who both Congress and Mr. Obama have been hard at work consulting.

Hoping that the older generation doesn't connnect that the AARP is the largest provider of supplemental plans, and speaks for the industries and trade groups that market through them, not at advocates for seniors at all. Nor does the AMA speak for most doctors either, simply their own also supplemental plans and trade groups. Nor the unions, just in order to get more for the corporate health care provider under their banner who also sell "supplemental" plans to their members. And with the government as the primary provider in these instances and then fall guy for denied treatment without any recourse for Big Daddy's refusal other than petitioning the very entity that refused the treatment to begin with, a great way for those supplemental carriers who give kickbacks to those organizations a way to reap massive revenue without ever having to pay out on any claims.

That's why the "corporate" interests have been meeting with Congress all summer behind those closed doors.

Just to make sure their "interests" and wallets were covered. Not yours.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Obamacare TownHalls: Let's Make A Deal? Or Green Slime And Feathers?

The focus this month on the townhall meetings and such which have been conducted across the nation bears at this point bringing up some rather obvious observations from this reporter and baby boomer generation American.

What in the world is going on here?

Lately, these townhall style meetings have come into vogue with our Congressional leaders. Before recently, these type meetings were deemed "public hearings," and usually went untelevised, and were called usually because some citizen got wind of some unconstitutional legislation, and was a forum for the betraying "representative" to defend mostly his actions, or at least answer his accusers.

Now they appear to be more intended for public exposure for the Congressional members, and in order to keep their faces before the public when they know damn well they are going to pass the questioned legislation whether the public likes it or not.

It gives them a measure to use for political purposes promoting their individual positions with respect to the legislation or their party's, while the wheeling and dealing that has gone on in the backroom between the two political parties for re-election purposes on such legislation is kept behind those closed doors.

Keep in mind this legislation on health care reform, while fundamentally unconstitutional on its face, is simply being debated as to what the bill will eventually entail.

Not that the entire bill is a slap in the face of our Constitution, and the Bill of Rights provisions contained within it that any such function of Congress to even entertain such a bill would need an amendment in order for them to so do.

Instead, it appears these townhall meetings are actually being used like shareholder meetings in corporate America. A forum for the shareholders to vent to the CEOs, rather than be acknowledged as the true "owners" of the corporate and as such needing their "express" approval for any such "corporate" undertaking.

It appears we have more and more CEO types in Washington, than true actual citizens or "representatives" of the people. And ignorance of our Constitution really is no excuse whatsoever, especially with respect to this legislation.

After all, it is merely 23 pages, and written in English, not Spanish.

And the American taxpayers are paying for literally hundreds of lawyers for those representatives just in case they failed high school or grammar school English classes.

Townhall meetings for PR purposes simply detracts from the ultimate question here, and also appears these meetings are being also inflamed by the shear presence of the media in the process. I wonder how many had placed their own corporate press representatives at the meetings in order to either "sell" Obamacare to make this rougue Administration look good for the next cocktail party circuit, or "inflame" the public in order to sell their corporate parties agenda as an "alternative" for election 2010?

When by this time it should be clear that both parties work for the Wall Street bankers, and not our Constitution or the actual legal American citizens in this country in any manner whatsoever. Merely their "corporate" best interests - their own re-election and stock portfolios.

Otherwise, just why are these Congressmen specifically including their own exemption from any such federally concocted program, or provisions?

And if it takes 1,000 page bills at this point to write laws in this country, then the entire point seems to be to fill them with legalese for the eventual benefit of the legal industry. So maybe most of those sums marked for educational purposes need to go to America's law schools so they can get back to basics once again, instead of focusing on "science based technology," since mastering the basics in simply reading comprehension quite obviously still hasn't been achieved for most now graduating from America's universities.

And just who is alerting the press on the location of these townhall meetings? The Congressional staffers, no doubt. Certainly not the Joe the Plumber Americans.

These aren't townhall meetings at all. What the true agendas can only be likened to would be meetings with the Congressional Monty Hall in Washington's version of "Let's Make A Deal."

How about when the next townhall meeting is announced in your local area, America, bringing the buckets with the green slime instead?

And a few feathers. I'd even go so far as to say the noose, but then I might be accused of being a "one issue" Right Wing Terrorist.

When my "one issue" is actually how far afield we have now gone from the true patriots and leaders who gave their blood, treasure and honor to establish a new nation which provided that treason such as what this legislation truly entails in much of its provisions with respect to Bill of Rights protections, and those in the prior stimulus providing for the "National Healthcare Database" including Americans private health care records federally accessible, is really the highest criminal offense in this country of all.

The criminals are dictating the terms here, America. And you are lowering yourself to "debating" them, rather than calling a spade a spade outright?

What it appears all have forgotten is that there is a Rule of Law and if Congress was doing their jobs in accordance with it, this health care crisis need not have occurred, and rather than taking over health care which leaves Big Daddy in the position of determining who lives and dies without real citizen recourse in the event of denials of treatment, calling them on their negligence.

Health care providers merely exist on rate payers premiums, and were never intended to be "for profit" entities at all. They ALL were co-ops at one point. And what is needed is Congressional regulation of the global and national entities now doing business in this country, and the policies that they are selling to the public.

And regulating sufficiently at the state levels the medical professionals and doctors who are incorporated and licensed within those states, and removal of their licenses if guilty of gross negligence under the three strike rules and common law.

And a national database set up for citizens complaints on both insurers, doctors or health care networks that deny treatments, hike premiums without provation, or abuse the system and rape the insurance companies in billing for double tests, or fraudulent claims.

And rinstituting once again the common law lids which existed since the Magna Carta on punitive damage awards for gross negligence to three times the amount of the actual loss or damage. That would also lower doctors professional liability costs and more would then stay in practice. Right now, our birth survival rate is less than that of Cuba since so many left obstetrics once those lids were removed and could not longer afford to practice in what were considered "high risk" areas.

No wonder Obama and Congress are so big on "political correctness" and governmentally defined "healthy" debate.

How about this then: When the people and this nation's honor has been impuned by those charged to protect and honor the sacrifices made by so many Americans to protect those freedoms and our Constitution as a government "of the people" and not the corporate, has been violated in the most deliberate and unlawful way possible now consistently for well over a decade with respect to taxation, war, and on behalf of corporate special interests, many foreign at that, by those now serving in Washington in all three branches and its unaccountable and unregulated Reserve Bank owned by greedy "European" bankers at that, has the time honored tradition of dueling also been outlawed at this point?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Zero Population Growth Activists Behind Obamacare?

In all the debates and townhall meetings, public forums and the like it has amazed me that what is occuring is simply discussions of what the eventual health care reform legislation should look like and encompass, and not at all the fundamental violations of American's "right to choose or not choose" whether to be insured, or at what level of care.

There are many religions that prohibit invasive medical treatments in their practices. We do have freedom of religion in this country, and would appear any such legislation mandating that Americans must have health care coverage is an abridgement of quite a few of the Bill of Rights freedoms that our founding fathers fought and died in order to secure.

This legislation is being promoted by the left wing for feel good reasons most of all at least at the citizen level. What is being also missed is the parties and industries involved and who is being consulted, and also the inherent benefits to them in any such legislation. Politically and otherwise.

Although the Democratic Party has always held itself out to be the party of the people, rather than industry - Mr. Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi clearly demonstrated that they are just as much big business political lackeys as those in the Republican Party have historically been.

In fact, two of Mr. Obama's most ardent supporters and campaign contributors are Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. This legislation stands to profit both enornously, since one is a Wall Street guru heavily invested in the health care industry through his Geico Insurance (which provides and gives discounts to government employees), and the other the founder of Microsoft, who stands to also profit handsomely with the National Health Care Database which was included with the stimulus bills (and hidden for the most part from the public) sums for the software to begin this massive unconstitutional undertaking.

Placing the most personal and private information any American has on a federally accessible database would have the founding fathers storming the White House and shouting for the call to arms.

Both are also believers and support foundations that are dedicated to zero population growth, as are many members of the Democratic Party from the 1960's era that were involved in that movement. And the U.N. and WHO are also believers in population control and promote seminars and initiatives dedicated to it.

And interestingly enough, both Mr. Buffett and Mr. Gates have three children (not two, replacement) of their own.

So the hypocrites abound in this legislation, which for all intents in purposes, Hippocrates had nothing to do with. And would end up compromising many ethical doctors Hippocratic oaths also in the process in governmentally determined treatment plans, rathr than physician determined. And it appears neither does the AMA anymore, another announceed supporter for the provisions contained in Mr. Obama's proposed "solution." Using the "corporate" medical community when many within it are vigorously also opposed to any such legislation.

Which is sounding more and more like the "solution" Hitler used in order to determine who was and was not ultimately worth of life, or whose life was worthy for the "greater good" of the Fatherland.

China instituted the "one birth" rule for their population under Communist control long ago. And in the process, infancide rates due to sexual preferences became commonplace.

Lady Liberty had different plans for this nation, and more heart and soul.

It is difficult watching loved ones age and the physical deterioration that goes along with it. It also forces us many times to address our own mortality and untimely end.

In our fast food world now of Twitter and turnaround mastectomies, is life and death now to be determined according to what is more expedient and cost effective for the state (i.e., politicians and their stock portfolios, since all future legislation will be directed toward reducing more and more the "insurers" or health care industries risk and losses if history now serves correctly).

How many elderly people have they spoken to that value each and every day they have left, so long as they are still able to breathe? And while they may be in pain, isn't pain a part of all facets of life be it emotional or physical and simply just makes those painfree moments all the more cherished?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Mexico Gets The Gadgets - Border States Get The Shaft

For Any And All Conserve-ative Constitutionalists:

It was recently announced in several online media sources that the Mexican government, in their "partnership" with the U.S. in securing the nation's southern border with Mexico, has fired all their existing border agents, and hired new university educated border guards now armed with state of the art technology in order to work in concert with the U.S. on security issues.

I guess this public relations announcement was meant also to engender favorable response in the United States for Mexico's efforts to address the historically porous southern borders, which have progressively become worse each and every decade with respect to the security and crime that has occurred in the American border states.

Interesting, it appears the United States is now using foreign governments now in order to "stimulate" the economies of Silicon Valley. This announcement failed to mention that the American government under [George Bush entered into an initiative of literally billions in "foreign aid" to Mexico in order to address the border situation.

In other words, it was the American people and taxpayers that picked up the tab for Mexico's new agents university training and high tech gadgetry. Globally socializing now border security with other nations for Silicon Valley's corporate welfare and profit. Or using the taxpayers and increasing the inflationary taxes and deficit to feed its now favored industries - the Silicon Valley telecom and security gadget industy. I guess the contracts on the Iraq War aren't paying enough to get those Wall Street numbers where they would like them to be for those private investors though publicly funded for their next campaigns.

The main use of these new agents, since they will be at their posts primarily at the official ports of entry, appears to be in order to collect Mexico's VAT taxes for purchases being brought back from the U.S. across their borders for their citizens purchases at the local Wal-Marts in the border towns, in order to seize more of those U.S. dollars for Mexico's treasury.

And in order to possibly catch the stoned marijuana dealers that are stupid enough to attempt to cross Mexico's borders with the proceeds from their latest run. Trained dog sniffers came along with this gift from the U.S., it appears.

These measures can hardly be meant to address the true security threats and criminal activity that primarily endangers those Americans living in the border states from the drug cartels and criminal auto theft rings that cross those borders literally at will. Since they hardly wait politely in line for the security checks at the official ports of entry - but instead use the over 500 miles of open desert that is totally unsecured.

Which is also the port of entry for most of the illegal immigrants brought in by the human smuggling rings that also operate cross borders. With maps printed by the local Mexican governments in order to so do.

And although mention is made, as per Ms. Clinton's errant assessments and comments, with respect to also these measures intended to stop the smuggling of guns from the U.S. into Mexico - as any who have lived in a border state for any length of time is well aware, the machine guns and heavy artillery that those cartels obtain don't come primarily from the U.S. at all, but through their own southern borders with South America.

So, it appears in this public relations press release an attempt to silence those that have been calling for true border security at our southern borders now, especially eight years after 9/11 and with the increases annually in that amount of both illegal immigrants, and criminal activity that pours over those borders on a daily basis. Which has, of course, now contributed (along with the increased property and auto insurance rates, and predatory loan practices of unregulated California lenders who sold most of those "creative" junk feed escalating loans in the West) to the high rate of jobless and homeless now in the border states in being the states with the highest rates of foreclosure during this housing crisis bar none.

With the border state residents in the inflationary taxes which will result in these foreign aid bills for Mexico actually resulting in paying for their continued victimization and abuse. We are a bankrupted nation for all intents and purposes, but still handing out foreign aid like candy for other countries, while our government officials negligently and beligerantly at this point leave America's own borders vulnerable and unsecured - their primary function and duty.

Mexico got the gadgets while the Americans living in the border states continue to get the shaft.

I wonder how many more will be stripped of their lives and property until Washington finally gets the message. Is this part of the "we all must sacrifice" agenda here. Sacrificing the lives and property of the legal Americans living in the border states for this global socialism agenda and to appease the Mexican government in continuing to provide employment for their citizens at the cost of the livelihoods of Americans? And no less pick up the tab for it, endure the six hour emergency room waits for lawful citizens treatment, and smile or feel that Americans have somehow done their patriotic duty?

It appears Washington does have a problem with the definition of the type of patriotism the founders were also speaking of, in addition to being able to read the provisions of both their jobs, and legal limits with respect to U.S. citizens. And that foreigners were not Americans.

Or is it their intent to cut loose the border states eventually, therefore leaving more discretionary tax revenue for those in the East to distribute to their Wall Street banking benefactors in the process?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Washington Giving State Governments The Pink Slip?

For Any And All Conserve-ative Constitutionalists:

With everything that has progressively occurred under the Bush and now Obama Administrations in the ever increasing Constitutional violations with respect to overstepping their proscribed duties and functions and being the intended "lesser" government with respect to the effects directly on the American people, I feel it is an important time to ask a very basic question:

When is Washington going to give the state governments the pink slip?

More and more federal mandates have come down the bureaucratic rabbit hole to the states now even to the point where seat belt laws and DUI traffic patrols are federally trained and funded. Local police services now are prioritized at the federal level, whether they be officers for Los Angeles or Des Moines.

Federal EPA standards on particulates are also federally mandated and apply to the Pittsburg steel manufacturers, Louisiana oil rigs, and Nebraska farms alike.

Since most states already fund programs for health care for those who are denied coverage by private insurers, or indigent or uninsurable for any reason, especially children under both federal and state funding by the taxpayers, just what is this health care reform movement all about anyway except in order to centralize more and more power in Washington, and less and less at the state and more local levels.

The government that is most responsive and in touch with the people is the one that is closer, not the "distant rule," which is why it was the states, not the federal government, that was intended to have the greater power with respect to domestic issues other than defense of this nation from foreign attack or invasion.

Which is the primary job it actually has not provided except in stimulating Silicon Valley and the science based "gadget" industry economy now eight long years after 9/11 in it continued refusal to still not protect with a physical deterrant our borders from the drug cartels, auto theft rings, or other foreign invaders compromising the citizenry and their safety, security and property.

Trials are now held nationally on the cable news networks before ever being placed before a jury for national consumption, all backed by federal grant monies as "educational" resources. The largest owner of America's media fare now consisting of Fox TV and Wall Street Journal is a former Brit, who merely became a U.S. citizen in order to buy up a portion of America's media for his own personal British style political forum, using sensationalized style of journalism in that country on politician, celebrity and average citizen alike. Unbridled hearsay and innuendos dished out 24 hours a day now for public consumption. The more sensationalized, the better.

The competition on the "other" cable stations and networks then responded in turn with "this just in" style reporting ad infinitum, and even when the market was speaking and cable news subscriptions were being cancelled right and left, effectively used fascist style lobbying and got Washington to pass the digital cable bill forcing Americans to carry their products whether they like it or not.

All presented with an air of "professionalism" and "respectability" using mostly former teachers or non-practicing lawyers as "news commentators" or "political analysts." Thus making due process and impartial trials consisting of peers of the accused in the state in which the crime was committed almost impossible in any capital or criminal proceeding in this country.

Truth and integrity in journalism has been replaced by tabloid journalism at even now the local news level fed by the Washington bureaus and affiliated stations which follow the same formats. Even down to the news anchors, clones of the national versions.

Banks and banking concerns in this country are incorporated at the state level. Washington stepped in and then "saved" numerous California domiciled banks, rather than those banks utilizing the formal bankruptcy process for the districts in which those banks were incorporated and outside Constitutional authority so to do.

Grabbing another state function and protection of the citizens, since formal bankruptcy proceedings are a matter of public record and involve accountability to the state in which they are located and which has authority over their commercial practices, since effectively there are no "national" banks anymore. Or at least none that are recognized at the federal level - although 3/4s of them are member branches of the Federal Reserve itself.

The states each session other than play acting balancing their states budgets (which never reflect federal sums received in those budgets) simply go through the motions of passing legislation that is now handed down by the feds, so much so that instead of being the intended barriers for the citizens against federal abuse, they are nothing more than agents of them.

Local and municipal governments are now under federal control and mandates, such as the DUI patrols, and now terrorism involved in the Ad Council advertising for the "Click It Or Ticket" campaigns.

And the Department of Homeland Security conducts training sessions for local patrol officers now in counter-terrorism through its Fusion Centers, and now even a local traffic stop in most communities is handled as if those officers might be dealing with a potential terrorist with guns or tazers drawn.

While, of course, Americas southern borders remain for the most part unfenced and unsecured.

So just when is Washington going to get around to handing out those pink slips, anyway? Or the states themselves finally acknowledging that they had long ago without the "consent of the governed" ceded their intended superior legal authority and power to the distant ruler, removing all pretense of the Republic this nation was intended to be, and to which we as Americans pledge our allegiance to. A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.

The sums paid for those positions that are no more than middle management at this point would save the citizens a bundle in taxes and be a major stimulus on our economy, streamline the bureaucracy and overlap, and eliminate this charade of a Republic which has dissolved into nothing more than a Washington monarchy once and for all.

The Tories have taken over the Capitol. The British aren't just coming, they are already here America.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Obama's Foreclosure Rescue Plan Merely Sophisticated Global Pyramid Scheme?

In light of all the news recently carried in the mainstream media reports of all the homeowners that are now being stalled, waylaid and denied sums under Obama's much ballyhooed "foreclosure rescue" and with all the monies thrown at these banking institutions and "new jobs" for those greedy realtors and ex-mortgage banking officials now restructuring or counseling some of those victims, it appears to be time to take a step back and probe a little deeper into the hows and whys of this situation.

Is there another agenda here that is the true goal in these continuing outrageously escalating actions coming off the Hill?

While many of these homeowners are awaiting word and the processing of their applications, the banks are continuing to collect those outrageous sums that were in some of those loans marketed which were at sub-prime and interest only flex rates and that are the subject of the bulk of the type of offered in the last ten years primarily, and under terms most of those homes have been or are in foreclosure.

Tacked onto most of those loans were significant late fees for late payment, processing fees, reappraisals, junk fees which are once again now being collected against those homeowners in these restructurings while they are "pending.".

Of course,literally hundreds of thousands have and had already lost theirs when this downturn and tsunami began back in 2006 for real.

Another 300,000 in July according to RealtyTrac also saw their homes go on the auction block, and Bank of America, based out of California (one of those who received a massive amount of those bailout sums) reported it has only renegotiated 4% of its existing loans that were "at risk."

The head of Countrywide Loans, also based out of California and "assumed" by Bank of America under the terms of bailout (with Bank of America then being "assumed" by Merrill Lynch, a Wall Street investment house), was placed in charge of renegotiating those loans, and would assume that he is the official reporting on the Bank of America stats.

Interestingly though, Merrill Lynch's name has been kept for the most part out of this process.

Most of those subprime offerings were rebundled and resold over the stock exchange, many to foreign investors. Washington, of course, afforded Wall Street to "globalize" the U.S. economy with that of other nations progressively, so much so that now when an earthquake strikes in the Far East, the economic impact is felt now in Middle America.

Compromising in so doing the U.S. economy and American citizens economies also progressively in the process.

All of these "economic forecasts" with respect to the economy that the Fed releases, and those economists on Wall Street on the mainstream media networks that have been reporting recently that economic indicators are looking more "hopeful" are evaluating those economic indicators with respect to the global economy and not the U.S. economy at all.

So when they predict that this economy will "rebound," they are speaking of the world's economy - not the United States or average Americans.

In fact, it is the average Americans now in the loss of their homes and jobs that are being asked to sacrifice now in the name of "global socialism" of this economy for the Wall Street bankers most of all and global stock exchange, not simply Wall Street and the NYSE.

And, of course, also by our own Federal Reserve which is owned by several prominent European banking houses since these debts are being added and "billed" to the U.S. and America in order to "stablize" the global economy. Americans now eating the debt for foreign investment bankers across the globe.

At this point a fundamental question thus must be asked: Could this be simply a rather sophisticated Federal Reserve/Washington pyramid scheme along the lines of Bernie Madoff?

These renegotiated loans and loan terms which even are being executed from all reports are similar to the old ones. Not fixed, low interest loans. But flex adjustable or "interest only" ones, along the same lines as the old ones. Some still are being based on the European markets LIBR rates and not that much ballyhooed "zero interest" Federal Reserve "prime" rate at all you keep hearing about in order to pump up the Fed's image with Americans.

It is also clear another fundamental question needs to be asked in light of all these reports now on the "stalls" after pouring literally billions into those Fed branch banks in order to assist American homeowners "at risk."

Are those banks really actively attempting to save these American homeowners from losing those properties, or merely acting as "agents" for Wall Street and Washington in renegotiating or "buying down" some of the foreign investors who bought some of those securities, while continuing to collect those outrageous sums and fees from American homeowners while, for all intents and purposes, those banks ultimate aims are to simply score a piece of real estate for the bank then future profit and gains in the turnover or flipping of them?

And in satisfying some of those foreign investors who invested in these rebundled "risky" investments in the first place, are these banks under that bailout bill which was sped through Congress so quickly last September offering "shares" of these American banking interests in satisfaction for their investment, thus the aim truly is further amalgamating our economy with that of the world in shares of now even U.S. banks owned by foreign interests with Washington's complicit and express consent outside Constitutional authority and thus treason of it?

It is clear that the founders in fighting a war to break free from foreign dominion and control in that War of '76 established a "union" of soveign states and our economy was never intended to be merged with the global one to begin with in any manner whatsoever as a sovereign nation established for just such purpose -sovereignty over foreign dominion and control

In effect it appears clearly that Washington is using those banks which they continue to claim are "private" banks although publicly owned and branches of our governmentally created Federal Reserve in order to secure America's position in Earth, Inc. and also in what appears to be the ultimate aim of a totally merged global economy and in effect then world government in the process?

What is also interesting now to take note of also due to news coming off the Hill is where 77% of those foreclosure actions are located, and which banks were involved in marketing in those states. The top five states on the list just so happen to also be border or Sunbelt states whose primary industries are tourism, both domestic and global.

All have also had significant increases in local taxes and insurance rates which have skyrocketed due to the massive costs of the illegal immigrants who also live within those states and for which those states citizens have been subsidizing since the last Reagan amnesty in the 1980's.

Due to the focus on tourism as a state industry, that industry is one of the primary employers of those illegal immigrants for those resorts, restaurants, casinos and developers who prefer hiring this cheap labor in order to skirt around the added costs that are involved in hiring Americans due to withholding taxes which are mandated to be withheld for Social Security, unemploment compensation and the like.
And a host of other regulatory provisions on the workplace and license standards that are required for those in the construction industry, another major industry which hires and prefers this cheaper labor.

Is it the intention of Washington to then, after force feeding another illegal immigrant amnesty as appears is now also another of Obama's plans even after the American people had spoken loud and clear in 2006 under the Bush Administration with respect to this issue, in manipulating this crisis and forcing prices of homes in those states down now for over three years the purpose to then have available a great deal of housing in order to resell by those banks or "flip" at such time and after those banks raped lawful Americans during this "foreclosure rescue scam" for those over 12 million illegal immigrants?

Foisting then off those foreclosured upon properties and subsidized with also taxpayer monies involved (including the tax monies of those foreclosed upon owners) in those still ursurous loans that will then be sold to many non-English speaking newcomers with the legalese and fine print involved that many Ameicans were duped into signing by those banks and realtors for their profits most of all, in order to then set up these "new" Americans for the next wave manipulated by the Fed and Wall Street?

Many of those loan terms are being extended to 40 YEARS for those mostly poorly constructed stucco and chicken wire homes so that in another 10-15 years this cycle will be repeated, as this cycle is no mimmicking that of the 70's recession (although far worse) in their market and currency manipulations for the "global" marketplace playing roulette with people lives and homes in the process for their own amusement and gain?

Bankers make profit when homes turn over, not when citizens actually pay them off. And the greater the turnover rate, the greater the profit.

The Bosnian refugees were given automobiles by the Clinton administration for those mostly scientists who were the bulk of those immigrants taken in at that tiime. Many American children can report on the brand new cars their fellow Bosnian students were driving courtesy of the American taxpayers and Uncle Sam.

It was also reported that over 20,000 deemed "vulnerable" Iraqis have also been taken in during this war. Many of them middle class. And due to the border "drug war" (in name only since our southern borders still remain unsecured eight years after 9/11), many middle class Mexicans have bought a great many of the houses in the San Diego area recently that were part of the original wave three years ago.

Nevada (a high tourism and casino state, and thus a high illegal immigrant employment state) had the highest foreclosures last month and topped the list.

Is this how truly low those in Washington have sunk in order to desecrate the very government the founders fought and died for merely 200 years ago, while waving the flag and claiming how much they "love" America?

Which America are they speaking of - the America of Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Adams?

Or this new one under a world government more similar to that of Hitler, Stalin and Lenin?

With the people merely the worker bees for the "greater good" of world socialism, and their homes and properties theirs for the taking?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

AARP: Voice Of Seniors, Or Senior Commecial Providers?

For Any And All Conserve-ative Constitutionalists:

It has been interesting to note just how much press has been give in the health care reform nightmare in mentioning that the needs of senior citizens are being addressed in that one of the groups that Obama and this Congress has included is the AARP (American Association of Retired Persons).

Years and years ago, AARP was formed in order to be an organization primarily in order to address any and all legislation with respect to senior Americans as a resource site and public forum for senior concerns.

However, that has not been the case now for several decades, and is now more of a trade group of vendors which market their wares through AARP offering discounted rates for their services.

Hence, AARP is one of the largest sellers of supplemental insurance plans now marketed to senior citizens since the advent of medicare and medicaid under those governmental bare bones health care plans. And thus would be fundamentally supportive of any legislation in the government retaining or gaining more profit or control in and of the health care industry and representing its various vendors and not senior citizens at all in that respect. Most of those supplemental plans never do have to provide for any costs of care, since right now under medicare the government has the say as the primary care provider, and most of those supplements now are merely backups which are no backups at all when it comes to the more expensive treatments which are needed for heart conditions or cancer, the two most common diseases which occur to citizens in late middle or older age.

You do need to pay for their membership fees for those discounts, so in affect it is a commercial organization marketing to seniors, not a representative of them.

So the media's use of this organization also in order to foster some sort of false legitimacy that Washington is taking into consideration this legislation from a citizen and consumer standpoint is again mere propaganda

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The High Cost Of Health Care: From Then To Now

For Any And All Conserve-ative Constitutionalists:

With all the hard sell both the Democrat and Republican Global Socialists on the Hill have been doing and will continue to do this month before they "readdress" Obama's call for health care reform and using it as public forums for re-elections in their "versions" and the revisions they personally have either included or attempted to place in this heinous Big Daddy government again legislation, maybe it might be worthwhile to take a stroll down memory lane to see how we got from affordable health care now to the astronomical rise which has occurred, along with our progressively declining infant survival rates.

First, global and national insurers formed a union of insurance providers and started meeting supposedly in order to increase the quality of health care in the United States. During those meetings, however, they also began standardizing health care coverages and price fixing the policies which were offered to the public.

Initially simply businesses that existed as a "shared pool" for the premium payers, they instead became megacorporations and took on a "business model" mindset in that profit, and profit alone, was their driving force. They then hired lobbyists with their extra premium monies from their policyholders, and began lobbying the federal and state legislatures throughout the country in order to gain more profit at the policyholder's expense.

The politicians, of course after being wined and dined, complied. Instead of regulating those large now "commercial" corporporation, they began to write more and more industry favoring laws which then also afforded these large global and national insurers to invest those premiums in high risk stocks and investments, and then to also to conglomerate and branch out into other areas of the financial sector such as also owning banks, real esate companies, and other forms of commerce.

Hence Prudential Insurance also owned Prudential-Bache Securities, and Prudential Real Estate. All with the policyholder's premiums and then individual shareholders as their main sources of investment capital. Thus, the insurers used the premium payers premiums actually against them in order to gain more.

Congress then passed an Act attempting to negate the provisions of the Commerce Clause with respect to insurance companies forbidding any and all states from effectively also regulating the insurers who were incorporated within their state borders. Although, of course, this was also not within their Constitutional authority to so do, as the federal government actually was intended to work for the states and people and accountable to them, not as their sovereign ruler as it were dictating extra-Constitutional authority at the state level then also affecting the rights of the people, not corporate interests, in the process. An amendment, of course, would be needed for such a "privilege or immunity" with respect to regulation of this now commercial industry being exempt by the feds for any nationwide or global insurer. And could not ban in any event the states from regulating any that were incorporated within their own state borders with respect to policies sold to state citizens as "intrastate" and not "interstate" commerce.

Then, the Trial Lawyers Association progressively also started its own lobbying efforts at the state level in order to remove and rewrite the civil codes under the common law in the states which then removed the "lid" on punitive damages for medical malpractice claims which had been in effect since the Magna Carta and under the British common law at a maximum of three times the amount of the actual damages in any negligence claims on the part of doctors. Doctor's malpractice insurance rates then skyrocketed and went off the charts. Many in high risk fields simply left the practice of medicine, such as obstetrics, or went into other areas where their insurance was more affordable.

Due then to inflation and spiraling costs of college tuition which bore no relevance whatsoever to the cost of living, the cost to train new doctors made most of those who graduated paupers and bankrupt before they even graduated, much less were able then to pay the costs for setting up their private practices. Many ended up filing bankruptcy, and then working for othe physicians as lab assistants or hospitals until their bankruptcy records were cleared and the were able to qualify for loans.

Then, Richard Nixon during his last term of office, also succumbed to more lobbying pressure and afforded the health care providers to "unionize" also in order to spread their risk and costs since the costs of malpractice insurance then continued to climb with each and every outrageous punitive damage award that then came down the pike. Now there are HMOs and health care networks which involve seeing multiple doctors many times in order to simply get a diagnosis, or even your average physical. Boards of Directors of these huge networks then were evaluating and determining patient care rather than the physicians themselves. Factory line operations then became the norm, as did the 24 hour childbirth or mastectomy.

Doctors were "fined" huge sums, but due to the fact that their medical licenses are issued by the states but for which there is also little regulation or procedural statutes addressing consistently negligent doctors for removal of their licenses, many of these awards became even greater still upon successives suits and claims.

Of course, the lawyers got the bulk of the "extra" awards over the compensatory losses, rather than the one third that was also provided under common law for contingency awards. And started factoring in profit margins for their costs for the expert witnesses also needed in such claims for lawyer profit.

So there you have it. The history of the high cost of health care in this country, and why we now are where we are with respect to both the decline in quality of care, and exhorbitant increases in cost.

And Obama and this Congress have been busy little bees this past few months colluding with the very same industries and associations which are responsible now for where we are today due to their huge profits and campaign lobbying efforts. Instead of backing up, and closing the door, and reviewing all the industry favoring statutes and laws which have progressively occurred in their failures to truly regulate commerce and these huge commecial corporations at both the state and federal levels in order to protect the citizens who actually have provided the profits which afforded them this unconstitutional leverage from the wolves. THEY are not their constituents. They are industry.

Somehow, it appears the name and provisions of of this bill as is being reported and presented as any true reform under the title, "The Affordable Health Care Act," smacks of the same mockery and betrayal of the American people on behalf of "foreign" interests and commerce that the "Patriot Act" consisted of.