Friday, February 5, 2010

APP Reports Decrease in American Unemployment Rate

The APP (American Propaganda Press) reported today that unemployment figures are in, and according to the U.S. Department of Labor there was a slight decrease in the number of unemployed Americans for January over December, from 10 percent to 9.7%.

I suppose a .3 percent decrease warrants heralding by the press corp and Obama Administration. However, it does appear that several factors have been left out of the equation since the U.S. Department of Labor basically uses the amount of Americans that are collecting unemployment as their guideline in their reporting figures most of all.

Without, of course, reporting that many Americans are still quite jobless (and homelessness is increasing in the West and Southwest particularly) and have simply run out of their unemployment benefits at this point in this almost four year economic depression which began in earnest during the summer of 2006 under a Republican president and Democratic Congress (including Mr. Obama).

Also, those figures are offset by the number of "new jobs" the Obama Administration has created at the cost of the American taxpayers in further expanding governmental jobs, especially in the gadget and spying on Americans industry, most of which are employed by that governmental agency and department created by the Bush Administration post 9-11, the Department of Homeland Insecurity.

The Department that believes that using gadgets primarily strip searching Americans and expanding Silicon Valley's bottom lines is less costly and more effective and efficient than truly securing our national borders with Mexico and Canada per the 2006 Secure Fence Act (even in going so far as Congress appropriating and giving more and more foreign aid to Mexico so that the Mexican government can "buy" some of Silicon Valley's gadets which are then billed to the American people under that SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership "No Trade" Agreement and while California still cries poverty due to its extra-Constitutional excesses over the years under Mr. Schwartzenegger).

Of course, most of those terrorists, drug cartel members, human smugglers and auto theft rings that operate cross borders do not enter this country at the ports of entry but in the middle of the desert in the middle of the night.

The West and Southwest, due also to this manipulated economic crisis for the international bankers, Wall Street and the global stock exchanges now has more Canadians full time and "part time" winter or seasonal home owners living there due to their higher currency rate actually than illegal Mexicans. Who only live there during about six months of the year, but for which the American and Arizona residents have paid the bulk of those taxes funding all the programs, extra roads, golf courses, fountains and such that this mecca for the Canadian (and East Coast) snow birds demand.

And the numbers are increasing, since there are also quite a few British and Canadians moving into Louisiana and the New Orleans area post Katrina.

In fact, I was informed there is a local city ordinance which has been enacted by the City of New Orleans calling for a deadline for people who lost their homes during the hurricane to either rebuild, or forfeit their land and ownership rights.

The ultimate tragedy, it appears, is going to be used by the government in order to facilitate the ultimate land grabs for the state and city coffers, developers and foreigners - Brad Pitt's efforts notwithstanding.

And with that latest Supreme Court decision which came down the pike for the financial sector and industries eventual benefit now that the corporate lawyers are lining up in order to expand the applicability of that redefinition of the American citizens (not corporate special interests) First Amendment protections, I just wonder how long it will be before all land in this country is "corporately" owned and all those company towns circa the 1800's are re-established as MacDonaldsville, DuPontville and Microsoft City?

The only new jobs which have been created actually have been in the science and technology propaganda fields (global warming) and "spying on Americans" government jobs at this point.

While our industrial and manufacturing base (especially the U.S. auto industry, one of our primary exports in years gone by) has been outsourced by this Administration, as with the last Administration in their "go global" globalists beliefs, to China, India and Mexico, and our military are now protecting and defending those foreign plants and workers in foreign nations more and more, not to mention foreign governments such as our continued involvement with Israel, which to many Americans at this point should be simply declared another U.S. territory or state with all the military and financial support it has been given since World War II, even after its development of its own crack military and nuclear bomb capabilities.

Mention in the article was made of the "devastated" construction industry.

Say what?

In Louisiana, Texas and Florida the construction industry is the only sector that has seen an increase in jobs due to the numerous disasters which have occurred in that region, and most of the hotels and such are full of government contractor and other construction related employees and where most of the hotel industry is getting their revenue at this point, in addition to those winter visitors to DisneyWorld from Canada and Japan.

Problem is, most of those construction workers are also "outsourced" workers either from other states (as one family member of a local construction company in Louisiana related to me upon a visit to New Orleans recently since I have family living there), or from Mexico.

Relying on the U.S. Department of Labor for such statistical data does appear that our fourth estate is now also the beneficiary of outsourcing to both foreigners (as with the purchase of a great deal of our print and television media by a former Brit), and U.S.A., Inc. itself.