Well, we certainly got "change" alright, haven't we America?
Yesterday it was reported by the AP that the Senate rather hastily extended the terms of the United States "Unpatriotic" Act for another year, without any fundamental changes with respect to many of the unlawful provisions and search and seizures now being instigated by the Department of Homeland Insecurity after its original passage in the wake of 9-11.
Prior, of couse, to our invasion of Iraq then after being in Afghanistan for less than a year, hunting for the mastermind of 9-11, which was committed by Saudi citizens. Not an American Joe Citizen in the bunch planned the attack, or was an accessory to it that was living in the country prior to 9-11.
But, of course, shares in our airlines and nuclear reactors are still being traded on the global stock exchange, and our northern and southern borders more porous now than even before 9-11 after the DHS and Bush Administration's Visa waiver program was expanded to include now citizens from over 34 different countries.
Including Great Britain, home of two of the latest terrorists, the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber.
Whose father, according to British sources, who supposedly reported on his son's radicalization by a Yemen connected al Qaeda sect, actually was a high level banking official, and who lived (as a student, supposedly) in one of the premier London neighborhoods amongst most of the British banking houses wheelers and dealers.
The vote was taken via voice vote, not roll call.
There is little wonder why.
Those 2010 election campaigns are now in high gear, and we wouldn't want that black mark as having voted for this unconstitutional Act once again to somehow ruin any of the chances of some of these Senators being re-elected.
So our Democratic Congress is really no different than our Republican one. This way they can all individually state that the didn't vote to extend this ludicrous act which is such a violation of the Bill of Rights it is outrageous in some of its provisions.
And mostly directed at those telecom companies, you know the ones that Congress was attempting then to also grant immunity to in order to honor those National Security Letters, and go along with this Act when I'm sure most of their corporate lawyers knew how totally violative it was of the Bill of Rights, and warned their clients accordingly - who, of course, then went screaming to Congress so that after its passage, they then couldn't be held liable for following this unconstitutional law to begin with, no matter who the target of those letters might be, American or foreigner.
Which "legally" according to the common law upon which ours is based, our government has no Constitutional authority to so do either in order to forment their agendas or cover their rears for the Constitutional violations promoted against those "unalienable" rights (God-given), indemnify a corporate entity against liability for criminal activities.
But passive Americans and those now that have been "fed" by the television media to buy into such propaganda just goes to show how totally "rogue" most of those players on the Hill actually are at this point.
The dumbing down of America, all appearances of Washington's "concern" for the education fo our youth to the contrary, has been deliberate and progressively regressive insofar as American history and government.
Unbelieveable what this two party system has dissolved into, since it is apparent that the Global Socialists within each of them has control of the reins of both our government, and their "corporate" political parties.
Or have simply re-established the British Torie Party on these shores once again.
Of course the House still hasn't passed it yet, but the new game has been to pass such legislation as this, the Cap & Trade, the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorist Act, and a host of others in one branch, yet leave it in the hopper in the other without then a formal passage into law.
But then in some of those horrendously long appropriations bills, fund those "Non-Acts" anyway, as if they had the force of law.
Or simply codify a regulatory agency, such as Homeland Security, with authorization to execute on these non-Acts through those appropriations bills that are now also 1,000 pages long, while the media concentrates on the "pork" rather than the substantial sums appropriated also to fund NonActs of Congress more and more.
The "pork" isn't the problem, since most of that pork is simply returning the taxpayer's sums back to the states for their duties and functions - with the exception that with the feds holding the purse strings, they of course place conditions and strings then on those sums so the states also tow the federal line since the states really ceded their powers to the feds in all matters unconstitutionally with the passage of the 16th and 17th, and are nothing more than lobbyists also at the federal trough forever changing the balance of power and undermining regressively then the rights of the people from that day forward.
Of course, without the consent of the governed way back when per the 9th placed the states actually subservient to the people on further Constitutional amendments after passage of those first 10.
The games and spins are coming fast and furious off the Hill now, and so are those election promises once again, and creatively attempting to rewrite history in the process by both of those political parties which are collusive in their abridgements of the rights of the people, at this point that is for sure.
Maybe the next poll will reflect a -10 approval rating.
Friday, February 26, 2010
U.S. Senate Passes Unpatriotic Act By Voice Vote
federal government,
Patriot Act,
United States