In reading now all the news reports on the recent suicide crash of a man into a Texas office building housing the Internal Revenue Service, this act of desperation as is clear from his written messages prior to the incident is once again being spun by the media for public consumption.
This country is now in the worst recession/depression since the Great Depression prior to World War II. Many, many individuals are losing their homes, while watching a Congress and their state and local government continue to pass bill after bill supporting industry and the financial sector and Wall Street in additional taxation and/or an increasing deficit and its inflation taxes stripping them even more of their hard earned dollars - a dollar which is now at its lowest level ever against the foreign currency of most of the industrialized world with the exception of maybe Mexico.
Even the Southern Poverty Law Institute, that lawyer lead group that has been involved in facilitating actually more and more outsourcing of jobs and U.S. labor in focusing more and more on the "rights" of even non-Americans got into the Act, although claiming this didn't appear to be a "right wing extremist" attack, or an act of terrorism.
A group, by the way, that I wouldn't hesitate to guess is receiving federal funding and grant monies courtesy of the U.S. taxpayers as an "educational" institute, while bringing lawsuit after lawsuit against Americans protecting the "rights" of non-Americans indiscriminantly in a great many instances.
Hello? Has this group which is so left leaning it is off the map ever studied U.S. history and the amount of Americans, in their desperation, either committed suicide after they were left homeless, jobless and after losing all they had after the first banker manipulated depression in this country, or were so adversely impacted they ended up destitute and more than a few of which were institutionalized or incarcerated due to such acts of desperation?
So many are rushing to judgement, and I am not defending this individual or his actions in the slightest, although many are reaching in their judgement as far as asking such questions as:
a) Why didn't this individual file simply for bankruptcy; or
b) Why didn't he simply go to one of those corporate entities that assist Americans with heavy tax bills?
I for one, as one who has also been fundamentally affect due to the progressive policies of both Washington and my former home state's government can tell you that filing a bankruptcy in this country after the heavy lobbying once again of the financial sector is no easy matter, nor is it without cost in most instances.
And a "restructuring" due to its complications now also actually takes the assistance of a lawyers, lawyers who want to be paid in advance for their services, although the very reason such an individual would seek out their assistance is because they are "bankrupt."
Should it take paying a corporate concern to act as an intermediary in this country on tax issues in order to deal with this out of control agency, as has been the case for many an American after the "quick" and "speedy" passage of the 16th Amendment, along with the 17th and Federal Reserve Act which has progressively taken us more and more into global corporate socialism?
Due to the many complaints of the public in the past, Congress's solution was to again expand government and create another agency, the Taxpayer Advocacy office, to assist delinquent taxpayers, however, it appears this solution also was no solution at all. Instead of more closing monitoring this agency and their practices itself.
Now in addition to simply seeking payment for any and all delinquent taxes which are due, this agency has so many levels of "punishments" piled on to some of those taxes that the fines, fees and penalties many times exceed the actual tax due.
Did those founding fathers intend that the tax laws in this country were to be favorable to the government as a profit making venture, or simply in order to pay the actual costs of those duties and functions for which the federal (and state) governments were responsible?
We all know at this point that there are so many "outside" benefactors now due to special interest lobbying and greed in using our government in order to bulk up their profits and reduce their risks and losses at the public's expense after the illegal creation of "corporate person-hood" as another party to the Constitution way back when by a rogue Supreme Court ruling.
Or at least most of those even minimally political aware individuals in this country are. At least with respect to being negligent in its true duties and functions in actually regulating commerce, especially those national and global concerns, operating in the United States in order to protect those Bill of Rights protections which were meant to prohibit much of what is occurring today. Not give "property" a voice in government, or unequal "privileges or immunities" under the common law which existed when this nation was founded.
And especially not extending any Bill of Rights protections.
I don't know what lead this man to react and do what he did, but it appears due to the tenor of much of his notes and state of mind at the time, this truly was a desperate American taking a most desperate measure, and also lost his life in the process.
And I fear that as this recessionary depression, unfortunately, we just may see more and more of such occurrences happening, until our leaders start honoring their true job functions and public service positions rather than seeking re-election from the very moment that they first run for office.
Mr. Obama is now traveling the nation on behalf of those Democrats now running for office, when there are so many, many Americans still being left homeless and jobless, and while the economy in this country continues to tank.
What a tragedy, and truly appears to me could have been avoided from the rather cryptic reports at this point, and have no idea of truly just what transpired that lead this man to such lengths, but it is clear that in carrying out such a desperate act, there is something rotten in an America that such an event could ever have taken place.
We are paying untold fortunes to protect now most of our governmental officials and buildings, and since a great deal of our legislation now is actually focused more and more in removing Americans "unalienable" or "God given" rights, is it any wonder that such occurrences now are happening more and more, instead of less and less?