Sunday, February 7, 2010

Partisan Politicking Continues While Americans' Lives Compromised

The partisan political backbiting and grandstanding continues between America's two political parties gearing up for the 2010 election cycle.

Recently, an advisor on terrorism with the Obama Administration, John Brennan, was interviewed and appeared on Meet the Press in an interview regarding the purported Christmas Day arrest of a supposed member of al Qaeda with links that have been traced back to his recruitment in Yemen by this terrorist organization.

Most of his comments were geared toward defending the Obama Administration's decision to try this individual in the U.S. criminal courts rather than military tribunals, and attacks on the Republican Party members who have criticized this decision publicly since.

In attempting to score points for the Obama Administration and Democratic Party members, Mr. Brennan failed to mention, of course, that such political backstabbing and grandstanding has become the usual course of events post one of these occurrences, and nothing has changed actually with respect to truly redressing the actual climate and conditions which have continued to make such events now almost a routine occurrence.

And that is the globalization and privatization of a great deal of America's infrastructure, open borders policies of both this and the last few Administrations since Reagan and initial attacks as far back as 1992, and placing corporate profits and special interests above the primary job of the federal government itself - to protect America and Americans from foreign attacks - whether civilian or military.

Most of our nuclear reactors and domestic and international airlines are listed on the global stock exchange, affording foreign governments and foreign interests (even those that have been labeled as "unfriendly") to purchase stock and ownership in critical and vital U.S. industries. Thus, foreigners now own controlling interests in even our nuclear reactors, for heaven sake, many of which are mere miles from heavily populated metro areas.

And the Bush Administration (with a Democratic Congress) afforded free pass visa waivers with mere 48 hour security checks to over 34 different nations in his last 100 days in office, which policies still remain. Our borders are being opened even wider, and our economy merged more and more with that of foreign governments and interests - so is it any wonder that more and more of these attacks or "failed" attempts are now being discovered?

I mean, we are still engaged in an interventionist war in Iraq which is, for all intents and purposes, being continued under the Bush agendas and expanded yet are affording more and more foreign investment and commercial entry and exit visas during this "undeclared" war under the leadership of both of the mainstream political parties in this country.

With more and more Americans dropping out of those affiliations by the day due to the clearly "corporate special interest" takeover of those parties progressively by the globalists, including Mr. Bush and now Mr. Obama.

America's prime real estate is now being bought up by foreign interests due to this banker manipulated recession, and in effect, foreigners are gaining more and more voice and power with respect to America's foreign and domestic policies through both of those mainstream political parties at this point.

Again, the "change" that has occurred clearly is not the "change" most Americans were seeking - a return to Constitutional government and protection of American lives and livelihoods from foreign competition and agendas at the cost of the American people in both their lives, and their livelihoods due to the global socialism that is running rampant at both the federal, and now the state, levels due to the blackmail and bribery that is occuring more and more at the state and local levels unless they also cowtow to Washington's extra-Constitutional edicts and agendas.

With all that stimulus money going mostly to the local coffers with strings attached yet with them still claiming shortfalls, especially with the massive sums being handed out with respect to domestic surveillance and security matters more and more (and not primarily surveillance of foreigners in this country, but more and more Americans also speaking out about the "corporate" favoring policies and "privileges" at the citizen's expense which are increasing) in addition to even attaching strings to sums that the federal government is legally required to provide under the Constitution for roadways and infrastructure needs, the states also are to blame in their negligence in protecting the citizenry now also from Washington's power moves at the citizens expense.

It appears that such forums as "Meet the Press" are again being used for both ratings, and campaign purposes, rather than getting to the crux of the matter insofar as national security issues also are concerned.

Whether this individual is tried in civilian or military courts is actually inconsequential to many Americans at this point.

But just why are these attacks continuing now at an unprecedented rate, when prior to the amalgamization of the U.S. economy and its infrastructure itself, such incidents never occurred due to the fact that in prior generations those individuals that wished to either visit this country, or immigrate, were screened far better than they are today and also there were limited entry and exit points for any and all foreign visitors and immigrants.

My grandparents immigrated in the 20's, and at that time there was one major entry point for all U.S. visitors or immigrants and that was in New York. And had to have both a sponsor, and a thorough background check prior to entry, even going so far as having a thorough dental examination.

Animals are quarantined in Great Britain for a full year prior to their being afforded to "merge" with the animal population there. And we are to the point that the precautions taken in order to protect the animal population and even the agricultural industries and their profits, far exceed now those taken to protect the human population in the United States.

We still have fairly porous borders both north and south, even after the loss of an estimated three times the amount of lives which were lost in 9-11 in the nine years since domestically in crimes committed by foreigners, and untold loss of property by those living in the border states.

The political posturing and now mudslinging at this point does appear to make one wonder since these national security issues are being used more and more for partisan politicking in election years that you could say that actually domestic terrorism has become a "job stimulus" for the two mainstream political parties themselves to bend and use for their self-interests.

The primary question that needed to be asked during this "interview" never was broached in any significant manner whatsoever.

Just why are our borders still open, and why is our federal government continuing to favor corporate special interests and their "rights," and profit margins in this Administration and the lasts in the visa and immigration policies for this country, and in affording foreign investment in our vital industries and real estate to boot post 9-11, over the national security and protection of the American people from foreign invasion and attack, their primary purpose and job?