Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Effects Of Nuclear Testing Contributing To Natural Disasters?

With the continued discussions with respect to the monumental earthquake that occurred recently in Haiti, the largest recorded quake in the region for at least this past half century, a fundamental question has been posed by many as to the degree and impact of this particular quake taken in conjunction with the Asian tsunami which occurred several years ago.

North Korea has actively been involved in testing its nuclear capability and quite recently. France conducted such tests regularly and routinely within the South Pacific for literally decades, merely discontinuing the practice in 1996 after many Tahitian islanders had been affected by the radioactivity which was the result of those underground and above ground tests.

Literally thousands of underground tests were conducted after World War II until the mid to late 1990's.

Most of such testing was done underground. Two of the largest faultlines are near Haiti, and near San Francisco in the United States.

Tsunami's are the result of underground activity also due to shifts in the plates of the Earth's core in order to release energy and pressure along those fault lines, as are earthquakes.

Is it such a leap to conclude that detonating nuclear bombs within the Earth's core itself would not contribute to increasing the pressures within those fault lines, thus increasing the number and severity of such natural disasters as a result?

Below is a link by a writer who studied and reported on the Asian tsunami's and testing which was occurring in that region at the time, or several years prior to its occurrence.

The United States is now taking in thousands of Haitian victims of this disaster, along with an additional 26,000 which have been extended political asylum as refugees in this country from Iraq as a result of the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.

Hydrogen bombs, of course, also were utilized by the military of many nations prior to the discovery of nuclear fission and the nuclear bomb, and also involved widespread testing both above, and below, ground.

It would appear that scientists that are involved in global warming might want to start studying the impact of these tests rather than simply blaming it on the civilan population and its "carbon footprints" insofar as the increase in these "natural" disasters, which just may be speeding up the heating of the Earth's core itself, a natural planetary progression, as a result.

And the question is, will these "new" taxes which the U.N. and globalists deem are critical in order to address this non-phenomena that appears has been the result, or at least contributed to, by some of the decisions of the governmental and military leaders in the various nations, going to be used for good or evil since it appears that taxing the population and citizens inthe various countries and using those taxes to invest in science and technology in the past, at least, has not always been used for positive gain and just may have lead to any increases in the Earth's warming that are being recorded today.

Although at this point, even that conclusion is being widely disputed.
