Apparently, post the Obamanation of the Health Care Deform Act and fallout which has and continues to occur over that massive Constitutional violation of the citizenry in their Bill of Rights protections against "mandatory" laws such as the provisions in this one provides, Mr. Obama is hitting the road again on one of his many road trips in order to sell his deformed version of health care reform, and protect the careers of his fellow political party members.
It was announced by the APP that Mr. Obama is now sweeping the country holding meetings with small businesses in order to point out the benefits of this latest travesty on our Constitution, stopping for a weekend meet and greet on behalf of the DNC for his political parties benefit.
Apparently, using time as President in order to campaign and meet with his political parties corporate organization on behalf of his parties membership is not precluded while serving in office.
He is paid more than a full time salary, after all, especially with all those benefits, not a part-time one.
Although the DNC I would assume is picking up the costs for Mr. Obama's travel expenses, he is campaigning on their behalf at the expense of all the American people, however, Republicans, Democrats or Independents, since he is paid his salary from all those taxes which are collected from the American people and which it appears he and the 111th Congress don't feel is enough to sustain the federal trough.
Especially that House of Misrepresentatives, since the violations of the Senate, as representatives of the "states" interests, put them in conflict in many respects on Bill of Rights issues to begin with - since the state's interests many times can be diametrically opposed to those provisions also in the Bill of Rights for state revenue and gain at the cost of the general citizenry.
Such as what is increasingly occurring today. Corporate interests over American's "unalienable" rights progressively.
I hope those small business owners give him an earful, since this bill has absolutely no benefits to those owners in that piddly tax credit he is attempting to focus on if those employers will tow the federal government's line and provide health care benefits to their employees.
That credit is most likely less than it will be for the costs to provide those plans to their employees at their current levels.
And I wouldn't hesitate to guess, will be reduced over the course of years also if history is any indication of Washington's methods of bribery and extortion.
Which costs were what the problem was to begin with actually, which has been lost in the "process" and politicking.
Right now small businesses, and all businesses, get to deduct the costs of any health care insurance premiums from their overhead, thus inherently reduce their tax burdens in the process.
What should have happened is that the American public and sole proprietors should also be afforded that "privilege" and immunity, and all Americans should be able to deduct the expense of any monies spent on their medical care. Whether it be by insurance premiums and their costs, or directly to those physicans and hospitals for the amounts of those deductibles and uncovered expenses.
If you are placing a tax on labor illegally as that 16th Amendment provides, then any and all expenses in order to stay and remain productive throughout your lifetime in any way absent death, should be tax deductible.
I mean an elderly person in a nursing home until their last moment of life is still productive, in even educating their nearest and dearest in family history, if nothing else.
Work doesn't always equal compensation, in God's definition, since his Son carried out his work without monetary compensation whatsoever, for the most part.
It's apparent those in Washington have either entirely too much time on their hands for all the bogus legislation which now is coming down the pike, some of which even overlapping existing legislation in many respects, or have lost their ways on what their true priorities should be.
And do seem to have forgotten that their primary purposes are delineated in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.
Give him an earful, small business owners.
And ask for the breakdown of all the expenses and hours expended on behalf of the Democratic Party, which are also being billed to the taxpayers ultimately, rather than being at his desk according to the federal holiday schedule for the Easter break and holiday.
Since it seems he started his vacation a little early in order to stump on behalf of his political party honchos and constituents now doing damage control for them, the DNC, and why he now deigns to meet with you "non-stakeholders" at all.
And this goes for all those U.S. Senators and Congressmen now attempting to do use this deform bill also as a political tool and campaign issue.
Since just where were all of them when this legislation was being hatched behind those closed doors, rather than filing the criminal charges and directing that Sargeant at Arms to earn his pay by arresting those who were behind this heinous legislation in its current form which is clearly contrary to the provisions of America's actual law, the Constitution?
Drawing their straws, or speed dialing their marketing and political strategists ala Karl Rove (also paid at the taxpayer's expense) for their own personal damage control marketing strategies?
I wonder where this country would have been if Washington, Jefferson or Lincoln had political strategist or media marketing representatives?
Perish the thought.
Oh, wait. Isn't that where we are?