Saturday, September 19, 2009

Washington Facilitating Foreign Leveraged Buy-Out Of American Assets?

For Any And All Conserve-ative Americans (not Global Socialists):

Due to many recent events, and some independent research I have done on my own rather recently as a now political refugee in stateless exile from the State of Arizona due to the ramifications which have progressively occurred to many long term residents and former natives in the loss of their homes, jobs and very state to an invasion now that is occurring from Mexico with the federal government's explicit support (hence, twice attempting to provide a "pathway to citizenship" and also amnesty for Mexican nationals in this country presently), and other rather recent legislation that was foreigner friendly at the cost of Americans, it is long overdue in asking some fundamental questions.

Is Washington purposely facilitating a leveraged buyout of American assets, in corporate speak.

After the truth of the bogus "foreclosure rescue" scams have now come to light more and more as throwing money at the Federal Reserve bank branches that were primarily responsible for writing some of those overly restrictive, and high cost "low interest" or "interest only" loans (when many were loaded with junk fees and costs also on the front end) as being nothing more than using those banks to "buy down" those investor's debts in order to then flip those properties for more banker revenue, the MO in Washington is becoming clearer.

Those homes now are being depressed to the point that if Mr. Obama (as Mr. Bush) again pushes for an amnesty, some of those properties taken from the existing Americans who were raped of much of their assets, and now with credit reports precluding any new home purchase for at least a decade, that it will be those "new" Americans that will be seeking some of them.

Who, of course, won't speak very fluent English and thus prime patsies for the next economic manipulation and depression in the next 20 years under those now 40 year loans. That has been the case since this is the third such manipulation in the Southwest in 30 years. First in the 70's, then during the savings and loan Keating disaster, and presently.

Right now, foreign investors own a great deal of stock in some of America's foremost industries, some outright now such as China and the Hummer Division. And even a great many of the American public utility companies, believe it or not, when Washington and the state governments afforded those "public" corporations then to privatize.

Even our nuclear power plants at this point, since Palo Verde in Arizona was privatized after the ratepayers were promised the moon in reduction of utility costs in order to "go green" and go nuclear.

After which, rates skyrocketed then to provide for those foreign investor profits, since their currency also was then higher than our own due to Federal Reserve manipulation.

Which is, after all, owned by the European and British banking cartels.

Interesting enough also, while then homeless yet also concerned for the somewhat declining health of my elderly parents who live outside New Orleans and were evacuated for both Katrina and Gustav recently, and as a now struggling artist and photographer I visited the French Quarter while I was there for an extended period of time during which time my mother suffered two heart surgeries for blockages in her arteries by a South American heart surgeon.

As having both a public and private supplemental plan provided by AARP, the corporate practice to which he belonged failed to check for a blockage when her blood pressure was off the charts and did relatively nothing insofar as testing basically until she eventually did suffer the inevitable.

At that time I also had a chance to visit the still recovering New Orleans greater metropolitan area.

And made a visit to the French Quarter, which I had visited on former trips with my family since my extended family has lived there over 30 years.

The area is still struggling and rebuilding. Mostly with federal contractors hiring illegal immigrant labor for much of the construction, and has it own now Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in order to promote their agendas and welfare.

And the homes which were built on the only really habitable land there in the French Quarter which was surveyed by those original settlers and chosen for their settlement as a port on the highest ground available, are still standing and suffered relatively little damage due to the degree of construction used by those original inhabitants. And of course also built on the highest ground near the Mississippi.

Many are now listed for sale mostly by a British real estate firm, Sotheby's of London, and being marketed to mostly British and Candian citizens.

In fact, I ran in to several of them while walking through the Garden District taking some photographs.

Due to the differences in accents, it didn't take a formal statement of country of origin. Some of the licenses and identifying personalized stickers on their vehicles also were in plain view.

And the most famous "new" American who now owns a good deal of our media and internet news sources is also a former Brit from Australia, Rupert Murdoch.

And bringing his British style of reporting and political agendas with him in the process as not really also assimilating to this country, but attemping to make it more like his own.

So for all you foreigners wishing to leave yours in the belief that America still stands as that beacon of freedom and liberty, and land of opportunity in order enjoy the fruits of your labor, and lower taxation I have news for you.

The British won the war, apparently, without most of the American public being aware, and without firing a shot.

They simply bought our bank. And have progressively also been buying up most of our valuable real estate.

Including those homes now being lost that you hear about on your news in the Southwestern United States for the Mexican nationals, and Canadian retirees.

Who, of course, will be the next victims in this global pyramid scheme.