Sunday, November 7, 2010

Global Governor Obama Visits India

Global Governor Barack Obama's trip to India has received wide press reporting this past week, a trip which was undertaken within 24 hours of Tuesday's election and apparently another scheduled vacation week after spending most of the last few months on the campaign trail for various Democratic candidates.

I'm just wondering, have the American taxpayers been paying for all the political junkets, and these vacations to foreign countries this past two years?

I mean, it does appear that the jobs of the foreign ambassadors at this point are nothing more than "cake" jobs at the expense of the taxpayers, since during this entire Administration both Mr. Obama and Ms. Clinton have been out of the country more than they have been in it.

While the United States is still mired in one of its deepest recessions ever (absent the propaganda in the mainstream media pointing to the recession "officially" ending in June 2009, since they clearly must be referring to the global economy and not that of the United States in any coherent manner whatsoever).

The latest reports on the added new jobs since October pointed to the retail sector, restaurants and bars, and medicine primary. Of course with the holidays coming up, these "seasonal" jobs for the most part will be gone by January.

Mr. Obama has been also attempting to put a spin on the number of U.S. jobs that have been outsourced to India during this week long vacation. And just what a few billion dollar trade deals with the U.S. will eventually provide in the way of jobs for Americans.

I wonder what jobs the East Indians can provide for Americans? I mean, their entire tech industry has been one huge massive gain for that country's economy after all the monies both this and the last Administration has poured into Silicon Valley only to have those taxpayer sums then used to hire the East Indian workforce for the most part.

I mean, even the food stamp program in many states is "administered" by companies that are hiring workers from the call centers in New Delhi.

Heads up, Mr. Obama: Global governance is what is killing this country.

And the East Indian workforce needs far less a stimulus than that of the U.S. workforce. I mean, I'm sure all those cell phone companies are making a bundle off the East Indian workforce and the U.S. citizens both that could be then used to reduce the U.S. citizens tax burdens by imposing once again those "import" taxes on foreign goods and labor and reducing the personal income taxes of all but the top 10% earners, since those earners are the ones also gaining their profits at the public's general expense in these free trade deals, and also those taxpayer grants and gimmes.

I mean, it takes Americans twice as long on their cells now to clear up some of those billing errors in those calls to New Delhi. So the U.S. citizens are being hit with treble damages on those cell phone bills as it is.

First for the jobs lost, second for the added call time on their bills, and third for those "income" and added assundry taxes even on those bills passed off to the public that the Indian workforce are not required to pay but they are.

Maybe it's time to phone home for a reality check.