Thursday, January 12, 2012

British Fox TV Attempts to Redefine American Conservatism

Recently I had another opportunity to view one of Fox cable "News" stations programs. This one was the rather hilarious program featuring Bill O'Reilly, the no-spin, spinner.

A former teacher, I might add.

On this program there was a segment which dealt with another of those Fox polls taken of Americans (?) which asked which president was "the greatest" president in America's history.

The winner, of course, was old Ronny Reagan.

The second place finisher was Abraham Lincoln.

Then Bill Clinton (?)

And finally, George Washington.

Left off the list (or further down) was Thomas Jefferson - in this writer's opinion, the greatest president this country has ever seen.

Take for example his accomplishments:

Author of the Declaration of Independence

Negotiating the largest land purchase in the history of this country, the Louisiana purchase.

Establishing a "free" school program for low income families through local churches in Virginia, and establishing the University of Virginia and the first military academy, West Point

Lobbying, along with Patrick Henry, for the Bill of Rights for Americans through the Virginia assembly and its existing Constitution (and thus, state provisions and Republicanism).

Joining with the French people and as Minister to France in their eventual successful attempt to overthrow the French aristocracy and royalty and establish a more democratic form of government there (which is why, I'm sure, he wasn't on Fox's list now more than 200 years later as Brit loyalists)

And more that I will not go into here.

And personally:

Building a monument to architectural greatness, Monticello in Virginia.

Developing a new strain of tulip and other marvels as a horticulturist.

Owning one of the most extensive libraries in these United States.


But Bill O'Reilly, I would assume, is also a Brit loyalist as an Irishman whose loyalties, it would appear, lie with his former historic homeland in Ireland.

It doesn't appear that it is simply the new immigrants that have a great deal of difficulty cutting those ties that bind.

But Reagan as the greatest president?

Must have polled those 30 or 40 somethings, as I hadn't heard Mr. Reagan's face is scheduled to be etched into Mount Rushmore.

But maybe I missed that news flash on Fox or on Bill O'Reilly, the educator.