While the entire even minimally politically aware citizenry of the United States is on overdrive due to the far-reaching events of this past week with respect to the war zone conditions that are more than apparent in the border states and particularly Arizona over the illegal immigration situation, with those on the East Coast per a Saturday Night Live News segment slamming the state, while being totally ignorant of what actually led to the actions taken by the state government to begin with, there has been more afoot on the Eastern Seaboard.
Such is the insulation in this country, and lack of a national identity at this point that those not directly affected by the porous southern borders and drug cartels doing business cross borders almost unimpeded for the past thirty years, have once again attempted to minimize the impact on those victims, rather than putting pressure on the federal government to actually do their jobs and get our southern borders secured FOR ALL.
This week, however, another drama is being played out in the media which also majorly impacted those living mostly in the West and Southwest and Sunbelt states (the states with the continuing foreclosures, which are increasing by the month) and that is the hearings being conducted over the Goldman Sachs securities fraud.
Little connection, however, or reporting has been forthcoming insofar as just who were the actual true victims in the Goldman Sachs fiasco.
And it was not primarily the investors of those CDOs which were pawned off on them by Goldman Sachs knowing full well that those collateralized loans were junk, and that one of their major clients was hedging their bets though derivatives in the process.
After all, Goldman Sachs is the Cadillac of investment houses and most of their clients are not neophytes but savy investors, or at least minimally aware of risk when making some of those investments.
I mean, these investors were playing the market, after all.
In fact, there are quite a number of Goldman Sachs investors who, I'm sure, invest for the tax writeoffs they receive for losses on some of those investments.
Although mere disclosures also of the risks for most of these investments is clearly inadequate for many, due to the legalese with which most prospectuses and other investment documents are written to begin with.
And selling your investors down the river for a favored investment client firm is not good business practice, nor is it legal in the sense the founders intended irrespective as to whether or not there are codified laws allowing mere disclosure as a protection for these huge Wall Street banking firms in order to mitigated their potential losses since Wall Street is pretty much left alone by the SEC and Congress more and more while the investment grades and risks are becoming greater and greater, for the average American individual investor, that is.
In fact, I would simply state that Goldman Sachs had a huge ethical problem, and conflict of interest actually, in order to win favor with one client at the cost of so many others and can not understand for the life of me just how that would not have been in violation of at least several SEC or United States Code provisions.
But the true victims actually are the American homeowners mostly in the West and Southwest who were sold most of those bad loans which Goldman Sachs has admitted full well knew were bad while they were unloading them.
People who were first time homebuyers, or who were forced into refinances in those states due to the rising costs of ownership during that very short boom cycle, many of whom also were owners of homes during a similar scenario involving Charles Keating in the 1980's - who was selling risky investments to elderly retirees in also the West and Southwest and who ended up losing their homes and everything they had when Lincoln Savings & Loan went bust.
Many of these risky and bad CDO's were also guaranteed by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
We all know what happened then since it is and has been the American people who are also bailing out those two entities, all for Goldman Sachs' investors, since the homeowners whose loans were involved and their interests are far down the list and in which at this point for many actually have no underlying debt, as it were, since they were resold.
AND the American people were billed for cash advanced literally in the millions directly to Goldman Sachs (a part owner of our own Federal Reserve actually, according to several reports), so actually it appears Goldman Sachs was using Congress to write themselves their own checks, while billing then those costs to the American public at large on their investors behalf.
And yet it is and was the American homeowners who are still being threatened by these banks and lenders in bed with thsoe Wall Street wheeler dealers and Washington, and few have been able to refinance under more favorable terms since Congress has yet to address the actual terms of those bogus contracts to begin with.
In fact, most of Congress and Obama's attentions have been in attempting to hawk refinances instead to get more and more Americans, it appears, into some of those bogus loans in order to use to pay back some of these investors, apparently.
Or for those "new" jobs created in the mortgage industry of now "mortgage counselors" to settle those debts with those investors by renegotiating the terms of those loans as the middle man with those homeowners, weighing the cost/benefit against foreclosing on the property and reselling it as to which would get those investors and those banks affiliated with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae more.
Many of those loans, of course, were sold through California lenders which were not even based on the U.S. currency, but on the British LIBOR rates.
In the banking industry, the connections between New York and Wall Street and California and those mortgage bankers is strong.
After this week's bust and play acting by the Senate with respect to any true financial sector/Wall Street reform, I'm wondering when those in Washington will get around to addressing the fallout to the true victims of this passion play.
The American people, and mostly those American homeowners in the West and Southwest which New York and its brash comedians maligned in a roundabout way once again last Saturday night.
Watch Washington give Goldman Sachs a lengthy tongue lashing, as what occurred today by selected Senators needing some face time with the media for the upcoming elections, and then purportedly levy a heavy fine.
While the true victims continue to lose their homes, jobs and even lives in the West and Southwest due to Washington's continued political maneuvering protecting the bankers and appeasing the foreigners while raping the citizenry.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Hola! Mexico: Please Keep Your Tomatoes
The backlash apparently is continuing with respect to the bill signed by Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer in a purported attempt to curtail the deaths, property losses and drug trafficking that has been occuring in the State of Arizona for literally decades - and which escalated in leaps and bounds since the Reagan amnesty in the mid 1980's.
What has truly astounded me as a former long term Arizona resident, a victim of illegal immigrant crime, one an identity theft related to a stolen credit card which ocurred at one of a chain of lucrative car washes owned by a well-known and well-heeled Valley businessman who also owns several restaurants from published reports, is the reaction of Mexico.
Although, if past history serves, shouldn't be surprised but due to the amount of illegals that the State of Arizona has that are Mexican Nationals most of which are Mexico's poorer citizens and after 9-11 and with the explosive situation escalating with respect to the drug cartels operating cross borders that Mexico's President(s), past and present, have been unable to eliminate, the audacity simply outrageous.
Ex-Presidente Calderon was quoted as stating that if the local authorities in Arizona actually BEGIN enforcing federal immigration laws and cracking down, it may affect those trade agreements we have with Mexico.
My question: And which country is benefitting from those "free trade" trade agreements more?
Mexico has been the recipient of American taxpayer sums in the form of the Merida Initiative which resulted in the American people paying to provide literally millions of dollars worth of Silicon Valley's gadgets for their border patrol officers, and Hillary Clinton promised them two American made Blackhawk helicopters to boot, from all reports.
No wonder the majority in that left wing State of California want those borders in Arizona to continue to be unsecured, in order to feed their Silicon Valley venture capitalists, while they of course in the 90's got added fencing and security for San Diego when those residents safety was being compromised form the drug runs from Tijuana and has a much narrower border than Arizona with Mexico, or at least those active border towns that can make it through the entire state in one evening stealing cars or distributing their wares to the local high schools and middle schools.
In fact, the largest group of immigrants to Arizona is actually displaced Californians when they all moved to the Arizona desert in droves after ruining their own state with their excesses, which continues to date and are well on their way to ruining Arizona now, or at least the Arizona I knew and loved and grew up in pre-Reagan (another California wacko in some of his economic theories at the cost of the border states, especially Arizona).
GM has a factory there, which is humming right along, although the autoworkers in GM's Detroit plants were given the pink slip.
Americans cross the borders by the droves in order to purchase a great deal of their prescription medications along those border towns, at least before the drug wars broke out, pumping millions more into their economy.
The balance of tourism in the resort industry weighs heavily toward Americans who visit Mexico and spend their dollars on hotels, meals and trinkets, than it does on Mexicans legally traveling to this country for vacations.
Those cruise liners headed for the Mexican Riviera pick up few Mexican citizens for the return trips.
Americans or foreigners are not even allowed to own land in that country, rather may only lease it from a Mexican corporate entity or citizen for 99 year terms, which can be taken from them for any reason, or no reason.
Our universities and schools of higher learning have taken in literally thousands of citizens of Mexico and educated them, even affording them tuition free scholarships as has occurred at Arizona State University with private grants handed out annually in the thousands, which has quite also upset the Arizona resident's whose children now are paying six figures to get their educations, many of whose parents have supported that university with their taxes since their birth.
I, of course, do not agree with the focus of the actions that are being taken to address this issue, and feel that what occurred in Arizona last week is another travesty in the making due to the fact that it has given now these "foreign" individuals a forum once again who are not Arizonans and do not live there nor have even a shred of knowledge on just how much this situation has cost those full time Arizonans, some their homes and jobs - a state which is now consistently in the top five in the foreclosure mess.
Insurance rates in that state have far, far exceeded the cost of living, especially auto and property insurance.
And this bill will bankrupt them even more.
Between the Mexicans and the Canadians, and the transplants, many of whom also do not live in Arizona full time, I just wonder what Mexico's reactions would be if the espadrille was on the other foot?
Please, Mexico, keep your tomatoes.
And your drug dealers, and those poor auto and credit card thieves.
I challenge Seth Meyer and the Saturday Night Live crew to make a ten year commitment to living in metro Phoenix, outside a gated community - and then let's see what new skits they come up with.
A great one would be a parody on the Mexican auto thieves and how they cruise the neighborhoods looking for the small foreign imports in order to make low riders, or half ton pickups in order to be able to haul those drugs around the neighborhoods quicker.
I wonder just how much those two industries also pump into the Mexican economy?
I'm sort of hoping that these boycotts will clear out the state of all those displaced Californians from the 1980's and beyond who ruined their state with their excesses, the Canadians who are the loudest complainers, and those from Chicago and New York who move to Arizona and don't expect to see Mexican-Americans living there, illegal or otherwise, and who move into those gated communities they demanded for their own personal security needs.
Maybe then, as a political refugee from the 2006 attempted amnesty, which would have legalized those drug dealers, the ones able to afford the criminal and immigration lawyers after they beat their raps, I might be able to someday return to Arizona for even a visit without having my sleep interrupted by the searchlights searching the washes which occur every Friday and Saturday night about 2:00 a.m. after a minor bust, since the major dealers have speed dial on their cell phones for their U.S. lawyers.
I think this is one Free Trade Agreement we can live without.
What has truly astounded me as a former long term Arizona resident, a victim of illegal immigrant crime, one an identity theft related to a stolen credit card which ocurred at one of a chain of lucrative car washes owned by a well-known and well-heeled Valley businessman who also owns several restaurants from published reports, is the reaction of Mexico.
Although, if past history serves, shouldn't be surprised but due to the amount of illegals that the State of Arizona has that are Mexican Nationals most of which are Mexico's poorer citizens and after 9-11 and with the explosive situation escalating with respect to the drug cartels operating cross borders that Mexico's President(s), past and present, have been unable to eliminate, the audacity simply outrageous.
Ex-Presidente Calderon was quoted as stating that if the local authorities in Arizona actually BEGIN enforcing federal immigration laws and cracking down, it may affect those trade agreements we have with Mexico.
My question: And which country is benefitting from those "free trade" trade agreements more?
Mexico has been the recipient of American taxpayer sums in the form of the Merida Initiative which resulted in the American people paying to provide literally millions of dollars worth of Silicon Valley's gadgets for their border patrol officers, and Hillary Clinton promised them two American made Blackhawk helicopters to boot, from all reports.
No wonder the majority in that left wing State of California want those borders in Arizona to continue to be unsecured, in order to feed their Silicon Valley venture capitalists, while they of course in the 90's got added fencing and security for San Diego when those residents safety was being compromised form the drug runs from Tijuana and has a much narrower border than Arizona with Mexico, or at least those active border towns that can make it through the entire state in one evening stealing cars or distributing their wares to the local high schools and middle schools.
In fact, the largest group of immigrants to Arizona is actually displaced Californians when they all moved to the Arizona desert in droves after ruining their own state with their excesses, which continues to date and are well on their way to ruining Arizona now, or at least the Arizona I knew and loved and grew up in pre-Reagan (another California wacko in some of his economic theories at the cost of the border states, especially Arizona).
GM has a factory there, which is humming right along, although the autoworkers in GM's Detroit plants were given the pink slip.
Americans cross the borders by the droves in order to purchase a great deal of their prescription medications along those border towns, at least before the drug wars broke out, pumping millions more into their economy.
The balance of tourism in the resort industry weighs heavily toward Americans who visit Mexico and spend their dollars on hotels, meals and trinkets, than it does on Mexicans legally traveling to this country for vacations.
Those cruise liners headed for the Mexican Riviera pick up few Mexican citizens for the return trips.
Americans or foreigners are not even allowed to own land in that country, rather may only lease it from a Mexican corporate entity or citizen for 99 year terms, which can be taken from them for any reason, or no reason.
Our universities and schools of higher learning have taken in literally thousands of citizens of Mexico and educated them, even affording them tuition free scholarships as has occurred at Arizona State University with private grants handed out annually in the thousands, which has quite also upset the Arizona resident's whose children now are paying six figures to get their educations, many of whose parents have supported that university with their taxes since their birth.
I, of course, do not agree with the focus of the actions that are being taken to address this issue, and feel that what occurred in Arizona last week is another travesty in the making due to the fact that it has given now these "foreign" individuals a forum once again who are not Arizonans and do not live there nor have even a shred of knowledge on just how much this situation has cost those full time Arizonans, some their homes and jobs - a state which is now consistently in the top five in the foreclosure mess.
Insurance rates in that state have far, far exceeded the cost of living, especially auto and property insurance.
And this bill will bankrupt them even more.
Between the Mexicans and the Canadians, and the transplants, many of whom also do not live in Arizona full time, I just wonder what Mexico's reactions would be if the espadrille was on the other foot?
Please, Mexico, keep your tomatoes.
And your drug dealers, and those poor auto and credit card thieves.
I challenge Seth Meyer and the Saturday Night Live crew to make a ten year commitment to living in metro Phoenix, outside a gated community - and then let's see what new skits they come up with.
A great one would be a parody on the Mexican auto thieves and how they cruise the neighborhoods looking for the small foreign imports in order to make low riders, or half ton pickups in order to be able to haul those drugs around the neighborhoods quicker.
I wonder just how much those two industries also pump into the Mexican economy?
I'm sort of hoping that these boycotts will clear out the state of all those displaced Californians from the 1980's and beyond who ruined their state with their excesses, the Canadians who are the loudest complainers, and those from Chicago and New York who move to Arizona and don't expect to see Mexican-Americans living there, illegal or otherwise, and who move into those gated communities they demanded for their own personal security needs.
Maybe then, as a political refugee from the 2006 attempted amnesty, which would have legalized those drug dealers, the ones able to afford the criminal and immigration lawyers after they beat their raps, I might be able to someday return to Arizona for even a visit without having my sleep interrupted by the searchlights searching the washes which occur every Friday and Saturday night about 2:00 a.m. after a minor bust, since the major dealers have speed dial on their cell phones for their U.S. lawyers.
I think this is one Free Trade Agreement we can live without.
free trade,
illegal immigration,
national security
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Arizona's "New" Law Feeds Lawyers, Politicians, State, Jails
With all the brouhaha surrounding the recent passage into "law" in Arizona of "new" legislation in order to address the illegal immigrant situation and problems in that state, most of it political in nature and focusing on using once again "racial profiling" as the outcry by all those liberal groups and special interests, little has been said insofar as truly just what this legislation was intended to insure for the lawyers, politicians, state coffers and the privatized jail system.
It appears to me that this "new" law, as with most of the others which have been passed in Arizona since Reaganomics, is simply meant to insure a steady income stream for those two political parties and their members, who derive the bulk of their campaign funding on both sides of the aisle from - you guessed it - the lawyers and legal profession in one form or another.
This bill will be challenged, of course.
In fact, the outcry has been such that special interests groups such as MALDEF, the National Coalistion of "Christian" Clergy (primarily Catholic from all appearances) and a host of others will be filing their federal lawsuits real soon.
And since the federal government through the 9th Circuit has given "standing" to non-Americans and illegal immigrant groups within also the past several decades through their lawyers, the federal judiciary, Congress also passed another of its "Acts" in order to provide for taxpayer paid fees and costs to those civil rights lawyers for such cases, even when most of these "civil rights" and special interest groups for foreigners are already also the recipient of federal grant monies due to the fact that most of these groups also claim to have a purported "educational" focus.
Several years ago, due to an initiative passed by the Arizona citizens way back when calling for balanced budgets, the State of Arizona also has progressively began privatizing some of its state and local jail and prison facilities - of course, after all those jails were funded by the taxpayers in order to build in the first place.
The penal industrial complex is now rivaling the military industrial complex in the costs to the taxpayers now also due to the progressive criminalization of even minor offenses in this country for not simply foreigners, but also American citizens.
Bail costs also which are tied into statutorily set fines and fees for these minor offenses have also made it more and more likely that many Americans (not to mention a great many of those Mexican crossers, not the big time drug dealers and auto thief hoppers) cannot even make those bail sums, and thus are incarcerated then sometimes days or weeks before entering their pleas - since the state and federal court systems have become so over loaded and expensive due to this progression, with the state also then receiving sums in federal grants for "maintenance" of those prisons by the head count.
It appears more and more that crime truly does pay - the state court system, and privatized state 'corporate" jails, that is, for their budgetary and revenue needs most of all.
Tent City in Arizona is a MISDEMEANOR jail faciity, although more and more run as a maximum security facility, and houses over 2,000 inmates periodically, housing misdemeanor offenders in surplus army tents at times in 120 degree or more heat.
While the local county minimum security lockup that the Arizona taxpayers paid for decades ago, during the 1990's was instead turned into a "no kill" animal shelter - in effect the animals, most of them pit bulls which are now the subject of riders on most insurance policies, are housed in air cooled comfort while MISDEMEANOR offenders in Arizona (many of them small time drug users, not large scale suppliers) are housed in army tents with port-a-johns.
The common law intended in this country in "making the punishment fit the crime" has been turned upside across the nation now progressively in order to meet state budgetary requirements, with fees and fines now configured in order to make budget, rather than address the crime itself or the economic circumstances of the average American.
And in order to gain more and more revenue for discretionary purposes, true governmental functions are being privatized so that most of the taxpayer's monies can be used for political reason and not in providing for those governmental services which those taxes were intended to provide in any manner whatsoever.
Mandatory seat belt laws throughout the country range from $25 per infraction, to in some states approaching $100 - over ten times the average hourly wage for a crime which is a victimless crime and in which less than 5% of the driving population are involved in accidents involving any significant property damage or injury, and at a time when cars are now built with stringent safety requirements to begin with such as air bags, engines which are designed to drop down in the event of even minor collusion, and passive restraint systems.
Since it is the "corporate" and civil rights lawyers who are also writing a great deal of both federal, and state, legislation - it appears more and more that legislation is being written in order to feed their industry, without any Constitutional foundation whatsoever behind much of it.
Including this "new" Arizona law, since this new law will certainly drain the coffers of the Arizona taxpayers in the costs now to house these "criminals," AND provide state trials for them, rather than simply being deported and returned by the U.S. Marshall's office as was done in the past for misdemeanor offenders after discovery of their immigration status, and in the fees and costs which those lawyers will receive for the trials of those misdemeanor or felony offenders under the law providing for legal fees and costs for any and all actions which can in any way be designated a "civil rights" action.
And in the process, then be given access to immigration lawyers in any event after some of those large scale drug dealers or auto thieves beat their raps.
Instead of being dismissed at the state level due to lack of jurisdiction and handed over to the federal courts for trial and processing - the state has attempted to assert not simply its jurisdiction authority, but also its financial authority over them, through this legislation and now has extended access to the state courts in addition to the federal courts for a great many of these individuals, at the Arizona taxpayers double expense - and the expense of all Americans since the states receive federal pork funding also for their budgetary needs without apportionment by population, but simply by state and municipal "corporate" lobbying.
In effect not simply affording them "due process" but now even "abuse of process" and unequal privileges and immunities in many respects over legal and lawful Americans charged with offenses who must be satsified with public defenders if indigent, and don't qualify then for "civil rights" lawyers as Americans and thus not a "protected" class - which is why the "racial" and "national origin" card is being used for these "non-Americans" so frequently by these lawyer led groups.
What a mess. And the bureaucrats in Arizona, it appears, are simply once again using this issue as their own job stimulus, and for their future campaigns and eventual taxpayer paid pension plans.
I actually don't expect this legislation to be reversed for some time as it winds its way through the federal court system, with all the delays and hair splitting that will go on with respect to this rather loosely worded "law."
I mean time IS money, after all.
For both the lawyers, and for the State of Arizona - all at the expense of those whose rights they have truly violated in this political gamesplaying.
That of the American and Arizona true citizenry.
Including those bureaucrats themselves ironically, ultimately and their posterity.
It appears to me that this "new" law, as with most of the others which have been passed in Arizona since Reaganomics, is simply meant to insure a steady income stream for those two political parties and their members, who derive the bulk of their campaign funding on both sides of the aisle from - you guessed it - the lawyers and legal profession in one form or another.
This bill will be challenged, of course.
In fact, the outcry has been such that special interests groups such as MALDEF, the National Coalistion of "Christian" Clergy (primarily Catholic from all appearances) and a host of others will be filing their federal lawsuits real soon.
And since the federal government through the 9th Circuit has given "standing" to non-Americans and illegal immigrant groups within also the past several decades through their lawyers, the federal judiciary, Congress also passed another of its "Acts" in order to provide for taxpayer paid fees and costs to those civil rights lawyers for such cases, even when most of these "civil rights" and special interest groups for foreigners are already also the recipient of federal grant monies due to the fact that most of these groups also claim to have a purported "educational" focus.
Several years ago, due to an initiative passed by the Arizona citizens way back when calling for balanced budgets, the State of Arizona also has progressively began privatizing some of its state and local jail and prison facilities - of course, after all those jails were funded by the taxpayers in order to build in the first place.
The penal industrial complex is now rivaling the military industrial complex in the costs to the taxpayers now also due to the progressive criminalization of even minor offenses in this country for not simply foreigners, but also American citizens.
Bail costs also which are tied into statutorily set fines and fees for these minor offenses have also made it more and more likely that many Americans (not to mention a great many of those Mexican crossers, not the big time drug dealers and auto thief hoppers) cannot even make those bail sums, and thus are incarcerated then sometimes days or weeks before entering their pleas - since the state and federal court systems have become so over loaded and expensive due to this progression, with the state also then receiving sums in federal grants for "maintenance" of those prisons by the head count.
It appears more and more that crime truly does pay - the state court system, and privatized state 'corporate" jails, that is, for their budgetary and revenue needs most of all.
Tent City in Arizona is a MISDEMEANOR jail faciity, although more and more run as a maximum security facility, and houses over 2,000 inmates periodically, housing misdemeanor offenders in surplus army tents at times in 120 degree or more heat.
While the local county minimum security lockup that the Arizona taxpayers paid for decades ago, during the 1990's was instead turned into a "no kill" animal shelter - in effect the animals, most of them pit bulls which are now the subject of riders on most insurance policies, are housed in air cooled comfort while MISDEMEANOR offenders in Arizona (many of them small time drug users, not large scale suppliers) are housed in army tents with port-a-johns.
The common law intended in this country in "making the punishment fit the crime" has been turned upside across the nation now progressively in order to meet state budgetary requirements, with fees and fines now configured in order to make budget, rather than address the crime itself or the economic circumstances of the average American.
And in order to gain more and more revenue for discretionary purposes, true governmental functions are being privatized so that most of the taxpayer's monies can be used for political reason and not in providing for those governmental services which those taxes were intended to provide in any manner whatsoever.
Mandatory seat belt laws throughout the country range from $25 per infraction, to in some states approaching $100 - over ten times the average hourly wage for a crime which is a victimless crime and in which less than 5% of the driving population are involved in accidents involving any significant property damage or injury, and at a time when cars are now built with stringent safety requirements to begin with such as air bags, engines which are designed to drop down in the event of even minor collusion, and passive restraint systems.
Since it is the "corporate" and civil rights lawyers who are also writing a great deal of both federal, and state, legislation - it appears more and more that legislation is being written in order to feed their industry, without any Constitutional foundation whatsoever behind much of it.
Including this "new" Arizona law, since this new law will certainly drain the coffers of the Arizona taxpayers in the costs now to house these "criminals," AND provide state trials for them, rather than simply being deported and returned by the U.S. Marshall's office as was done in the past for misdemeanor offenders after discovery of their immigration status, and in the fees and costs which those lawyers will receive for the trials of those misdemeanor or felony offenders under the law providing for legal fees and costs for any and all actions which can in any way be designated a "civil rights" action.
And in the process, then be given access to immigration lawyers in any event after some of those large scale drug dealers or auto thieves beat their raps.
Instead of being dismissed at the state level due to lack of jurisdiction and handed over to the federal courts for trial and processing - the state has attempted to assert not simply its jurisdiction authority, but also its financial authority over them, through this legislation and now has extended access to the state courts in addition to the federal courts for a great many of these individuals, at the Arizona taxpayers double expense - and the expense of all Americans since the states receive federal pork funding also for their budgetary needs without apportionment by population, but simply by state and municipal "corporate" lobbying.
In effect not simply affording them "due process" but now even "abuse of process" and unequal privileges and immunities in many respects over legal and lawful Americans charged with offenses who must be satsified with public defenders if indigent, and don't qualify then for "civil rights" lawyers as Americans and thus not a "protected" class - which is why the "racial" and "national origin" card is being used for these "non-Americans" so frequently by these lawyer led groups.
What a mess. And the bureaucrats in Arizona, it appears, are simply once again using this issue as their own job stimulus, and for their future campaigns and eventual taxpayer paid pension plans.
I actually don't expect this legislation to be reversed for some time as it winds its way through the federal court system, with all the delays and hair splitting that will go on with respect to this rather loosely worded "law."
I mean time IS money, after all.
For both the lawyers, and for the State of Arizona - all at the expense of those whose rights they have truly violated in this political gamesplaying.
That of the American and Arizona true citizenry.
Including those bureaucrats themselves ironically, ultimately and their posterity.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Illegal Groups Line Up To Challenge Arizona's New Law
An activist group of Latino "Christian" clergy members has vowed to fight the illegal immigrant law which was signed by Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer yesterday, the mainstream media has reported.
To this writer and former 40+ year Arizona resident, it comes as no surprise.
This has been the status quo for many, many years insofar as state and local laws which the Arizona legislature has passed in order to attempt to fill in the gap where the federal government has failed with respect to illegal immigration, and also, of course, continue to use this explosive situation in order to manipulate for political advantage by both mainstream political parties at election time.
And this new law appears to be just another attempt in order to both quiet the outraged citizenry in this border state, and also for both political parties to use in order to gain some advantage in the upcoming 2010 elections.
An illegal immigrant favoring group which claims to represent over 2,000 Latino clergy by the name of the National Coalition of Latino Christian Clergy (primarily a Catholic organization, from all appearances - couldn't be there is some financial benefit in those increased tithes to the Catholic Church at work here also, could it?) has announced it will be the first special interest group to challenge the new Arizona immigration enforcement law, one which even Barack Obama has criticized and also used for political purposes in order to facilitate his party's ideas of immigration reform - which is no more than another Reagan era amnesty of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants now in the United States due to progressive federal negligence in securing America's southern borders.
An ideology by both political parties due to this progressive negligence especially post 9-11 which boils down to "as long as we now have these 12 million foreigners in this country, why not reinstitute Reaganomics and "capitalize" on this situation for both political parties benefit, and that of the federal coffer, for all those fees, costs and this new taxation we can institute."
In other words, another global corporate socialism move for U.S.A., Inc, the DNC and RNC agendas masked as immigration reform.
I mean, this country is bulging at the seams with foreigners, both visitors and new immigrants, due to also all these progressively agressive foreign wars to boot and refugees then offered assylum, and with all the Canadians who are buying up America's real estate like it was junk jewelry due to the plunging dollar as opposed to their currency.
Just check out New Orleans Garden District and the new purchasers of all those million dollar homes in the French Quarter for a clue, since the rates of insurance now on those properties and new building standards are preventing so many of those original title holders to hold on to those properties, as with those homes which have been foreclosured upon in Arizona with the escalating costs of ownership which have occurred since Reaganomics.
Nowhere does the Constitution come into play in any manner whatsoever, or those founders intent with respect to immigration and naturalization - especially now that the U.S. is, for all intents and purposes, pretty well populated and in the worst recession this country has faced since the Great Depression insofar as the jobs and economies of the true legal Americans.
The claims of fears of "racial profiling" are being used ad nauseum by most of these special interest groups, although when I was growing up in Arizona in the 1960's and 1970's, such profiling was routinely done since it is illegal Mexican nationals who are living in that state who are the targets, many of whose family members living in the U.S. are some of those hiring their relatives to work in some of their small businesses too, or using their kids in order to sell some of those drugs in front of the middle schools.
This is all just so much rhetoric since also during the 1970's, people crossing from California to Arizona were stopped upon entry and questioned by state officials insofar as their travel plans, and whose cars were searched due to the blight which occurred in the citrus industry at that time, and in which these stops were also used in order to question citizens on their legal status in the country upon request for provision of driver's licenses, or green cards.
This group apparently also was behind a claimed boycott which it attempted to organize of the illegal immigrant population with respect to the 2010 U.S. census calling for illegal immigrants to boycott the census until they were recognized as legal Americans.
The fact that illegal immigrants are afforded to participate in the census at all in order to gain a voice in our government contrary to the entire fabric of a representative government as contained within the U.S. Constitution, and intent of those founders, is quite incredible.
A group of U.S. Congressmen, the State of Pennsylvania and another special interest group who attempted to redress this also negligence of the federal government to codify that the U.S. census provisions with respect to representation in the electoral college under our Constitution was clearly meant for "We The Legal Citizens" of the United States in a legal petition to the U.S. Supreme Court was dismissed by the Court apparently for "lack of standing."
According to the mainstream media, apparently the provisions by the U.S. Census Bureau, an agency that has no law making ability under our Constitution whatsoever, provides that anyone in the country regardless of immigration status is to be included in the census.
So the games and hypocricy at the federal and state levels continue, while the actual legal citizens of the border states, and all others indirectly, continue to suffer this massive breach of Constitutional provision which was clearly meant to protect the American people, not foreigners, until naturalization.
What is even more outrageous is that the Mexican government, in a unamious act of their Senate, passed a resolution prior to the signing of the Arizona bill condemning it, when under Mexico's Constitution, foreigners are forbidden from involving themselves in their government in any manner whatsoever, which is a felony under Mexico's Constitution and laws.
And the Mexican style of enforcement and justice with respect to foreigners crossing their borders unlawfully from South America is blatant racial profiling with respect to Americans visiting their country, and South Americans.
Ask any American who has been stopped for a traffic violation in Mexico, where the method of enforcement against Americans is "pay up, or into the hoosegow you go."
And the fine is set by the arresting officer according to what is perceived as an Americans ability to pay. as opposed to fines for their legal citizenry.
So once again, it wil be the legal Americans in Arizona that will suffer the consequences of this bureaucratic mess and continued political gamesplaying by both the mainstream political parties, and "illegal" special interest groups - illegal in more ways than one.
I have a suggestion for the local law enforcement officials who will be charged with enforcing this new law.
In addition to the illegal Mexicans now living in the border states who are crying foul where their former government would never put up with such nonsense from foreigners in their country, start also requesting documentation from also those unincluded illegal immigrants to Arizona from Canada who overstay their visas, yet also continue to attempt to influence legislation in that state and are some of the most vocal on the illegal immigrant situation in the Phoenix and Tucson metro areas.
And get rid of both the illegal Mexicans and Canadians so that the rule of law in Arizona returns to those of protecting the rights of the legal AMERICAN citizens living in the border states.
Wouldn't it just be simpler, and more cost effective and Constitutional, to simply get the U.S. borders secured to keep the auto thieves, and drug runners at bay which are, after all, the primary problem to begin with in compromising those living in the border states progressively so that now this situation has become unbearable and cost the lives and property of so many, many Americans that the washes in Arizona are becoming full of Americans while these nonAmericans claim their rights without any legal status in any manner whatsoever under the true American law to so do to begin with?
To this writer and former 40+ year Arizona resident, it comes as no surprise.
This has been the status quo for many, many years insofar as state and local laws which the Arizona legislature has passed in order to attempt to fill in the gap where the federal government has failed with respect to illegal immigration, and also, of course, continue to use this explosive situation in order to manipulate for political advantage by both mainstream political parties at election time.
And this new law appears to be just another attempt in order to both quiet the outraged citizenry in this border state, and also for both political parties to use in order to gain some advantage in the upcoming 2010 elections.
An illegal immigrant favoring group which claims to represent over 2,000 Latino clergy by the name of the National Coalition of Latino Christian Clergy (primarily a Catholic organization, from all appearances - couldn't be there is some financial benefit in those increased tithes to the Catholic Church at work here also, could it?) has announced it will be the first special interest group to challenge the new Arizona immigration enforcement law, one which even Barack Obama has criticized and also used for political purposes in order to facilitate his party's ideas of immigration reform - which is no more than another Reagan era amnesty of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants now in the United States due to progressive federal negligence in securing America's southern borders.
An ideology by both political parties due to this progressive negligence especially post 9-11 which boils down to "as long as we now have these 12 million foreigners in this country, why not reinstitute Reaganomics and "capitalize" on this situation for both political parties benefit, and that of the federal coffer, for all those fees, costs and this new taxation we can institute."
In other words, another global corporate socialism move for U.S.A., Inc, the DNC and RNC agendas masked as immigration reform.
I mean, this country is bulging at the seams with foreigners, both visitors and new immigrants, due to also all these progressively agressive foreign wars to boot and refugees then offered assylum, and with all the Canadians who are buying up America's real estate like it was junk jewelry due to the plunging dollar as opposed to their currency.
Just check out New Orleans Garden District and the new purchasers of all those million dollar homes in the French Quarter for a clue, since the rates of insurance now on those properties and new building standards are preventing so many of those original title holders to hold on to those properties, as with those homes which have been foreclosured upon in Arizona with the escalating costs of ownership which have occurred since Reaganomics.
Nowhere does the Constitution come into play in any manner whatsoever, or those founders intent with respect to immigration and naturalization - especially now that the U.S. is, for all intents and purposes, pretty well populated and in the worst recession this country has faced since the Great Depression insofar as the jobs and economies of the true legal Americans.
The claims of fears of "racial profiling" are being used ad nauseum by most of these special interest groups, although when I was growing up in Arizona in the 1960's and 1970's, such profiling was routinely done since it is illegal Mexican nationals who are living in that state who are the targets, many of whose family members living in the U.S. are some of those hiring their relatives to work in some of their small businesses too, or using their kids in order to sell some of those drugs in front of the middle schools.
This is all just so much rhetoric since also during the 1970's, people crossing from California to Arizona were stopped upon entry and questioned by state officials insofar as their travel plans, and whose cars were searched due to the blight which occurred in the citrus industry at that time, and in which these stops were also used in order to question citizens on their legal status in the country upon request for provision of driver's licenses, or green cards.
This group apparently also was behind a claimed boycott which it attempted to organize of the illegal immigrant population with respect to the 2010 U.S. census calling for illegal immigrants to boycott the census until they were recognized as legal Americans.
The fact that illegal immigrants are afforded to participate in the census at all in order to gain a voice in our government contrary to the entire fabric of a representative government as contained within the U.S. Constitution, and intent of those founders, is quite incredible.
A group of U.S. Congressmen, the State of Pennsylvania and another special interest group who attempted to redress this also negligence of the federal government to codify that the U.S. census provisions with respect to representation in the electoral college under our Constitution was clearly meant for "We The Legal Citizens" of the United States in a legal petition to the U.S. Supreme Court was dismissed by the Court apparently for "lack of standing."
According to the mainstream media, apparently the provisions by the U.S. Census Bureau, an agency that has no law making ability under our Constitution whatsoever, provides that anyone in the country regardless of immigration status is to be included in the census.
So the games and hypocricy at the federal and state levels continue, while the actual legal citizens of the border states, and all others indirectly, continue to suffer this massive breach of Constitutional provision which was clearly meant to protect the American people, not foreigners, until naturalization.
What is even more outrageous is that the Mexican government, in a unamious act of their Senate, passed a resolution prior to the signing of the Arizona bill condemning it, when under Mexico's Constitution, foreigners are forbidden from involving themselves in their government in any manner whatsoever, which is a felony under Mexico's Constitution and laws.
And the Mexican style of enforcement and justice with respect to foreigners crossing their borders unlawfully from South America is blatant racial profiling with respect to Americans visiting their country, and South Americans.
Ask any American who has been stopped for a traffic violation in Mexico, where the method of enforcement against Americans is "pay up, or into the hoosegow you go."
And the fine is set by the arresting officer according to what is perceived as an Americans ability to pay. as opposed to fines for their legal citizenry.
So once again, it wil be the legal Americans in Arizona that will suffer the consequences of this bureaucratic mess and continued political gamesplaying by both the mainstream political parties, and "illegal" special interest groups - illegal in more ways than one.
I have a suggestion for the local law enforcement officials who will be charged with enforcing this new law.
In addition to the illegal Mexicans now living in the border states who are crying foul where their former government would never put up with such nonsense from foreigners in their country, start also requesting documentation from also those unincluded illegal immigrants to Arizona from Canada who overstay their visas, yet also continue to attempt to influence legislation in that state and are some of the most vocal on the illegal immigrant situation in the Phoenix and Tucson metro areas.
And get rid of both the illegal Mexicans and Canadians so that the rule of law in Arizona returns to those of protecting the rights of the legal AMERICAN citizens living in the border states.
Wouldn't it just be simpler, and more cost effective and Constitutional, to simply get the U.S. borders secured to keep the auto thieves, and drug runners at bay which are, after all, the primary problem to begin with in compromising those living in the border states progressively so that now this situation has become unbearable and cost the lives and property of so many, many Americans that the washes in Arizona are becoming full of Americans while these nonAmericans claim their rights without any legal status in any manner whatsoever under the true American law to so do to begin with?
Friday, April 23, 2010
Obama Misguided: Negligent Politicians Bash Arizona
There was an article widely reported in the mainstream media and web news reports that Barack Obama has determined the supposedly "harsh" new legislation aimed at illegal immigration in the State of Arizona, "misguided."
Of course, Mr. Obama is from one of the states furthest north away from those southern borders, and other than staying in Arizona during one of his many roadtrips at an internationally owned resort hotel there with his entourage, has spent little, if any, time in the Phoenix or Tucson metropolitan areas.
And, of course, has Secret Service agents who monitor and are charged to protect his every move with shoot to kill orders for any whacked out individual, foreign or otherwise, that compromises the security of the Commander-in-Chief.
Not so an Arizona rancher, or the literally thousands of other Arizona citizens whose lives and property have been negligently compromised by such positions as Mr. Obama's with respect to border security for the border state residents, and abiding by his primary duty to provide for the safety and security of United States citizens whose lives and properties may be compromised by foreigners or nonAmericans, whether visiting or on work visas - or those that don't even bother to apply but hop the border instead.
And then hop back again for another drug run, or brand new automobile courtesy of the Arizona citizens.
I'd say that the one that is clearly misguided, and that is simply just too weak an expression with respect to the true federal negligence that has resulted in escalating the outrage of the Arizona citizens, and divisiveness within that state which makes the quality of life living there on par with living in Iraq, is Mr. Obama.
Also reported in this article were those high ranking and state officials OUSIDE ARIZONA who obviously have used this issue also to up their media visibility, at the Arizona citizens expense once again - such as Bill Richardson, MALDEF (a group of lawyers who make their living bringing lawsuits against Americans on behalf of illegal immigrant "rights" and paid by American taxpayer paid grant monies), and the erstwhile Arizona Attorney General, who should obviously know better and just what his duties and functions actually are with respect to the Arizona citizenry, Terry Goddard.
Amazing how many that live outside Arizona, who have never spent any significant time living there, are on the illegal immigrant bandwagon - yet I wouldn't hesitate to guess would not at all like to make about a 10 year commitment living there, outside any gated community, in order to truly research the impact it has had on that state and those state citizens progressively.
Arizona, after all, is in the top ten now in bankruptcies, and one of the leading states in the foreclosure mess due to the fact that many of that state's citizens in Tucson and Phoenix were placed in the position of having to refinance their homes during that short boom cycle due to the escalating costs of ownership, with the open borders situation and those increases in costs a major factor in why so many were so vulnerable to those risky lenders and their fraudulent loans - many of which weren't even based on the U.S. currency, but the British LIBOR rates.
Mr. Obama, I have a suggestion prior to making any outlandish statements such as your recent one while using the open borders instead to push another one of those Global Socialist/Republican/Democratic agendas such as immigration reform then instead.
How about retiring to Arizona after your term of office, or establishing a summer White House in Arizona, without the Secret Service, and see what impact it has on your family, and your quality of life.
And your mental health and well being, personal security, and wallet.
Now, instead of funding more and more government agencies to study problems, or give any more foreign aid to another country who is in much better economic circumstances than this one, such as Israel - or securing Iraq or Afghanistan's borders - how about building that fence and securing our own?
And then maybe speaking about immigration reform in order to make that process much easier, so that these poor Mexicans aren't gouged by those in your profession, or those increasingly for-profit directed fees and costs, in order to eventually immigrate here?
Since it isn't simply lettuce pickers that have migrated here from the south, after all, but those who have replaced Arizonans and Americans in the construction, tourism, and other vital industries, and replaced many of their former countrymen - the legal Mexican-Americans.
Or maybe consulting with the true "stake-holders" this time, the actual long term Arizona residents who have lived there, say, for more than 30 years since Reagan's amnesty?
Try speaking to some of those living in the Cave Creek wash, or some of the other homeless living there, for example.
Or the many who have now lost their homes and jobs to the outsourcing your political party, and that other mainstream party, continue to promote and facilitate by "passive agressive" pure federal negligence.
Of course, Mr. Obama is from one of the states furthest north away from those southern borders, and other than staying in Arizona during one of his many roadtrips at an internationally owned resort hotel there with his entourage, has spent little, if any, time in the Phoenix or Tucson metropolitan areas.
And, of course, has Secret Service agents who monitor and are charged to protect his every move with shoot to kill orders for any whacked out individual, foreign or otherwise, that compromises the security of the Commander-in-Chief.
Not so an Arizona rancher, or the literally thousands of other Arizona citizens whose lives and property have been negligently compromised by such positions as Mr. Obama's with respect to border security for the border state residents, and abiding by his primary duty to provide for the safety and security of United States citizens whose lives and properties may be compromised by foreigners or nonAmericans, whether visiting or on work visas - or those that don't even bother to apply but hop the border instead.
And then hop back again for another drug run, or brand new automobile courtesy of the Arizona citizens.
I'd say that the one that is clearly misguided, and that is simply just too weak an expression with respect to the true federal negligence that has resulted in escalating the outrage of the Arizona citizens, and divisiveness within that state which makes the quality of life living there on par with living in Iraq, is Mr. Obama.
Also reported in this article were those high ranking and state officials OUSIDE ARIZONA who obviously have used this issue also to up their media visibility, at the Arizona citizens expense once again - such as Bill Richardson, MALDEF (a group of lawyers who make their living bringing lawsuits against Americans on behalf of illegal immigrant "rights" and paid by American taxpayer paid grant monies), and the erstwhile Arizona Attorney General, who should obviously know better and just what his duties and functions actually are with respect to the Arizona citizenry, Terry Goddard.
Amazing how many that live outside Arizona, who have never spent any significant time living there, are on the illegal immigrant bandwagon - yet I wouldn't hesitate to guess would not at all like to make about a 10 year commitment living there, outside any gated community, in order to truly research the impact it has had on that state and those state citizens progressively.
Arizona, after all, is in the top ten now in bankruptcies, and one of the leading states in the foreclosure mess due to the fact that many of that state's citizens in Tucson and Phoenix were placed in the position of having to refinance their homes during that short boom cycle due to the escalating costs of ownership, with the open borders situation and those increases in costs a major factor in why so many were so vulnerable to those risky lenders and their fraudulent loans - many of which weren't even based on the U.S. currency, but the British LIBOR rates.
Mr. Obama, I have a suggestion prior to making any outlandish statements such as your recent one while using the open borders instead to push another one of those Global Socialist/Republican/Democratic agendas such as immigration reform then instead.
How about retiring to Arizona after your term of office, or establishing a summer White House in Arizona, without the Secret Service, and see what impact it has on your family, and your quality of life.
And your mental health and well being, personal security, and wallet.
Now, instead of funding more and more government agencies to study problems, or give any more foreign aid to another country who is in much better economic circumstances than this one, such as Israel - or securing Iraq or Afghanistan's borders - how about building that fence and securing our own?
And then maybe speaking about immigration reform in order to make that process much easier, so that these poor Mexicans aren't gouged by those in your profession, or those increasingly for-profit directed fees and costs, in order to eventually immigrate here?
Since it isn't simply lettuce pickers that have migrated here from the south, after all, but those who have replaced Arizonans and Americans in the construction, tourism, and other vital industries, and replaced many of their former countrymen - the legal Mexican-Americans.
Or maybe consulting with the true "stake-holders" this time, the actual long term Arizona residents who have lived there, say, for more than 30 years since Reagan's amnesty?
Try speaking to some of those living in the Cave Creek wash, or some of the other homeless living there, for example.
Or the many who have now lost their homes and jobs to the outsourcing your political party, and that other mainstream party, continue to promote and facilitate by "passive agressive" pure federal negligence.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Southwestern Border Remains Open While Political Games Continue
An article was published in the AP today regarding the Southwestern border situation, and actions being considered by my former home state in order to appear to be doing something, it seems, once again due to the recent death of an Arizona rancher on his own property several weeks ago purported committed by an illegal crosser.
Of course, it is interesting once again to me as one who is more than familiar with all the rhetoric that it is an election year, and several key seats are up for grabs in Arizona, including the Governorship, a viable challenge to the long held seat of John McCain and several others.
Although the body counts in the border states, and homelessness continues to climb, it took this highly publicized recent death of a Douglas rancher to once again bring this issue to the forefront, although appears the same old, same old is being used in order to quiet the masses who have been victimized in that state repeatedly due to those open borders, both personally or one of their family members, in the drug trafficking and property theft rates which have exploded since the 1960's in that state.
Most of all due to federal negligence to actually do their jobs and get those southern borders secured, especially now nine long years since 9/11 and with the "War on Terrorism" continuing under Obama.
The Democrats and Republicans are playing the shell game, and of course the immigrant favoring groups headed mostly by the civil rights lawyers who are cleaning up on lawsuits involving also the state measures which have been thrown out by the liberal 9th Circuit, which progressively has also lead to a great many Arizonans bankruptcies and loss of jobs, which is escalating by the year.
Arizona is one of the highest bankruptcy states in the nation.
The Catholic Church in the Tucson diocese even got into the act, although I guess what is missed by the Church is the fact that the Pope himself has an actual fortress surrounding his country, a country bordered by Italy, which is, after all, primarily populated by his own Church members.
It was mentioned that Janet Brewer, the current governor, is calling out the National Guard as Janet Napolitano did when she was Governor, before of course hiking her pay grade with her federal position, and is one who has halted funded for the proposed border fencing and security now so that a "cost/benefit" ratio and study can be done.
While more and more of her former constituents die, apparently.
These illegals have also continued to be tried in the state and county courts in Arizona, and there have been ongoing also political backbiting and fights due to the fact that the county judges have been releasing a great many of them back into the public, and not enforcing some of the laws which the legislature has passed addressing this situation.
Although it appears the lawyers for those county and state officials must be omitting informing them of the fact that foreigners under the true "law," the U.S. Constitution, should be tried for whatever reason in the federal courts, not state courts, so these judges are simply doing their jobs, although it would appear also not directing upon those arraignments the Sheriff's office forthwith turn them over to the U.S. Marshall's office, the correct procedure and jurisdiction, for trial if such arrests involve felony or criminal actions.
With misdemeanors, the former procedure when I was growing up there, before the criminal and immigration lawyers lobbied for trials for nonAmericans prior to deportations, was that if found upon a routine stop to be in the country illegally without a sponsor or family member or U.S. citizen to vouch for them, or overstaying their visas, they were turned over to the Marshall's office, and inexpensively bused back to the border after arranging for their rides upon dropoff, each and every Saturday.
Which cost a whole lot less than affording state and country trials or deportation hearings, and was a punishment that actually fit the crime. Soon those illegal crossers tired of being returned, or embarassed to have to call for their rides the same people repeatedly.
Why San Diego and El Paso were afforded security for their citizens, and Arizonans are not, I will never know.
But the solution is there, although due to the housing boom and also the huge growth Arizona has had in the last three decades, it would seem to me that if it is a "cash strapped" state as presented by the politicians and media, it is only due to the fact that the politicians and the corporate special interests are continuing to indulge in their insatiable needs for revenue for extra-Constitutional functions and the limit to their greed and expenditures for discretionary palm greasing knows no bounds.
Since all the State of Arizona has to do in order to get those National Guard troops, or better still, get that border fencing done under the Secure Fence Act while Congress is appropriating sums in foreign aid to countries in better financial position now than this one is, and securing Iraq's borders while leaving our own unsecured, is to sue the federal government in federal court under the Constitution for breach of contract.
Instead of making it a campaign issue, and continuing the political grandstanding on the part of both of those negligent mainstream political parties and politicians - both past and present.
Of course, it is interesting once again to me as one who is more than familiar with all the rhetoric that it is an election year, and several key seats are up for grabs in Arizona, including the Governorship, a viable challenge to the long held seat of John McCain and several others.
Although the body counts in the border states, and homelessness continues to climb, it took this highly publicized recent death of a Douglas rancher to once again bring this issue to the forefront, although appears the same old, same old is being used in order to quiet the masses who have been victimized in that state repeatedly due to those open borders, both personally or one of their family members, in the drug trafficking and property theft rates which have exploded since the 1960's in that state.
Most of all due to federal negligence to actually do their jobs and get those southern borders secured, especially now nine long years since 9/11 and with the "War on Terrorism" continuing under Obama.
The Democrats and Republicans are playing the shell game, and of course the immigrant favoring groups headed mostly by the civil rights lawyers who are cleaning up on lawsuits involving also the state measures which have been thrown out by the liberal 9th Circuit, which progressively has also lead to a great many Arizonans bankruptcies and loss of jobs, which is escalating by the year.
Arizona is one of the highest bankruptcy states in the nation.
The Catholic Church in the Tucson diocese even got into the act, although I guess what is missed by the Church is the fact that the Pope himself has an actual fortress surrounding his country, a country bordered by Italy, which is, after all, primarily populated by his own Church members.
It was mentioned that Janet Brewer, the current governor, is calling out the National Guard as Janet Napolitano did when she was Governor, before of course hiking her pay grade with her federal position, and is one who has halted funded for the proposed border fencing and security now so that a "cost/benefit" ratio and study can be done.
While more and more of her former constituents die, apparently.
These illegals have also continued to be tried in the state and county courts in Arizona, and there have been ongoing also political backbiting and fights due to the fact that the county judges have been releasing a great many of them back into the public, and not enforcing some of the laws which the legislature has passed addressing this situation.
Although it appears the lawyers for those county and state officials must be omitting informing them of the fact that foreigners under the true "law," the U.S. Constitution, should be tried for whatever reason in the federal courts, not state courts, so these judges are simply doing their jobs, although it would appear also not directing upon those arraignments the Sheriff's office forthwith turn them over to the U.S. Marshall's office, the correct procedure and jurisdiction, for trial if such arrests involve felony or criminal actions.
With misdemeanors, the former procedure when I was growing up there, before the criminal and immigration lawyers lobbied for trials for nonAmericans prior to deportations, was that if found upon a routine stop to be in the country illegally without a sponsor or family member or U.S. citizen to vouch for them, or overstaying their visas, they were turned over to the Marshall's office, and inexpensively bused back to the border after arranging for their rides upon dropoff, each and every Saturday.
Which cost a whole lot less than affording state and country trials or deportation hearings, and was a punishment that actually fit the crime. Soon those illegal crossers tired of being returned, or embarassed to have to call for their rides the same people repeatedly.
Why San Diego and El Paso were afforded security for their citizens, and Arizonans are not, I will never know.
But the solution is there, although due to the housing boom and also the huge growth Arizona has had in the last three decades, it would seem to me that if it is a "cash strapped" state as presented by the politicians and media, it is only due to the fact that the politicians and the corporate special interests are continuing to indulge in their insatiable needs for revenue for extra-Constitutional functions and the limit to their greed and expenditures for discretionary palm greasing knows no bounds.
Since all the State of Arizona has to do in order to get those National Guard troops, or better still, get that border fencing done under the Secure Fence Act while Congress is appropriating sums in foreign aid to countries in better financial position now than this one is, and securing Iraq's borders while leaving our own unsecured, is to sue the federal government in federal court under the Constitution for breach of contract.
Instead of making it a campaign issue, and continuing the political grandstanding on the part of both of those negligent mainstream political parties and politicians - both past and present.
IDOL Gives Back? Hardly!
Although I rarely watch a great deal of television anymore for varying reasons, especially any of the stations that are included with those cable subscriptions, this evening while I was working researching and editing some of my recent work as a basically unemployed freelance photographer I turned on the television and caught some of the "Idol Gives Back" program from Fox.
After only a few short minutes, I was astounded at the title for this particular segment of this program, since during the entire program there was a message flashing the number in which credit card payments in order to donate followed each and every performance of those Hollywood and a great many British transplant celebrities who were involved in this undertaking.
There was even a brief announcement by Ryan Seacrest that there was a special number in which the audience could make $10.00 donations, although the usual text messaging rates would apply, with a maximum number of calls to this particular number restricted to three.
It appears this had nothing to do with "American Idol Gives Back" but merely a telethon to the public requesting donations, and a forum in which various celebrities could also get a gig, while using the kids who were hungry for stardom as their stimulus.
I stopped watching this show many, many years ago when the Coke glasses, the text messaging and Ford automobile ads seem to be the primary focus, and the kids which were involved in this talent show merely props.
In fact, during this travesty of a plea for public donations for Hollywood's or Fox's latest causes, Alicia Keyes was the "featured" guest, and did one of her numbers which was stylized for this particular venue which featured a song in which the basic lyrics had to do with doing the "unmentionable" as an "inspiration" to the mostly pre-pubescent audience as somehow being an inspiration to donating to fight hunger and poverty.
And then went on to extol New York, site of Wall Street and many of those corporate offices of those financial institutions in which those credit card donations with the profits on those fees for Wall Street would benefit most of all for all those donations.
What was also interesting is that a great many of the performances also seemed to be aimed at the baby boomer and Gen-X parents of those kids watching in recycling Elton John's "Your Song," and also "Stairway to Heaven," as if these songs actually had, at their inception, anything at all to do with the focus of this massive telethon, at a time when most of those in which this plea was intended to reach, are those that have been majorly impacted by the U.S. recession/depression.
These "celebrities" from the U.S. and Great Britain, it appears haven't a clue.
And interesting that those pleas for donations also highlighted credit card payments, since California was and is the state in which a great many of those loans which have resulted in the foreclosures now sweeping the country were sold by Indy Mac Bank, Countrywide and Bank of America, using California's Silicon Valley telecom industry in order to make those pleas.
This program has seen better days, and milking the public at a time when this country is facing it's largest recession ever on behalf of the U.N. and its globalism agendas which have also had a major impact in their focus of world socialsm which has progressively negatively impacted the American people most of all, seemed almost too much to believe, and can understand why this program is now facing declining ratings.
Especially since the audience for this show actually tends to be those which are still dependents, and using them in order to reach their parents wallets utterly incredible.
Most of the featured spots, of course, used young children and babies as the focus for these various causes and groups, in which many of these "non-profits" also receive federal taxapayer grant monies in some form or another, I wouldn't hesitate to guess.
AIDS and literacy were the primary focuses, and it was reported by Elton John that AIDS is spreading in this country, who recommended all viewers to get tested of which about 50% of them at least were young, prepubescent girls it appeared.
And as one who also is familiar with AIDS and its progression since its inception in this country, interesting in that if we had instituted quarantines prior to immigrations or long term visits to this country when this outbreak first occurred as was done for any number of other diseases in prior generations with the limited ports of entry for immigration and international travel, or stopped facilitating agressive, rather than defensive wars, taking in literally thousands of refugees from impoverished areas and countries also progressively since Viet Nam, maybe the spread of AIDS in this country wouldn't be climbing, rather than reducing.
Randy Jackson played guitar for one of the numbers, and was quoted as stating that the U.S. was "one of the richest countries in the world."
I guess he is unaware of the increasing federal deficit, and just why so many of those in which this program directed it's pleas, at least in this country, are in the circumstances in which they now find themselves.
And Washington, New York and Wall Street,California, the British alliance since World War II and U.N's "foreign" agendas are a major part of it.
After only a few short minutes, I was astounded at the title for this particular segment of this program, since during the entire program there was a message flashing the number in which credit card payments in order to donate followed each and every performance of those Hollywood and a great many British transplant celebrities who were involved in this undertaking.
There was even a brief announcement by Ryan Seacrest that there was a special number in which the audience could make $10.00 donations, although the usual text messaging rates would apply, with a maximum number of calls to this particular number restricted to three.
It appears this had nothing to do with "American Idol Gives Back" but merely a telethon to the public requesting donations, and a forum in which various celebrities could also get a gig, while using the kids who were hungry for stardom as their stimulus.
I stopped watching this show many, many years ago when the Coke glasses, the text messaging and Ford automobile ads seem to be the primary focus, and the kids which were involved in this talent show merely props.
In fact, during this travesty of a plea for public donations for Hollywood's or Fox's latest causes, Alicia Keyes was the "featured" guest, and did one of her numbers which was stylized for this particular venue which featured a song in which the basic lyrics had to do with doing the "unmentionable" as an "inspiration" to the mostly pre-pubescent audience as somehow being an inspiration to donating to fight hunger and poverty.
And then went on to extol New York, site of Wall Street and many of those corporate offices of those financial institutions in which those credit card donations with the profits on those fees for Wall Street would benefit most of all for all those donations.
What was also interesting is that a great many of the performances also seemed to be aimed at the baby boomer and Gen-X parents of those kids watching in recycling Elton John's "Your Song," and also "Stairway to Heaven," as if these songs actually had, at their inception, anything at all to do with the focus of this massive telethon, at a time when most of those in which this plea was intended to reach, are those that have been majorly impacted by the U.S. recession/depression.
These "celebrities" from the U.S. and Great Britain, it appears haven't a clue.
And interesting that those pleas for donations also highlighted credit card payments, since California was and is the state in which a great many of those loans which have resulted in the foreclosures now sweeping the country were sold by Indy Mac Bank, Countrywide and Bank of America, using California's Silicon Valley telecom industry in order to make those pleas.
This program has seen better days, and milking the public at a time when this country is facing it's largest recession ever on behalf of the U.N. and its globalism agendas which have also had a major impact in their focus of world socialsm which has progressively negatively impacted the American people most of all, seemed almost too much to believe, and can understand why this program is now facing declining ratings.
Especially since the audience for this show actually tends to be those which are still dependents, and using them in order to reach their parents wallets utterly incredible.
Most of the featured spots, of course, used young children and babies as the focus for these various causes and groups, in which many of these "non-profits" also receive federal taxapayer grant monies in some form or another, I wouldn't hesitate to guess.
AIDS and literacy were the primary focuses, and it was reported by Elton John that AIDS is spreading in this country, who recommended all viewers to get tested of which about 50% of them at least were young, prepubescent girls it appeared.
And as one who also is familiar with AIDS and its progression since its inception in this country, interesting in that if we had instituted quarantines prior to immigrations or long term visits to this country when this outbreak first occurred as was done for any number of other diseases in prior generations with the limited ports of entry for immigration and international travel, or stopped facilitating agressive, rather than defensive wars, taking in literally thousands of refugees from impoverished areas and countries also progressively since Viet Nam, maybe the spread of AIDS in this country wouldn't be climbing, rather than reducing.
Randy Jackson played guitar for one of the numbers, and was quoted as stating that the U.S. was "one of the richest countries in the world."
I guess he is unaware of the increasing federal deficit, and just why so many of those in which this program directed it's pleas, at least in this country, are in the circumstances in which they now find themselves.
And Washington, New York and Wall Street,California, the British alliance since World War II and U.N's "foreign" agendas are a major part of it.
American Idol,
United States,
Wall Street
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Mr. Cantor: Financial Services Bill Misses The Regulatory Mark
According to the mainstream media (which is so reliable at this point as a news source, sort of like many of the purported "global" citizen journalism sites funded by government grants at the taxpayer's ultimate expense with their propaganda also), Eric Cantor, that "Republican" from Virginia, is in Chicago bad-mouthing the intent of Obama's weak-kneed aims to somewhat rein in the financial sector under a purported Financial Services Bill.
At this point, it does seem to this American sort of like attempting to close the barn doors after the horses have escaped, where so much federal negligence was involved which contributed to the loss of homes and jobs of the legal Americans, while all actions now of Congress have been to escalate, rather than reduce, the impact their negligence created with Washington's symbionic relationship with the global bankers and financial wheeler dealers on Wall Street.
Or at least those global socialists in the U.S. that believe it is America that is destined to remain and continue as the police force of the world, for Europe, Israel or a host of other nations whenever they receive any "terrorist" threat from an "unfriendly" nation in that country's definition, rather than as the protector of American lives, individual freedoms and domestic focused livelihoods.
Mr. Cantor's concerns, of course, as one of the Global Socialists also on the Hill now in power is that such a bill would tie the hands of those Wall Street financial services global conglomerates, forcing them to then go to China for their funding.
His concerns also are for the claimed "American" investors, rather than the global ones which it is apparent are his foremost concerns in most of his comments, and their then confidence in Wall Street, so again it is the financial sector's whose interests he is most concerned with and its viability under his nebulous concepts of capitalism, rather than Constitutional government.
Since, of course, China is hardly our primary benefactor but instead it is the world bankers who basically run the entire world's economy through their various governmental subsidiaries in all but about six nations of the world - the Fed and the U.S. included since the bogus Federal Reserve Act was "passed" in 1913 by a rogue president and Congress, along with the 16th and 17th amendments which were in essence, as with the recent Health Deform legislation, written and passed without even a quorum of Congress and "behind closed doors."
China is the U.S.'s greatest beneficiary, in fact, in the jobs that have been outsourced to that country also progressively under the Global Socialists and their bankers without any modicum of regulation or taxation for all that foreign bought labor at the American public's ultimate expense in propping up foreign economies once again at the cost of America's and Americans' own.
So it is once again the global investors that are the primary focus of the objections of the other branch of the Global Socialist Party, the Republicans, which is now getting media play.
Mr. Cantor, how about being concerned with the American citizens, you know those citizens now that are jobless and homeless due to Washington's progressively unconstitutional "hands off" attitudes with respect to foreigners and foreign investment in this country, which is undermining the entire fabric of this representative government that those founders created?
Such talk at this point by the Obama Administration does appear to be so much rhetoric, and definitely aimed at attempts to hold off the anticipated losses of those Global Socialst Democratic seats that are now on the line due to the continuing outrage of the American people with both the outsourcing and insourcing which has caused the American people loss of jobs in the literally millions at this point.
How about ripping those charters out from under those banks in the West and Southwest that the FBI is purportedly investigating, but at a snail's pace, of those lenders such as Indy Mac, Bank of America and Countrywide who were selling loans in this country to the American people during that short boom who were forced into refinances due to the escalating costs of ownership that were not even based on the U.S. currency, but on the British one?
How about mandating that any and all executive compensation packages and bonuses must be approved by the uninvolved stockholders and shareholders, especially for those companies whose expenditures for such sums have caused those major global corporations, some not even domiciled in the U.S. such as AIG, to be the recipients once again of the American people's largesse, who are progressively being bankrupted by Washington with such moves?
How about rescinding that former bogus Act of Congress of many years ago which also lead to this that also then attempted to preclude the state governments from actually doing their jobs, and regulating those banks and lenders engaging in intrastate commerce within their own state borders?
How about saving the taxpayer's some money for all those travel expenses that those in Washington also bill the American taxpayers for these road trips, and actually start doing your jobs?
Like maybe cutting the expenses also for the greatest expenditure now, the continuing War on Terrorism, while not seeing the true threat and looking the other way while Wall Street continues to sell shares on the global exchange of America's nuclear reactors and generators, and infrastructure compromising the safety of then the entire population of this country in the process in the guise of capitalism but which is nothing more than treason?
The next job stimulus in my opinion for all those new jobs created in the financial sector once again by the Bush/Obama Administration in the collection and foreclosure industry should mandate that these corporate collection vipers begin making some international calls, and calling in those markers for all that foreign aid which has been given progressively to Israel, France or any number of other nations to set up some repayment schedules for that debt, including the present costs with this continuation of this now clearly "Global War on Terror" for which is it merely Americans by and large risking their lives
I mean just where are those "matching sum" of troops from Israel, Great Britain and Franch in this escalating and ongoing nine year Global War primarily on their behalf at this point?
At this point, it does seem to this American sort of like attempting to close the barn doors after the horses have escaped, where so much federal negligence was involved which contributed to the loss of homes and jobs of the legal Americans, while all actions now of Congress have been to escalate, rather than reduce, the impact their negligence created with Washington's symbionic relationship with the global bankers and financial wheeler dealers on Wall Street.
Or at least those global socialists in the U.S. that believe it is America that is destined to remain and continue as the police force of the world, for Europe, Israel or a host of other nations whenever they receive any "terrorist" threat from an "unfriendly" nation in that country's definition, rather than as the protector of American lives, individual freedoms and domestic focused livelihoods.
Mr. Cantor's concerns, of course, as one of the Global Socialists also on the Hill now in power is that such a bill would tie the hands of those Wall Street financial services global conglomerates, forcing them to then go to China for their funding.
His concerns also are for the claimed "American" investors, rather than the global ones which it is apparent are his foremost concerns in most of his comments, and their then confidence in Wall Street, so again it is the financial sector's whose interests he is most concerned with and its viability under his nebulous concepts of capitalism, rather than Constitutional government.
Since, of course, China is hardly our primary benefactor but instead it is the world bankers who basically run the entire world's economy through their various governmental subsidiaries in all but about six nations of the world - the Fed and the U.S. included since the bogus Federal Reserve Act was "passed" in 1913 by a rogue president and Congress, along with the 16th and 17th amendments which were in essence, as with the recent Health Deform legislation, written and passed without even a quorum of Congress and "behind closed doors."
China is the U.S.'s greatest beneficiary, in fact, in the jobs that have been outsourced to that country also progressively under the Global Socialists and their bankers without any modicum of regulation or taxation for all that foreign bought labor at the American public's ultimate expense in propping up foreign economies once again at the cost of America's and Americans' own.
So it is once again the global investors that are the primary focus of the objections of the other branch of the Global Socialist Party, the Republicans, which is now getting media play.
Mr. Cantor, how about being concerned with the American citizens, you know those citizens now that are jobless and homeless due to Washington's progressively unconstitutional "hands off" attitudes with respect to foreigners and foreign investment in this country, which is undermining the entire fabric of this representative government that those founders created?
Such talk at this point by the Obama Administration does appear to be so much rhetoric, and definitely aimed at attempts to hold off the anticipated losses of those Global Socialst Democratic seats that are now on the line due to the continuing outrage of the American people with both the outsourcing and insourcing which has caused the American people loss of jobs in the literally millions at this point.
How about ripping those charters out from under those banks in the West and Southwest that the FBI is purportedly investigating, but at a snail's pace, of those lenders such as Indy Mac, Bank of America and Countrywide who were selling loans in this country to the American people during that short boom who were forced into refinances due to the escalating costs of ownership that were not even based on the U.S. currency, but on the British one?
How about mandating that any and all executive compensation packages and bonuses must be approved by the uninvolved stockholders and shareholders, especially for those companies whose expenditures for such sums have caused those major global corporations, some not even domiciled in the U.S. such as AIG, to be the recipients once again of the American people's largesse, who are progressively being bankrupted by Washington with such moves?
How about rescinding that former bogus Act of Congress of many years ago which also lead to this that also then attempted to preclude the state governments from actually doing their jobs, and regulating those banks and lenders engaging in intrastate commerce within their own state borders?
How about saving the taxpayer's some money for all those travel expenses that those in Washington also bill the American taxpayers for these road trips, and actually start doing your jobs?
Like maybe cutting the expenses also for the greatest expenditure now, the continuing War on Terrorism, while not seeing the true threat and looking the other way while Wall Street continues to sell shares on the global exchange of America's nuclear reactors and generators, and infrastructure compromising the safety of then the entire population of this country in the process in the guise of capitalism but which is nothing more than treason?
The next job stimulus in my opinion for all those new jobs created in the financial sector once again by the Bush/Obama Administration in the collection and foreclosure industry should mandate that these corporate collection vipers begin making some international calls, and calling in those markers for all that foreign aid which has been given progressively to Israel, France or any number of other nations to set up some repayment schedules for that debt, including the present costs with this continuation of this now clearly "Global War on Terror" for which is it merely Americans by and large risking their lives
I mean just where are those "matching sum" of troops from Israel, Great Britain and Franch in this escalating and ongoing nine year Global War primarily on their behalf at this point?
Eric Canton,
federal government,
Wall Street,
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Nuclear Summit Misses the Mark
As an American, it has been interesting listening to the news bites coming out of the Great Nuclear War Summit called by Mr. Obama, in which 47 nations apparently are participating.
As far as America is concerned, I would have to state that I do agree with Mr. Obama in one respect with a caveat, however.
The greatest threat to THIS country's national security is certainly the threat of nuclear weaponry getting into the hands of terrorists, no matter which country they might originate, rather than an overt attack by an unfriendly nation.
However, due to the fact that the federal government has been negligent in effectively regulating the financial sector and instead has been in bed with Wall Street lo these many years, and has also been unconstitutionally calling the shots insofar as even our public utility companies are concerned for those states and citizens whose power is provided by nuclear generators through the Nuclear Regulatory Agency and appropriations and pork bill funding with strings attached, Mr. Obama's stance doesn't quite ring true insofar as where the true national security threats now lie.
Since the American globalists from both political parties are and have been more concerned with pumping up the global economy, at the cost of the United States' own, little has been published regarding the fact that most of those large nuclear generators and reactors in this country no longer are "public" utilities, per se, but have been privatized with shares now traded over the global exchange of those holding companies that now "illegally" own those facilities.
The major faux pas in this scenario is that at this point, with America's economy on an ever downward spiral, the major investors in most of America's largest corporations, and even its infrastructure are becoming more and more foreigners, not Americans.
Or global socialist Americans who loyalties lie with their wallets, and not their sovereign country of birth or fealty.
What's to say that at some point in the not so very distant future, one of those countries at this summit who have been buying up some of those shares of America's industries and infrastructure might not someday own controlling interests then in a great many of our nuclear reactors?
I mean, as owning controlling interests in those reactors, wouldn't then those major shareholders even have access to the plans for those reactors, and would then be able to facilitate World War III within America's own shores using splinter terrorists organizations funded by those countries to so do after having purchased all the outstanding shares, or perhaps in one of those Washington facilitated conglomerate mergers and assumptions of U.S. industries that is becoming rather routine now with the dollar in the toilet, and Washington's propensity to sell off American assets to the highest bidder, be they American or foreign?
Just what was the purpose of this summit is actually what I would like to know, since it is clear that it just might be that this was another meeting and public relations appearance of most of the major players and global socialist Board of Directors of World, Inc., and the world bankers who seem to be trading shares of each country's assets, and just wonder at this point which foreign owned holding company or potential terrorist organization actually owns the Brooklyn Bridge, anyway?
Or perhaps Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, the largest, fifty miles outside Phoenix, Arizona?
Seems to me those tea party members just might be the only ones in this country beginning to get a grip on just how extensive globalism is compromising both this country, and its citizenry, PROGRESSIVELY.
Just what will be next?
Dividing up the Grand Canyon into corporate shares among the world's superpowers equally and the profits from those federal park passes which have escalated in leaps and bounds of actually state and state citizen owned land, in order to guarantee that Palo Verde doesn't eventually "go nuclear" due to some diplomatic misunderstanding, religious ax grinding, revenge over past grievances due to these progressively agressive foreign wars on behalf of foreign nations we keep getting involved in, or broken trade agreement?
As far as America is concerned, I would have to state that I do agree with Mr. Obama in one respect with a caveat, however.
The greatest threat to THIS country's national security is certainly the threat of nuclear weaponry getting into the hands of terrorists, no matter which country they might originate, rather than an overt attack by an unfriendly nation.
However, due to the fact that the federal government has been negligent in effectively regulating the financial sector and instead has been in bed with Wall Street lo these many years, and has also been unconstitutionally calling the shots insofar as even our public utility companies are concerned for those states and citizens whose power is provided by nuclear generators through the Nuclear Regulatory Agency and appropriations and pork bill funding with strings attached, Mr. Obama's stance doesn't quite ring true insofar as where the true national security threats now lie.
Since the American globalists from both political parties are and have been more concerned with pumping up the global economy, at the cost of the United States' own, little has been published regarding the fact that most of those large nuclear generators and reactors in this country no longer are "public" utilities, per se, but have been privatized with shares now traded over the global exchange of those holding companies that now "illegally" own those facilities.
The major faux pas in this scenario is that at this point, with America's economy on an ever downward spiral, the major investors in most of America's largest corporations, and even its infrastructure are becoming more and more foreigners, not Americans.
Or global socialist Americans who loyalties lie with their wallets, and not their sovereign country of birth or fealty.
What's to say that at some point in the not so very distant future, one of those countries at this summit who have been buying up some of those shares of America's industries and infrastructure might not someday own controlling interests then in a great many of our nuclear reactors?
I mean, as owning controlling interests in those reactors, wouldn't then those major shareholders even have access to the plans for those reactors, and would then be able to facilitate World War III within America's own shores using splinter terrorists organizations funded by those countries to so do after having purchased all the outstanding shares, or perhaps in one of those Washington facilitated conglomerate mergers and assumptions of U.S. industries that is becoming rather routine now with the dollar in the toilet, and Washington's propensity to sell off American assets to the highest bidder, be they American or foreign?
Just what was the purpose of this summit is actually what I would like to know, since it is clear that it just might be that this was another meeting and public relations appearance of most of the major players and global socialist Board of Directors of World, Inc., and the world bankers who seem to be trading shares of each country's assets, and just wonder at this point which foreign owned holding company or potential terrorist organization actually owns the Brooklyn Bridge, anyway?
Or perhaps Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, the largest, fifty miles outside Phoenix, Arizona?
Seems to me those tea party members just might be the only ones in this country beginning to get a grip on just how extensive globalism is compromising both this country, and its citizenry, PROGRESSIVELY.
Just what will be next?
Dividing up the Grand Canyon into corporate shares among the world's superpowers equally and the profits from those federal park passes which have escalated in leaps and bounds of actually state and state citizen owned land, in order to guarantee that Palo Verde doesn't eventually "go nuclear" due to some diplomatic misunderstanding, religious ax grinding, revenge over past grievances due to these progressively agressive foreign wars on behalf of foreign nations we keep getting involved in, or broken trade agreement?
Barack Obama,
federal government,
Friday, April 2, 2010
Obama On Road Trips For DNC?
Apparently, post the Obamanation of the Health Care Deform Act and fallout which has and continues to occur over that massive Constitutional violation of the citizenry in their Bill of Rights protections against "mandatory" laws such as the provisions in this one provides, Mr. Obama is hitting the road again on one of his many road trips in order to sell his deformed version of health care reform, and protect the careers of his fellow political party members.
It was announced by the APP that Mr. Obama is now sweeping the country holding meetings with small businesses in order to point out the benefits of this latest travesty on our Constitution, stopping for a weekend meet and greet on behalf of the DNC for his political parties benefit.
Apparently, using time as President in order to campaign and meet with his political parties corporate organization on behalf of his parties membership is not precluded while serving in office.
He is paid more than a full time salary, after all, especially with all those benefits, not a part-time one.
Although the DNC I would assume is picking up the costs for Mr. Obama's travel expenses, he is campaigning on their behalf at the expense of all the American people, however, Republicans, Democrats or Independents, since he is paid his salary from all those taxes which are collected from the American people and which it appears he and the 111th Congress don't feel is enough to sustain the federal trough.
Especially that House of Misrepresentatives, since the violations of the Senate, as representatives of the "states" interests, put them in conflict in many respects on Bill of Rights issues to begin with - since the state's interests many times can be diametrically opposed to those provisions also in the Bill of Rights for state revenue and gain at the cost of the general citizenry.
Such as what is increasingly occurring today. Corporate interests over American's "unalienable" rights progressively.
I hope those small business owners give him an earful, since this bill has absolutely no benefits to those owners in that piddly tax credit he is attempting to focus on if those employers will tow the federal government's line and provide health care benefits to their employees.
That credit is most likely less than it will be for the costs to provide those plans to their employees at their current levels.
And I wouldn't hesitate to guess, will be reduced over the course of years also if history is any indication of Washington's methods of bribery and extortion.
Which costs were what the problem was to begin with actually, which has been lost in the "process" and politicking.
Right now small businesses, and all businesses, get to deduct the costs of any health care insurance premiums from their overhead, thus inherently reduce their tax burdens in the process.
What should have happened is that the American public and sole proprietors should also be afforded that "privilege" and immunity, and all Americans should be able to deduct the expense of any monies spent on their medical care. Whether it be by insurance premiums and their costs, or directly to those physicans and hospitals for the amounts of those deductibles and uncovered expenses.
If you are placing a tax on labor illegally as that 16th Amendment provides, then any and all expenses in order to stay and remain productive throughout your lifetime in any way absent death, should be tax deductible.
I mean an elderly person in a nursing home until their last moment of life is still productive, in even educating their nearest and dearest in family history, if nothing else.
Work doesn't always equal compensation, in God's definition, since his Son carried out his work without monetary compensation whatsoever, for the most part.
It's apparent those in Washington have either entirely too much time on their hands for all the bogus legislation which now is coming down the pike, some of which even overlapping existing legislation in many respects, or have lost their ways on what their true priorities should be.
And do seem to have forgotten that their primary purposes are delineated in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.
Give him an earful, small business owners.
And ask for the breakdown of all the expenses and hours expended on behalf of the Democratic Party, which are also being billed to the taxpayers ultimately, rather than being at his desk according to the federal holiday schedule for the Easter break and holiday.
Since it seems he started his vacation a little early in order to stump on behalf of his political party honchos and constituents now doing damage control for them, the DNC, and why he now deigns to meet with you "non-stakeholders" at all.
And this goes for all those U.S. Senators and Congressmen now attempting to do use this deform bill also as a political tool and campaign issue.
Since just where were all of them when this legislation was being hatched behind those closed doors, rather than filing the criminal charges and directing that Sargeant at Arms to earn his pay by arresting those who were behind this heinous legislation in its current form which is clearly contrary to the provisions of America's actual law, the Constitution?
Drawing their straws, or speed dialing their marketing and political strategists ala Karl Rove (also paid at the taxpayer's expense) for their own personal damage control marketing strategies?
I wonder where this country would have been if Washington, Jefferson or Lincoln had political strategist or media marketing representatives?
Perish the thought.
Oh, wait. Isn't that where we are?
It was announced by the APP that Mr. Obama is now sweeping the country holding meetings with small businesses in order to point out the benefits of this latest travesty on our Constitution, stopping for a weekend meet and greet on behalf of the DNC for his political parties benefit.
Apparently, using time as President in order to campaign and meet with his political parties corporate organization on behalf of his parties membership is not precluded while serving in office.
He is paid more than a full time salary, after all, especially with all those benefits, not a part-time one.
Although the DNC I would assume is picking up the costs for Mr. Obama's travel expenses, he is campaigning on their behalf at the expense of all the American people, however, Republicans, Democrats or Independents, since he is paid his salary from all those taxes which are collected from the American people and which it appears he and the 111th Congress don't feel is enough to sustain the federal trough.
Especially that House of Misrepresentatives, since the violations of the Senate, as representatives of the "states" interests, put them in conflict in many respects on Bill of Rights issues to begin with - since the state's interests many times can be diametrically opposed to those provisions also in the Bill of Rights for state revenue and gain at the cost of the general citizenry.
Such as what is increasingly occurring today. Corporate interests over American's "unalienable" rights progressively.
I hope those small business owners give him an earful, since this bill has absolutely no benefits to those owners in that piddly tax credit he is attempting to focus on if those employers will tow the federal government's line and provide health care benefits to their employees.
That credit is most likely less than it will be for the costs to provide those plans to their employees at their current levels.
And I wouldn't hesitate to guess, will be reduced over the course of years also if history is any indication of Washington's methods of bribery and extortion.
Which costs were what the problem was to begin with actually, which has been lost in the "process" and politicking.
Right now small businesses, and all businesses, get to deduct the costs of any health care insurance premiums from their overhead, thus inherently reduce their tax burdens in the process.
What should have happened is that the American public and sole proprietors should also be afforded that "privilege" and immunity, and all Americans should be able to deduct the expense of any monies spent on their medical care. Whether it be by insurance premiums and their costs, or directly to those physicans and hospitals for the amounts of those deductibles and uncovered expenses.
If you are placing a tax on labor illegally as that 16th Amendment provides, then any and all expenses in order to stay and remain productive throughout your lifetime in any way absent death, should be tax deductible.
I mean an elderly person in a nursing home until their last moment of life is still productive, in even educating their nearest and dearest in family history, if nothing else.
Work doesn't always equal compensation, in God's definition, since his Son carried out his work without monetary compensation whatsoever, for the most part.
It's apparent those in Washington have either entirely too much time on their hands for all the bogus legislation which now is coming down the pike, some of which even overlapping existing legislation in many respects, or have lost their ways on what their true priorities should be.
And do seem to have forgotten that their primary purposes are delineated in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.
Give him an earful, small business owners.
And ask for the breakdown of all the expenses and hours expended on behalf of the Democratic Party, which are also being billed to the taxpayers ultimately, rather than being at his desk according to the federal holiday schedule for the Easter break and holiday.
Since it seems he started his vacation a little early in order to stump on behalf of his political party honchos and constituents now doing damage control for them, the DNC, and why he now deigns to meet with you "non-stakeholders" at all.
And this goes for all those U.S. Senators and Congressmen now attempting to do use this deform bill also as a political tool and campaign issue.
Since just where were all of them when this legislation was being hatched behind those closed doors, rather than filing the criminal charges and directing that Sargeant at Arms to earn his pay by arresting those who were behind this heinous legislation in its current form which is clearly contrary to the provisions of America's actual law, the Constitution?
Drawing their straws, or speed dialing their marketing and political strategists ala Karl Rove (also paid at the taxpayer's expense) for their own personal damage control marketing strategies?
I wonder where this country would have been if Washington, Jefferson or Lincoln had political strategist or media marketing representatives?
Perish the thought.
Oh, wait. Isn't that where we are?
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