As an American, it has been interesting listening to the news bites coming out of the Great Nuclear War Summit called by Mr. Obama, in which 47 nations apparently are participating.
As far as America is concerned, I would have to state that I do agree with Mr. Obama in one respect with a caveat, however.
The greatest threat to THIS country's national security is certainly the threat of nuclear weaponry getting into the hands of terrorists, no matter which country they might originate, rather than an overt attack by an unfriendly nation.
However, due to the fact that the federal government has been negligent in effectively regulating the financial sector and instead has been in bed with Wall Street lo these many years, and has also been unconstitutionally calling the shots insofar as even our public utility companies are concerned for those states and citizens whose power is provided by nuclear generators through the Nuclear Regulatory Agency and appropriations and pork bill funding with strings attached, Mr. Obama's stance doesn't quite ring true insofar as where the true national security threats now lie.
Since the American globalists from both political parties are and have been more concerned with pumping up the global economy, at the cost of the United States' own, little has been published regarding the fact that most of those large nuclear generators and reactors in this country no longer are "public" utilities, per se, but have been privatized with shares now traded over the global exchange of those holding companies that now "illegally" own those facilities.
The major faux pas in this scenario is that at this point, with America's economy on an ever downward spiral, the major investors in most of America's largest corporations, and even its infrastructure are becoming more and more foreigners, not Americans.
Or global socialist Americans who loyalties lie with their wallets, and not their sovereign country of birth or fealty.
What's to say that at some point in the not so very distant future, one of those countries at this summit who have been buying up some of those shares of America's industries and infrastructure might not someday own controlling interests then in a great many of our nuclear reactors?
I mean, as owning controlling interests in those reactors, wouldn't then those major shareholders even have access to the plans for those reactors, and would then be able to facilitate World War III within America's own shores using splinter terrorists organizations funded by those countries to so do after having purchased all the outstanding shares, or perhaps in one of those Washington facilitated conglomerate mergers and assumptions of U.S. industries that is becoming rather routine now with the dollar in the toilet, and Washington's propensity to sell off American assets to the highest bidder, be they American or foreign?
Just what was the purpose of this summit is actually what I would like to know, since it is clear that it just might be that this was another meeting and public relations appearance of most of the major players and global socialist Board of Directors of World, Inc., and the world bankers who seem to be trading shares of each country's assets, and just wonder at this point which foreign owned holding company or potential terrorist organization actually owns the Brooklyn Bridge, anyway?
Or perhaps Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, the largest, fifty miles outside Phoenix, Arizona?
Seems to me those tea party members just might be the only ones in this country beginning to get a grip on just how extensive globalism is compromising both this country, and its citizenry, PROGRESSIVELY.
Just what will be next?
Dividing up the Grand Canyon into corporate shares among the world's superpowers equally and the profits from those federal park passes which have escalated in leaps and bounds of actually state and state citizen owned land, in order to guarantee that Palo Verde doesn't eventually "go nuclear" due to some diplomatic misunderstanding, religious ax grinding, revenge over past grievances due to these progressively agressive foreign wars on behalf of foreign nations we keep getting involved in, or broken trade agreement?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Nuclear Summit Misses the Mark
Barack Obama,
federal government,