According to the mainstream media (which is so reliable at this point as a news source, sort of like many of the purported "global" citizen journalism sites funded by government grants at the taxpayer's ultimate expense with their propaganda also), Eric Cantor, that "Republican" from Virginia, is in Chicago bad-mouthing the intent of Obama's weak-kneed aims to somewhat rein in the financial sector under a purported Financial Services Bill.
At this point, it does seem to this American sort of like attempting to close the barn doors after the horses have escaped, where so much federal negligence was involved which contributed to the loss of homes and jobs of the legal Americans, while all actions now of Congress have been to escalate, rather than reduce, the impact their negligence created with Washington's symbionic relationship with the global bankers and financial wheeler dealers on Wall Street.
Or at least those global socialists in the U.S. that believe it is America that is destined to remain and continue as the police force of the world, for Europe, Israel or a host of other nations whenever they receive any "terrorist" threat from an "unfriendly" nation in that country's definition, rather than as the protector of American lives, individual freedoms and domestic focused livelihoods.
Mr. Cantor's concerns, of course, as one of the Global Socialists also on the Hill now in power is that such a bill would tie the hands of those Wall Street financial services global conglomerates, forcing them to then go to China for their funding.
His concerns also are for the claimed "American" investors, rather than the global ones which it is apparent are his foremost concerns in most of his comments, and their then confidence in Wall Street, so again it is the financial sector's whose interests he is most concerned with and its viability under his nebulous concepts of capitalism, rather than Constitutional government.
Since, of course, China is hardly our primary benefactor but instead it is the world bankers who basically run the entire world's economy through their various governmental subsidiaries in all but about six nations of the world - the Fed and the U.S. included since the bogus Federal Reserve Act was "passed" in 1913 by a rogue president and Congress, along with the 16th and 17th amendments which were in essence, as with the recent Health Deform legislation, written and passed without even a quorum of Congress and "behind closed doors."
China is the U.S.'s greatest beneficiary, in fact, in the jobs that have been outsourced to that country also progressively under the Global Socialists and their bankers without any modicum of regulation or taxation for all that foreign bought labor at the American public's ultimate expense in propping up foreign economies once again at the cost of America's and Americans' own.
So it is once again the global investors that are the primary focus of the objections of the other branch of the Global Socialist Party, the Republicans, which is now getting media play.
Mr. Cantor, how about being concerned with the American citizens, you know those citizens now that are jobless and homeless due to Washington's progressively unconstitutional "hands off" attitudes with respect to foreigners and foreign investment in this country, which is undermining the entire fabric of this representative government that those founders created?
Such talk at this point by the Obama Administration does appear to be so much rhetoric, and definitely aimed at attempts to hold off the anticipated losses of those Global Socialst Democratic seats that are now on the line due to the continuing outrage of the American people with both the outsourcing and insourcing which has caused the American people loss of jobs in the literally millions at this point.
How about ripping those charters out from under those banks in the West and Southwest that the FBI is purportedly investigating, but at a snail's pace, of those lenders such as Indy Mac, Bank of America and Countrywide who were selling loans in this country to the American people during that short boom who were forced into refinances due to the escalating costs of ownership that were not even based on the U.S. currency, but on the British one?
How about mandating that any and all executive compensation packages and bonuses must be approved by the uninvolved stockholders and shareholders, especially for those companies whose expenditures for such sums have caused those major global corporations, some not even domiciled in the U.S. such as AIG, to be the recipients once again of the American people's largesse, who are progressively being bankrupted by Washington with such moves?
How about rescinding that former bogus Act of Congress of many years ago which also lead to this that also then attempted to preclude the state governments from actually doing their jobs, and regulating those banks and lenders engaging in intrastate commerce within their own state borders?
How about saving the taxpayer's some money for all those travel expenses that those in Washington also bill the American taxpayers for these road trips, and actually start doing your jobs?
Like maybe cutting the expenses also for the greatest expenditure now, the continuing War on Terrorism, while not seeing the true threat and looking the other way while Wall Street continues to sell shares on the global exchange of America's nuclear reactors and generators, and infrastructure compromising the safety of then the entire population of this country in the process in the guise of capitalism but which is nothing more than treason?
The next job stimulus in my opinion for all those new jobs created in the financial sector once again by the Bush/Obama Administration in the collection and foreclosure industry should mandate that these corporate collection vipers begin making some international calls, and calling in those markers for all that foreign aid which has been given progressively to Israel, France or any number of other nations to set up some repayment schedules for that debt, including the present costs with this continuation of this now clearly "Global War on Terror" for which is it merely Americans by and large risking their lives
I mean just where are those "matching sum" of troops from Israel, Great Britain and Franch in this escalating and ongoing nine year Global War primarily on their behalf at this point?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Mr. Cantor: Financial Services Bill Misses The Regulatory Mark
Eric Canton,
federal government,
Wall Street,