An activist group of Latino "Christian" clergy members has vowed to fight the illegal immigrant law which was signed by Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer yesterday, the mainstream media has reported.
To this writer and former 40+ year Arizona resident, it comes as no surprise.
This has been the status quo for many, many years insofar as state and local laws which the Arizona legislature has passed in order to attempt to fill in the gap where the federal government has failed with respect to illegal immigration, and also, of course, continue to use this explosive situation in order to manipulate for political advantage by both mainstream political parties at election time.
And this new law appears to be just another attempt in order to both quiet the outraged citizenry in this border state, and also for both political parties to use in order to gain some advantage in the upcoming 2010 elections.
An illegal immigrant favoring group which claims to represent over 2,000 Latino clergy by the name of the National Coalition of Latino Christian Clergy (primarily a Catholic organization, from all appearances - couldn't be there is some financial benefit in those increased tithes to the Catholic Church at work here also, could it?) has announced it will be the first special interest group to challenge the new Arizona immigration enforcement law, one which even Barack Obama has criticized and also used for political purposes in order to facilitate his party's ideas of immigration reform - which is no more than another Reagan era amnesty of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants now in the United States due to progressive federal negligence in securing America's southern borders.
An ideology by both political parties due to this progressive negligence especially post 9-11 which boils down to "as long as we now have these 12 million foreigners in this country, why not reinstitute Reaganomics and "capitalize" on this situation for both political parties benefit, and that of the federal coffer, for all those fees, costs and this new taxation we can institute."
In other words, another global corporate socialism move for U.S.A., Inc, the DNC and RNC agendas masked as immigration reform.
I mean, this country is bulging at the seams with foreigners, both visitors and new immigrants, due to also all these progressively agressive foreign wars to boot and refugees then offered assylum, and with all the Canadians who are buying up America's real estate like it was junk jewelry due to the plunging dollar as opposed to their currency.
Just check out New Orleans Garden District and the new purchasers of all those million dollar homes in the French Quarter for a clue, since the rates of insurance now on those properties and new building standards are preventing so many of those original title holders to hold on to those properties, as with those homes which have been foreclosured upon in Arizona with the escalating costs of ownership which have occurred since Reaganomics.
Nowhere does the Constitution come into play in any manner whatsoever, or those founders intent with respect to immigration and naturalization - especially now that the U.S. is, for all intents and purposes, pretty well populated and in the worst recession this country has faced since the Great Depression insofar as the jobs and economies of the true legal Americans.
The claims of fears of "racial profiling" are being used ad nauseum by most of these special interest groups, although when I was growing up in Arizona in the 1960's and 1970's, such profiling was routinely done since it is illegal Mexican nationals who are living in that state who are the targets, many of whose family members living in the U.S. are some of those hiring their relatives to work in some of their small businesses too, or using their kids in order to sell some of those drugs in front of the middle schools.
This is all just so much rhetoric since also during the 1970's, people crossing from California to Arizona were stopped upon entry and questioned by state officials insofar as their travel plans, and whose cars were searched due to the blight which occurred in the citrus industry at that time, and in which these stops were also used in order to question citizens on their legal status in the country upon request for provision of driver's licenses, or green cards.
This group apparently also was behind a claimed boycott which it attempted to organize of the illegal immigrant population with respect to the 2010 U.S. census calling for illegal immigrants to boycott the census until they were recognized as legal Americans.
The fact that illegal immigrants are afforded to participate in the census at all in order to gain a voice in our government contrary to the entire fabric of a representative government as contained within the U.S. Constitution, and intent of those founders, is quite incredible.
A group of U.S. Congressmen, the State of Pennsylvania and another special interest group who attempted to redress this also negligence of the federal government to codify that the U.S. census provisions with respect to representation in the electoral college under our Constitution was clearly meant for "We The Legal Citizens" of the United States in a legal petition to the U.S. Supreme Court was dismissed by the Court apparently for "lack of standing."
According to the mainstream media, apparently the provisions by the U.S. Census Bureau, an agency that has no law making ability under our Constitution whatsoever, provides that anyone in the country regardless of immigration status is to be included in the census.
So the games and hypocricy at the federal and state levels continue, while the actual legal citizens of the border states, and all others indirectly, continue to suffer this massive breach of Constitutional provision which was clearly meant to protect the American people, not foreigners, until naturalization.
What is even more outrageous is that the Mexican government, in a unamious act of their Senate, passed a resolution prior to the signing of the Arizona bill condemning it, when under Mexico's Constitution, foreigners are forbidden from involving themselves in their government in any manner whatsoever, which is a felony under Mexico's Constitution and laws.
And the Mexican style of enforcement and justice with respect to foreigners crossing their borders unlawfully from South America is blatant racial profiling with respect to Americans visiting their country, and South Americans.
Ask any American who has been stopped for a traffic violation in Mexico, where the method of enforcement against Americans is "pay up, or into the hoosegow you go."
And the fine is set by the arresting officer according to what is perceived as an Americans ability to pay. as opposed to fines for their legal citizenry.
So once again, it wil be the legal Americans in Arizona that will suffer the consequences of this bureaucratic mess and continued political gamesplaying by both the mainstream political parties, and "illegal" special interest groups - illegal in more ways than one.
I have a suggestion for the local law enforcement officials who will be charged with enforcing this new law.
In addition to the illegal Mexicans now living in the border states who are crying foul where their former government would never put up with such nonsense from foreigners in their country, start also requesting documentation from also those unincluded illegal immigrants to Arizona from Canada who overstay their visas, yet also continue to attempt to influence legislation in that state and are some of the most vocal on the illegal immigrant situation in the Phoenix and Tucson metro areas.
And get rid of both the illegal Mexicans and Canadians so that the rule of law in Arizona returns to those of protecting the rights of the legal AMERICAN citizens living in the border states.
Wouldn't it just be simpler, and more cost effective and Constitutional, to simply get the U.S. borders secured to keep the auto thieves, and drug runners at bay which are, after all, the primary problem to begin with in compromising those living in the border states progressively so that now this situation has become unbearable and cost the lives and property of so many, many Americans that the washes in Arizona are becoming full of Americans while these nonAmericans claim their rights without any legal status in any manner whatsoever under the true American law to so do to begin with?