There was an article widely reported in the mainstream media and web news reports that Barack Obama has determined the supposedly "harsh" new legislation aimed at illegal immigration in the State of Arizona, "misguided."
Of course, Mr. Obama is from one of the states furthest north away from those southern borders, and other than staying in Arizona during one of his many roadtrips at an internationally owned resort hotel there with his entourage, has spent little, if any, time in the Phoenix or Tucson metropolitan areas.
And, of course, has Secret Service agents who monitor and are charged to protect his every move with shoot to kill orders for any whacked out individual, foreign or otherwise, that compromises the security of the Commander-in-Chief.
Not so an Arizona rancher, or the literally thousands of other Arizona citizens whose lives and property have been negligently compromised by such positions as Mr. Obama's with respect to border security for the border state residents, and abiding by his primary duty to provide for the safety and security of United States citizens whose lives and properties may be compromised by foreigners or nonAmericans, whether visiting or on work visas - or those that don't even bother to apply but hop the border instead.
And then hop back again for another drug run, or brand new automobile courtesy of the Arizona citizens.
I'd say that the one that is clearly misguided, and that is simply just too weak an expression with respect to the true federal negligence that has resulted in escalating the outrage of the Arizona citizens, and divisiveness within that state which makes the quality of life living there on par with living in Iraq, is Mr. Obama.
Also reported in this article were those high ranking and state officials OUSIDE ARIZONA who obviously have used this issue also to up their media visibility, at the Arizona citizens expense once again - such as Bill Richardson, MALDEF (a group of lawyers who make their living bringing lawsuits against Americans on behalf of illegal immigrant "rights" and paid by American taxpayer paid grant monies), and the erstwhile Arizona Attorney General, who should obviously know better and just what his duties and functions actually are with respect to the Arizona citizenry, Terry Goddard.
Amazing how many that live outside Arizona, who have never spent any significant time living there, are on the illegal immigrant bandwagon - yet I wouldn't hesitate to guess would not at all like to make about a 10 year commitment living there, outside any gated community, in order to truly research the impact it has had on that state and those state citizens progressively.
Arizona, after all, is in the top ten now in bankruptcies, and one of the leading states in the foreclosure mess due to the fact that many of that state's citizens in Tucson and Phoenix were placed in the position of having to refinance their homes during that short boom cycle due to the escalating costs of ownership, with the open borders situation and those increases in costs a major factor in why so many were so vulnerable to those risky lenders and their fraudulent loans - many of which weren't even based on the U.S. currency, but the British LIBOR rates.
Mr. Obama, I have a suggestion prior to making any outlandish statements such as your recent one while using the open borders instead to push another one of those Global Socialist/Republican/Democratic agendas such as immigration reform then instead.
How about retiring to Arizona after your term of office, or establishing a summer White House in Arizona, without the Secret Service, and see what impact it has on your family, and your quality of life.
And your mental health and well being, personal security, and wallet.
Now, instead of funding more and more government agencies to study problems, or give any more foreign aid to another country who is in much better economic circumstances than this one, such as Israel - or securing Iraq or Afghanistan's borders - how about building that fence and securing our own?
And then maybe speaking about immigration reform in order to make that process much easier, so that these poor Mexicans aren't gouged by those in your profession, or those increasingly for-profit directed fees and costs, in order to eventually immigrate here?
Since it isn't simply lettuce pickers that have migrated here from the south, after all, but those who have replaced Arizonans and Americans in the construction, tourism, and other vital industries, and replaced many of their former countrymen - the legal Mexican-Americans.
Or maybe consulting with the true "stake-holders" this time, the actual long term Arizona residents who have lived there, say, for more than 30 years since Reagan's amnesty?
Try speaking to some of those living in the Cave Creek wash, or some of the other homeless living there, for example.
Or the many who have now lost their homes and jobs to the outsourcing your political party, and that other mainstream party, continue to promote and facilitate by "passive agressive" pure federal negligence.