An article was published in the AP today regarding the Southwestern border situation, and actions being considered by my former home state in order to appear to be doing something, it seems, once again due to the recent death of an Arizona rancher on his own property several weeks ago purported committed by an illegal crosser.
Of course, it is interesting once again to me as one who is more than familiar with all the rhetoric that it is an election year, and several key seats are up for grabs in Arizona, including the Governorship, a viable challenge to the long held seat of John McCain and several others.
Although the body counts in the border states, and homelessness continues to climb, it took this highly publicized recent death of a Douglas rancher to once again bring this issue to the forefront, although appears the same old, same old is being used in order to quiet the masses who have been victimized in that state repeatedly due to those open borders, both personally or one of their family members, in the drug trafficking and property theft rates which have exploded since the 1960's in that state.
Most of all due to federal negligence to actually do their jobs and get those southern borders secured, especially now nine long years since 9/11 and with the "War on Terrorism" continuing under Obama.
The Democrats and Republicans are playing the shell game, and of course the immigrant favoring groups headed mostly by the civil rights lawyers who are cleaning up on lawsuits involving also the state measures which have been thrown out by the liberal 9th Circuit, which progressively has also lead to a great many Arizonans bankruptcies and loss of jobs, which is escalating by the year.
Arizona is one of the highest bankruptcy states in the nation.
The Catholic Church in the Tucson diocese even got into the act, although I guess what is missed by the Church is the fact that the Pope himself has an actual fortress surrounding his country, a country bordered by Italy, which is, after all, primarily populated by his own Church members.
It was mentioned that Janet Brewer, the current governor, is calling out the National Guard as Janet Napolitano did when she was Governor, before of course hiking her pay grade with her federal position, and is one who has halted funded for the proposed border fencing and security now so that a "cost/benefit" ratio and study can be done.
While more and more of her former constituents die, apparently.
These illegals have also continued to be tried in the state and county courts in Arizona, and there have been ongoing also political backbiting and fights due to the fact that the county judges have been releasing a great many of them back into the public, and not enforcing some of the laws which the legislature has passed addressing this situation.
Although it appears the lawyers for those county and state officials must be omitting informing them of the fact that foreigners under the true "law," the U.S. Constitution, should be tried for whatever reason in the federal courts, not state courts, so these judges are simply doing their jobs, although it would appear also not directing upon those arraignments the Sheriff's office forthwith turn them over to the U.S. Marshall's office, the correct procedure and jurisdiction, for trial if such arrests involve felony or criminal actions.
With misdemeanors, the former procedure when I was growing up there, before the criminal and immigration lawyers lobbied for trials for nonAmericans prior to deportations, was that if found upon a routine stop to be in the country illegally without a sponsor or family member or U.S. citizen to vouch for them, or overstaying their visas, they were turned over to the Marshall's office, and inexpensively bused back to the border after arranging for their rides upon dropoff, each and every Saturday.
Which cost a whole lot less than affording state and country trials or deportation hearings, and was a punishment that actually fit the crime. Soon those illegal crossers tired of being returned, or embarassed to have to call for their rides the same people repeatedly.
Why San Diego and El Paso were afforded security for their citizens, and Arizonans are not, I will never know.
But the solution is there, although due to the housing boom and also the huge growth Arizona has had in the last three decades, it would seem to me that if it is a "cash strapped" state as presented by the politicians and media, it is only due to the fact that the politicians and the corporate special interests are continuing to indulge in their insatiable needs for revenue for extra-Constitutional functions and the limit to their greed and expenditures for discretionary palm greasing knows no bounds.
Since all the State of Arizona has to do in order to get those National Guard troops, or better still, get that border fencing done under the Secure Fence Act while Congress is appropriating sums in foreign aid to countries in better financial position now than this one is, and securing Iraq's borders while leaving our own unsecured, is to sue the federal government in federal court under the Constitution for breach of contract.
Instead of making it a campaign issue, and continuing the political grandstanding on the part of both of those negligent mainstream political parties and politicians - both past and present.