Sunday, July 12, 2009

Obama: New Bob Barker for Global Price Is Right?

Due to abridgements of our Constitution regarding taxation and lending since the Wilson era, the government under Obama is actually now facilitating debt and promoting it.

Case in point: On almost every website lately there are banner headlines and "screams" of "Obama states moms should go back to school, let us help you!" Sucker ads along the lines of his recent pleas with respect to the current depression (we are now at over 16% unemployment) that we are all in this together, and need to make sacrifices in order to pull ourselves out of this governmentally created flatline.

Which scenario was also repeated at the recent axing of many long term employees of GM in also the reductions of some of their pensions in addition to their jobs, while the Mexican and Chinese plants are humming right along.

Meanwhile, of course, ordering pizza deliveries for invited guests from St. Louis, and gasing up Air Force I for a date with the Ms. in New York. Not to mention an inaugural that would have put Julius Caesar to shame, and set this nation back a pretty penny.

We are a debt-based society since Wilson, when our banking system was illegally and unlawfully hijacked and privatized under the Federal Reserve.

It is apparent that a good portion of this nation is actually clueless in the hows and whys of where we are. The Fed, after all, manipulated the first depression, and it is manipulating this one. And dictating policy, that is clear, with respect to the the war in the Middle East. They ARE, after all, European bankers for the most part that are the head honchos and owners of this public/private bank. And really have no country loyalty, after all.

And the most hypocritical thing is, unless you have a "credit" record or at least credit-worthy under the undisclosed methods which are used for compiling credit reports (your financial fingerprints), you can't get credit.

So the system is set up to encourage debt and credit. For the bankers profit, of course. Although those $1.00 notes cost less than .06 cents to print, and with online banking, actually nothing. So every note circulating is actually profit, at an enormous rate that exceeds the loan shark terms which the depression era mobsters used to charge. And the more in circulation, the more profit.

After the "bailout," it is clear Obama works for the bankers, just as Bush did and every single member of each Administration since Wilson.

Which is why apparently he is on his world tours and road trips. To promote their agendas. With carbon footprints now the size of Big Foot.

That bank bailout was nothing more than a fraud. The banks have been making money hand over fist with their usurous loans, and assundry fees and charges.

It used to be you got free glasses or a toaster when you opened a checking account. Now you get a bill and a $2.00 charge if you use an ATM anywhere but at one of their "chain" banking institutions, although they are all tied together through "ownership" by the Fed.

And while he's on the road trips hawking his spending liturgy and religion, those mortgage loans haven't changed, but the terms of those loans have since the 1970's and 1980's. Now there are few "fixed" rate loans unless your credit is platinum, and are precluded for first time new home buyers. Assumable loans, VA and FHA guaranteed loans have also gone the way of the horse and buggy.

That is clearly why all Obama's actions were directed toward refinancing or first time home buyers. Not the literally thousands that have lost theirs during this tsunami. In order to "hook" another generation for the bankers to fleece during the next economic downturn, if we ever pull out of this one without bankrupting the biblical seven generations down the road.

In fact, yesterday I saw a Bank of America commercial (which is now owned by Merrill Lynch) where they are now hawking their great mortgage loans from those sums received in the bailout at the American public's expense nationwide. Essentially it boiled down to: Come on in America, we want to loan your money back to you, and at an adjustable and usurous rate and with non-judicial or seizure and foreclosure terms just like those old loans (which terms now go so far as to dictate maintainance, upkeep, and insurance riders for most of these properties that would make Martha Stewart blush)! Oh, and by the way we need you to sign on the dotted line within 24 hours in order to "lock in" that sliding and adjustable rate (based on the European market and not even U.S. prime)!

So much for truth in advertising.
