Friday, August 14, 2009

Obama's Foreclosure Rescue Plan Merely Sophisticated Global Pyramid Scheme?

In light of all the news recently carried in the mainstream media reports of all the homeowners that are now being stalled, waylaid and denied sums under Obama's much ballyhooed "foreclosure rescue" and with all the monies thrown at these banking institutions and "new jobs" for those greedy realtors and ex-mortgage banking officials now restructuring or counseling some of those victims, it appears to be time to take a step back and probe a little deeper into the hows and whys of this situation.

Is there another agenda here that is the true goal in these continuing outrageously escalating actions coming off the Hill?

While many of these homeowners are awaiting word and the processing of their applications, the banks are continuing to collect those outrageous sums that were in some of those loans marketed which were at sub-prime and interest only flex rates and that are the subject of the bulk of the type of offered in the last ten years primarily, and under terms most of those homes have been or are in foreclosure.

Tacked onto most of those loans were significant late fees for late payment, processing fees, reappraisals, junk fees which are once again now being collected against those homeowners in these restructurings while they are "pending.".

Of course,literally hundreds of thousands have and had already lost theirs when this downturn and tsunami began back in 2006 for real.

Another 300,000 in July according to RealtyTrac also saw their homes go on the auction block, and Bank of America, based out of California (one of those who received a massive amount of those bailout sums) reported it has only renegotiated 4% of its existing loans that were "at risk."

The head of Countrywide Loans, also based out of California and "assumed" by Bank of America under the terms of bailout (with Bank of America then being "assumed" by Merrill Lynch, a Wall Street investment house), was placed in charge of renegotiating those loans, and would assume that he is the official reporting on the Bank of America stats.

Interestingly though, Merrill Lynch's name has been kept for the most part out of this process.

Most of those subprime offerings were rebundled and resold over the stock exchange, many to foreign investors. Washington, of course, afforded Wall Street to "globalize" the U.S. economy with that of other nations progressively, so much so that now when an earthquake strikes in the Far East, the economic impact is felt now in Middle America.

Compromising in so doing the U.S. economy and American citizens economies also progressively in the process.

All of these "economic forecasts" with respect to the economy that the Fed releases, and those economists on Wall Street on the mainstream media networks that have been reporting recently that economic indicators are looking more "hopeful" are evaluating those economic indicators with respect to the global economy and not the U.S. economy at all.

So when they predict that this economy will "rebound," they are speaking of the world's economy - not the United States or average Americans.

In fact, it is the average Americans now in the loss of their homes and jobs that are being asked to sacrifice now in the name of "global socialism" of this economy for the Wall Street bankers most of all and global stock exchange, not simply Wall Street and the NYSE.

And, of course, also by our own Federal Reserve which is owned by several prominent European banking houses since these debts are being added and "billed" to the U.S. and America in order to "stablize" the global economy. Americans now eating the debt for foreign investment bankers across the globe.

At this point a fundamental question thus must be asked: Could this be simply a rather sophisticated Federal Reserve/Washington pyramid scheme along the lines of Bernie Madoff?

These renegotiated loans and loan terms which even are being executed from all reports are similar to the old ones. Not fixed, low interest loans. But flex adjustable or "interest only" ones, along the same lines as the old ones. Some still are being based on the European markets LIBR rates and not that much ballyhooed "zero interest" Federal Reserve "prime" rate at all you keep hearing about in order to pump up the Fed's image with Americans.

It is also clear another fundamental question needs to be asked in light of all these reports now on the "stalls" after pouring literally billions into those Fed branch banks in order to assist American homeowners "at risk."

Are those banks really actively attempting to save these American homeowners from losing those properties, or merely acting as "agents" for Wall Street and Washington in renegotiating or "buying down" some of the foreign investors who bought some of those securities, while continuing to collect those outrageous sums and fees from American homeowners while, for all intents and purposes, those banks ultimate aims are to simply score a piece of real estate for the bank then future profit and gains in the turnover or flipping of them?

And in satisfying some of those foreign investors who invested in these rebundled "risky" investments in the first place, are these banks under that bailout bill which was sped through Congress so quickly last September offering "shares" of these American banking interests in satisfaction for their investment, thus the aim truly is further amalgamating our economy with that of the world in shares of now even U.S. banks owned by foreign interests with Washington's complicit and express consent outside Constitutional authority and thus treason of it?

It is clear that the founders in fighting a war to break free from foreign dominion and control in that War of '76 established a "union" of soveign states and our economy was never intended to be merged with the global one to begin with in any manner whatsoever as a sovereign nation established for just such purpose -sovereignty over foreign dominion and control

In effect it appears clearly that Washington is using those banks which they continue to claim are "private" banks although publicly owned and branches of our governmentally created Federal Reserve in order to secure America's position in Earth, Inc. and also in what appears to be the ultimate aim of a totally merged global economy and in effect then world government in the process?

What is also interesting now to take note of also due to news coming off the Hill is where 77% of those foreclosure actions are located, and which banks were involved in marketing in those states. The top five states on the list just so happen to also be border or Sunbelt states whose primary industries are tourism, both domestic and global.

All have also had significant increases in local taxes and insurance rates which have skyrocketed due to the massive costs of the illegal immigrants who also live within those states and for which those states citizens have been subsidizing since the last Reagan amnesty in the 1980's.

Due to the focus on tourism as a state industry, that industry is one of the primary employers of those illegal immigrants for those resorts, restaurants, casinos and developers who prefer hiring this cheap labor in order to skirt around the added costs that are involved in hiring Americans due to withholding taxes which are mandated to be withheld for Social Security, unemploment compensation and the like.
And a host of other regulatory provisions on the workplace and license standards that are required for those in the construction industry, another major industry which hires and prefers this cheaper labor.

Is it the intention of Washington to then, after force feeding another illegal immigrant amnesty as appears is now also another of Obama's plans even after the American people had spoken loud and clear in 2006 under the Bush Administration with respect to this issue, in manipulating this crisis and forcing prices of homes in those states down now for over three years the purpose to then have available a great deal of housing in order to resell by those banks or "flip" at such time and after those banks raped lawful Americans during this "foreclosure rescue scam" for those over 12 million illegal immigrants?

Foisting then off those foreclosured upon properties and subsidized with also taxpayer monies involved (including the tax monies of those foreclosed upon owners) in those still ursurous loans that will then be sold to many non-English speaking newcomers with the legalese and fine print involved that many Ameicans were duped into signing by those banks and realtors for their profits most of all, in order to then set up these "new" Americans for the next wave manipulated by the Fed and Wall Street?

Many of those loan terms are being extended to 40 YEARS for those mostly poorly constructed stucco and chicken wire homes so that in another 10-15 years this cycle will be repeated, as this cycle is no mimmicking that of the 70's recession (although far worse) in their market and currency manipulations for the "global" marketplace playing roulette with people lives and homes in the process for their own amusement and gain?

Bankers make profit when homes turn over, not when citizens actually pay them off. And the greater the turnover rate, the greater the profit.

The Bosnian refugees were given automobiles by the Clinton administration for those mostly scientists who were the bulk of those immigrants taken in at that tiime. Many American children can report on the brand new cars their fellow Bosnian students were driving courtesy of the American taxpayers and Uncle Sam.

It was also reported that over 20,000 deemed "vulnerable" Iraqis have also been taken in during this war. Many of them middle class. And due to the border "drug war" (in name only since our southern borders still remain unsecured eight years after 9/11), many middle class Mexicans have bought a great many of the houses in the San Diego area recently that were part of the original wave three years ago.

Nevada (a high tourism and casino state, and thus a high illegal immigrant employment state) had the highest foreclosures last month and topped the list.

Is this how truly low those in Washington have sunk in order to desecrate the very government the founders fought and died for merely 200 years ago, while waving the flag and claiming how much they "love" America?

Which America are they speaking of - the America of Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Adams?

Or this new one under a world government more similar to that of Hitler, Stalin and Lenin?

With the people merely the worker bees for the "greater good" of world socialism, and their homes and properties theirs for the taking?