Sunday, August 2, 2009

Liberal Lunacy: Fire Proof Cigarette Legislation Sweeps Nation

For Any And All Conserve-ative Constitutionalists:

It appears that another Big Daddy move has now swept the nation in conjunction with some of those liberal government funded PACs and organizations that have nothing better to do with their time apparently than not only parent their own children, but the rest of the nation.

Along, of course, with the Big Business industries that also benefit from such legislation, and their political ties that bind due to the amount also of lawyers in this country without real jobs except to hang around the Halls of Congress for their corporate welfare on the backs of the United States taxpayers.

Case in point: The new laws that are spreading now throughout the country mandating now the sale of "fire safe" cigarettes.

Now, this sounds all well and good like much legislation that starts with good intentions. The only problems are that they seldom get the results for which they were originally intended and also tend to violate the civil rights of others who have not at all asked for their parenting tips and are adults themselves.

Of course, the arguments are now being used regarding how many lives will be saved with these new cigarettes in prevention of fire due to cigarette use by the citizenry. These cigarettes apparently have been made with "bands" of fireproof paper in incremental millimeters which will snuff the flame out after about 30 seconds of non-use.

In fact, rather encouraging chain smoking and more secondhand cigarette smoke in the process, but that little detail has been left out in much of the advocates positions, and their lackeys on the state legislures who have promoted this legislation. In practice, it actually increases the amount of primary and secondary smoke which results from citizens who are smokers.

Exhaled smoke although actually has less carcinogens in it for the nonusers exposed, not so when the cigarettes have to be re-lit time and time again from the smoke which results due to the lighting itself. And I guess Bic must also have been on the bandwagon for this one, since the sale of lighters will go off the charts due to this legislation.

And doesn't appear that there has been any studies done (since they just hit the market within the past few years) of just what the added chemicals now contained within the paper itself will do to the lung cancer or other respiratory related diseases in the long term. But that "scientifically based" governmentally funded program I'm sure is now in the works at taxpayers expense I'm sure the results of which will be disclosed in about 30 years after it is removed from the locked safe and drawers it is now contained so that the chemical companies can increase their profit margins on this generation of smokers.

The price for cigarettes, of course, due to this extraordinary paper which is now part of the production has also skyrocketed due also to increased federal and state taxes in order to fund health care programs for children.

Children who are now being made homeless and increasingly needing such services due to the bankruptcy of their parents that Congress continues to facilitate at a rather rapid clip in all these corporate welfare scams under both the Bush, and now accelerated under the Obama Administrations in particular.

Especially for the financial and insurance industries most of all, which actually have merged and become one. Most banks and financial institutions holding companies also provide insurance and vice versa.

Many of them "global" or "national."

The fact that insurance companies began as nothing more than publicly funded shared risk pools and not for-profit corporate conglomerates has been all but lost in the process. Nor the fact that it appears in reducing their perceived risks and also costs, why is it that the more insurance and financial sector friendly legislation that is passed, the less and less it trickles down to the American citizens funding their actual industries and those risk pools?

Or, such as with the mandatory insurance laws for automobile owners which were initially meant to lessen and relieve the burdens on taxpayers for the small claims and civil courts, the costs for the use of our courts in filing fees and added cost also now precludes the average citizen their use of this publicly and Constitutionally provided legal remedy in such matters since most end up facing a team of corporate insurance lawyers even at those small claims levels if a subrogation lawyer for the insurer feels it is in the "corporate" best interest to fight paying off on those claims?

The support for both industries and their corporate welfare at the cost of Americans and their own livelihoods spreads on both sides of the aisle in this Republicrat nightmare called government.

Not to mention that insurance costs rarely go down with such measures as these, their profit margins simply increase as does their executive compensation levels, and political palm greasing for more legislation in order to both market their products, and reduce their risk and losses like this one. All based, as this one is clearly was, on not long term or scientific data in the slightest, but short term gains at the cost of public at large.

We are targeting cigarette smokers more and more and using backdoor methods in the attack as another example of the socialism that is and has been running rampant in this country for the last century. Its a bad and unhealthy habit, that much is clear, but so is excess in any and all areas, even the healthy ones such as exercise, and hygiene.

Look how many Hollywood celebrities are the result now of plastic surgeries gone wrong. And how truly robotic they now look. Stepford homes and Stepford faces. That's socialism for you.

In light of the basis and "science based" treatment plans that are behind the L. Ron Hubbard/Orwellian Universal Health Care Plan now being legislated as we speaks (which is supported by many principals in the zero population growth movement of the 1960's and 1970's of the liberal wing), since humans are not their "protected" group, but rather the whales, polar bears and seals in the Arctic, and starving children in Africa not those in the good old U.S.A., or "rights" of Americans over those of foreigners, that is really the plan anyway.

Who needs the genetic rejects that have addiction problems, if it isn't for animal rights causes, global warming scams, or Swiss and German chocolate anyway? Maybe this is another "stimulus" actually for the science based health care sector and medical community in disguise once again passed off as "protecting" the life of those smokers.

Many smokers also tend to imbibe in a glass or two of wine occasionally, so maybe this is the cure for both those social ills, to their way of thinking.

Perhaps those states that have now mandated such laws, can now slice the budget for the fire departments and those taxpayer's cost for their salaries and benefits by half? In fact, this legislation is actually sponsored by many fire and emergency personnel associations throughout the land. Of course, these individuals salaries are paid by the taxpayers, and complain rather regularly and petition for increases in their salaries, although with their benefit packages would put most in major metropolitan cities at above-average income levels.

And apparently have enough extra income in order to form their own lobbying organizations (of course, with added grant monies also funded by the taxpayers for these "educational" efforts) in order to basically promote more likely cutting their work schedules to give them more time at the gym or local high school tennis courts during their non-emergency time in order to stay in shape (as occurs at least in the major metro area in which I lived for many years). The "volunteer" fire departments are gone, and now have so much time and added income they are associating at the public's expense to lobby then against the public for more R&R, but more likely the scenario is are simply the "respectible" agents and front men for the chemical companies truly behind this legislation.

It's clearly a way for the chemical companies making this chemically treated paper to have a respectable front for also their lobbying efforts for their income streams.

Dow and DuPont, after all, need to find and provide work for all those scientists they employ, and then gain the patent rights for their discoveries through those taxpayer paid grant monies for research and development (including those taxes paid by the scientists themselves). I wonder when the downside of this "new and improved" paper and its health risks are going to be revealed from those "trade secret" locked drawers? I guess when the profits are high enough that some scientist or corporate lawyer employee then leaks them to the media, the class action is filed on behalf of the victims, and the scientist then gets his bonus for his discovery testifying at the trial for a few hundred an hour as an "expert" witness, while the victims then get the crumbs in the class action settlement.

After all, anything "science based" is the new focus of Big Daddy, since "science" is the key to detroying the morals, common law and values upon which our original form of government was built. Godly and moral values, not "science based" technology, since fundamentally with the exception of the few "laws" of science which have definitely been proven (Newton and Einstein's work primarily), much of science is "theory" based, which is no more proveable than faith based reasoning. Except that faith based reasoning actually has a 6,000 year old history and much of which science is now "proving" or proved in the past (such as the Earth being round, instead of flat) was actually pre-ordained before its scientific "discovery" and written in scriptural text, and more and more acheological studies are bearing biblical history out even to this day.

At this point, state government actually is also headed for the extinction of the dinosaur now that Big Daddy is dictating even the local laws such as the DUI patrols and their training, and now the "Click It or Ticket" fear campaigns and its funding (seen at your local movie theatre and TV, and paid for by the taxpayer funded Ad Council no less), using up then local resources in order to address "petty" crimes as federally mandated priorities at this point, and now with the terrorism task forces and National Fusion Centers, to suspect anyone and everyone of terrorism due to federally trained agents now "political" profiling, while then turning around attacking free speech and "crimes of perceived intent" not simply as a motive but as a crime in and of itself, with respect to "racial" or other alleged discriminatory practices of the citizenry with the recent "Hate Crimes" legislation.

Isn't that what a jury is for and to determine, the "motivation" for any and all capital crimes as part of the criminal proceeding?

I mean, just what purpose does our state legislature actually serve anymore than actually as JV for Washington and Congress, after all?

Certainly not representatives nor the barrier against federal abuse they were intended to be. And with commercial buildings, hotels and such the major expense in rebuilding costs and loss of life or injury in such events, and with building codes, sprinklers and fire alarm standards well in excess of prior generations for these commercial properties mandated in most states throughout the nation after those Las Vegas hotel fires years ago, just how many fire related deaths throughout the nation have there been anyway? I mean is this, on balance, with all these increased measures and emergency personnel now with GPS tracking devices in such events as reported fires - actually more frequent than it was in prior generations? I doubt it.

Probably less than those lives and property losses in the border states due to our open borders, and the homeless and joblessness and drain on the public purse that situation has created, and the outsourcing and insourcing and lack of regulation of these global and national concerns in the financial sector preying on the public with governmental consent, assistance and support.

So light up, America. Again. And Again. And Again.

And use up more of that protective oxygen those trees are giving out in order to protect our planet from its eventual demise due to those carbons that have also been increased due to these "new and improved" cigarettes. After all, what is the statistical data on the chances we will all reach immortality if we can just get rid of all these public safety "threats" through Big Daddy government one puff at a time.

I wonder how many still can afford cigarettes now at all, much less the new and improved fire safety ones.

So is RJ Reynolds yet lobbying for their corporate welfare? Or Bud? Since it would appear at this rate it shouldn't be too much longer since few now are lining up for those "Cash for Clunkers" coupons that are also being used as a financial scam to stimuluate those "bailed out banks" and feed USA, Inc. now that it is part owner of General Motors, after all, along with those banks who issue our currency and are making unbelieveable profits off the public with their assundry fees and charges, and "flex" loans, and Obama's main misson seems to be to get Americans back in debt and in servitude then to USA, Inc., and it member banks and insurance industries, and back into the shop til your drop addiction, rather than the nicotine variety, a more "politically correct" addiction and job stimulus for the financial sector and Wall Street from the liberal (Republicrat) point of view.

Our politicians are not only profiting from these bills and legislation and Wall Street manipulations, they are actually blatantly now directing them and nothing more than insider traders no matter which particular Wall Street sector or industry they personally are vested.