Monday, October 5, 2009

Obama Paints Rosy Picture For AMA Profiteers Of Share Of Health Care Pie

The AP press corp for the White House reported today that Mr. Obama had a meeting in the Rose Garden with 1,000 representatives of the AMA (all wearing their standard issue lab coats) in order to sell the newer versions of ObamaCare once again to the American public.

Although directing his comments to the doctors who were attending, by playing up to their own egos in stating that those present were the ones that "knew the system" the best, and as such, experts on the problems. All wearing their lab coats for this highly produced and staged event.

Rather than the American public that are dependent on that industry and many of whom the victims of these industries, including many of those members of the AMA and their outrageous fees, costs, and overbillings that also have resulted in this progressive "problem."

A profession that also refuses to support legislation at either the state or federal level requiring at least disclosure of fees or costs prior to treatment, or at least ballpark estimates, even on elective procedures in many instances, or various procedures in which more than one course of treatment is available.

The doctors, of course, brought up abusive malpractice suits as their major complaint. But that also has been the fault of the legal profession, Mr. Obama's own, who use "deep pocket" logic and whose advertising now and ambulance chasing has become so routine on prime time television that the practice of law and medicine now have almost a symbiotic and similar reputation with the public. Not to be trusted, by and large, along with those insurers that they both also use as their income streams at the public's expense.

The new plan being now touted as "moderate" and has the backing of one of the doctor members of Congress on the Republican Global Socialist side of the aisle has made one concession, and even the illustrious profiteer of profiteers at the public's expense, New York Mayor Bloomberg put in his two cents in support. Although the only moderation appears to be is in the concession to reduce the mandatory fine amounts to Americans for lack of compliance with Washington's edicts for the health care industry at ther expense once again, but also the amount of Americans that would be covered under any such plan.

Which fines, of course, are then also always subject to modification at any time in the future, or whim of the next senator seeking re-election for future campaign donations from the health care insurance industries. Until they are on par similar to the threats for littering in the "cruel and unusual" then punishment that will be inflicted for an American simply asserting their Constitutional rights which Washington continues to ignore for their own "corporate" gain.

Since there is also still no regulatory control over those insurers, nor any teeth in the provisions with respect to health care providers in their denials of coverage, or practices in then raising rates exceeding the cost of living routinely without explanation, or hiking rates astronomically after any claim is made.

And while the number of Americans then anticipated will be able to then obtain coverage under these new provisions is less than prior measures, those receiving existing Medicare benefits will see those benefits then reduced in the process.

Which also did not make those doctor's happy, since the rest of the public has been actually subsidizing Medicare patients through higher costs and charges.

Which is what the doctors never also state. That those lower benefit patients care costs are subsidized in order to meet their corporate Boards of Directors bottom lines since health care was 'corporatized" under Richard Nixon in the HMO, health care network concept which has affected quality of care tremendously and made hospital visits and health care nothing more now than another assembly line similar to GM, with complex procedures scheduled one right after another.

Which is why those doctors are now facing more of those "abusive" medical malpractice claims. Fast food medicine will tend to lead also to more mistakes, as fatigue sets in on some of those new and older doctors after back to back surgeries. Or drive through mastectomies, which are also becoming more common.

This situation and "deform" is getting more and more laughable as it "progresses."

What's more clear than "unconstitutional," Mr. Obama, and not a federal function in the slightest.

Most of the states have this covered due in various amounts and measures at the discretion of the state citizens, and a little more thus accountable to them than Washington will ever be, that much is more than clear at the elitism running rampant on the Hill with respect to the actual citizens, and not the commercial industries those "misrepresentatives" actually represent. You know, the ones that are supposed to be "regulated" not "catered to" at the expense of the public.

Or did you, due to fatigue yourself, miss Constitution 101 class at Havard?