Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It Isn't A Race, It's A Foreign Nationality

With all the continuing propaganda and the liberal population using the "race card" inappropriately, the education in this country at the present time (which is primarily dictated now by the U.S. Department of Education in most local communities due to federal grant monies received by all those school districts) is at an all time low.

And it obviously has nothing to do with the amount of dollars expended, but the curriculum dictated by most the liberal educators within that Department of Education.

It is also a great many of those educators, and lawyers in this country affiliated with those foreigner civil rights groups that continue to use the words "racist" to attempt to marginalize the Americans in this country who are outraged at our porous border situation, and the negative impact it has had on more and more by the year in losses of American lives, property and livelihoods.

When the entire issue is one of national origin, and not race in any manner whatseover.

At least in my better education than what is found today, I was taught that there are really only four "races" in the entire world.

Caucasian (White), Mongoloid (Asian), Negroid (Black) and Indian (Native Americans).

Latino is merely a hybrid broad based term for those from South America whose ancestors were of Indian and European descent. Exploring Spaniards and Indians intermarried.

And basically are Caucasians, and certainly not a minority in this world or due to America's open borders and the migration north of so many of Mexico's poorer citizens (with the Mexican government's blessings, of course) becoming rather a majority minority in this country by the year.

Of course, also due to religious beliefs as primarily Catholics whose Church's teachings on birth control are rather well known and thus tend to have more children than most other segments of at least the U.S. population.

But while all those poor European immigrants migrated to this country at the turn of the century went through the process, a great many of these immigrants did not - even though for the past twenty years even the immigration applications in this country have been printed in Spanish - where those of the European immigrants who did not speak English simply had to muddle through the process with even the language barrier to deal with.

The costs to the American people to now print ballots, social service applications, and even telephone prompts are in the billions, not to mention the costs of now our court system where some states and jurisdictions have gone to providing Spanish speaking judges and segregated courtrooms for these individuals.

The founders would be rolling over, since although the majority of those founders were English speaking Europeans, there were many French and other nationalities present in large numbers when that Constitution was ratified.

And it was written in English.

By that very act, the founders did establish that English was the official language in this country, not French, Celtic, or German.

Some were landholders, some were not.

The Constitution isn't even written in the King's English in many of its provisions, and is the oldest federal charter in existence and predates even Britain's and is quite different from theirs, although they have yet to grasp the difference in the hierachy in this country, as opposed to theirs.

The people are not accountable to the government, nor is our President given much true power in any manner whatsoever except in times of declared war, and a supposed check on the legislative process with the only power in that respect the power of his veto. No power to create "Executive Orders" in any way, shape or form. Or panels. Or tribunals. Or regulatory agencies independent of Congress's oversight since all power was given to the people through their respective district representatives - which were clearly meant to be representative of the people living within their districts.

Not global or national corporate entities, or "special interest" lobbying groups.

I do hope with all the taxpayer paid civil rights organizations that are now challenging the very fabric of the Constitution over this issue, are submitting their bills for their legal fees to their true home countries, Britain and Mexico primarily it appears, for these frivolous challenges to the will of the American people for whom that Constitution was ultimately written in order to protect from just such challenges as are now occuring over our porous and unsecured borders and laisse faire immigration policies that have progressively occurred particularly since the 1980's, which ultimately resulted in an attack on this country unparalleled in the loss of American lives on native shores since World War II.

With now several tens of thousands more adversely impacted in the nine years since.