Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Obamanation: BP Gets A Lecture, Americans Get The Shaft

Yesterday Barack Obama took to the air waves after almost six weeks in order to address the American people regarding the Deepwater Horizon explosion and incident which occurred off Louisiana's Gulf Coast, costing eleven American men their lives.

The "address" simply consisted of a verbal lecture and tongue lashing of British Petroleum, and announcement of an "escrow" account Mr. Obama has ordered be established in order to compensate any and all whose businesses were affected, of course rather than that global foreign based corporation having to face the American people and jurors of this disaster and having them make the decision, since the ramifications of this disaster will eventually impact ALL Americans in one way or another.

Seems that little escrow account is nothing more than a "get out of jail" free card for that British held corporation, and their executives. Wonder how this Constitutional lawyer can circumvent the Constitution and deny due process rights to some of those victims under a purported "escrow account," and wonder how much those victims will receive after the lawyers are done with the paperwork?

It appears PM Cameron is already "warning" BP about excessive claims. I wonder how many excessive barrels of oil have been transferred to those tankers in the Port of New Orleans, and have sailed off to Britain under cover of night in the six weeks now since this "cleanup" began? Several thousand barrels, maybe?

Since there hasn't been any solution to this problem and this spill is increasing (need more of those freebie barrels, apparently, for the British bankers, government and people's profit at the U.S.'s expense once again, just how do they plan to settle these claims, anyway? Just what is the timeline in how long this escrow fund is going to be in existence - simply until it is wiped out and the outrage and media attention dies down ala Katrina?

That 20 billion will be chump change after all those excess barrels are refined and redistributed throughout the world (and back to the U.S. at pure profit).

I mean, this is one of THE LARGEST global corporations in the world, counting all its various subsidiaries and formerly a "property" of the British royal family and government.

No mention was made of criminal manslaughter or negligence charges being filed against those executives, or any of the half dozen at least agencies who were asleep at the drill bit it seems.

No mention was made of rescinding this foreign based corporation's offshore leases and drilling rights to America's oil reserves, even after this was the second explosion and loss of American lives that can be directly attributed to BP - this one, and one in Texas several years ago.

No mention was made of even requiring that three times (treble) the amount of oil barrels under that lease which British Petroleum had been so illegally yet graciously granted by Congress and a former Administration be redirected to U.S. distributors rather than their British petrol gluttons, since it is clear that the U.S. Coast Guard and other agencies already have expended U.S. taxpayer dollars in assisting this global corporation with containment efforts.

I mean, that is the law for tort actions and damages, which at least in this area Britain and the U.S. common law agree, punitive damages are set at treble (three times) the damages.

And the Gulf coastline has been significantly damaged, at least for the next decade or two, even if that well was capped off tomorrow.

I'm sure there were also fines and penalties written into those leases, but I'm sure the penalties were a mere drop in the bucket compared to all the profit BP will now be making, and quite obviously gaining even more of America's precious oil reserves than was originally written into those leases, I'll bet.

I mean, no one is overseeing these containment efforts from the U.S. at this point, so whose to say that Britain isn't shucking off some of these barrels on their tankers in the Port of New Orleans in excess of their stated lease "nonrights" for a little extra profit?

But just how do you compensate eleven American men's families who were the ultimate victims of this disaster, at the hands of foreigners once again?

It appeared also that Mr. Obama attempted to use this disaster for his own "special interest" and that of primarily his political party - the Tories, whose members cross both mainstream American political parties.

After all, Mr. Obama AND John McCain received campaign contributions from British Petroleum, a British domiciled corporation according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Along with Mary Landrieu in addition.

I mean, just where in the Constitution does it afford our Senators or Congressmen to be sponsored by foreigners and foreign interests? Are they not supposed to be representing Americans, and not those foreigners - especially the Brits.

Just what was that Revolutionary War, or War of Independence actually about?

It doesn't appear a single one of those that are currently serving time in Congress has an inkling.

Is our educational system really that bad, or that corrupted?

Mr. Obama recently announced that there would be a new nuclear generator and reactor built in the State of Georgia, as part of his energy reform measures.

Let's just hope that BP or one of its subsidiaries doesn't get the lease rights to that reactor or that as so many others have been throughout the country, privatized after its construction and then placed under foreign ownership through that global exchange that those in Washington seem so hell bent on pumping up at the cost of both the livelihoods, and in greater and greater number, lives of the American people. Of course, with the Nuclear Regulatory Agency there then to simply pump up the stockholder dividends with those "emergency rate increases" and fines it inflicts as what has occurred with Palo Verde in Arizona - making nuclear energy more expensive, not less so, than the olden days of natural gas and those now marginalized other sources due to this massive global warming scam and "climate change."

A conundrum of terms in and of itself. The National Weather Service couldn't even predict the path of Gustav accurately before it hit landfall, but somehow these scientists can predict weather changes literally thousands of years from now?

What did P.T. Barnum say, and what was that expression that stated that the only thing that was "free" in this country any more was the air we breathe. But those global socialists have even found a way to propagandize and tax that for their corporate gain.

Oh, and Mr. Obama is meeting today for the first time with British Petroleum executives for a personal lecture, rather than a televised one.

Or simply another strategy meeting to further the U.S. branch of the Tory Party and its global British government cause.

Did I mention that all the homes that are being lost by the citizens of New Orleans post-Katrina due to increases particularly in insurance, are being bought up by the British - many of whom BP executives from Britain - and some for a song during this U.S. recession?

Mineral rights to the American oil reserves and Gulf oil, and prime real estate in a major U.S. port.

I wonder when the new Louisiana flag will be revealed?

The one with the Union Jack, instead of the pelican.